Activity Report: Area & Country >> Others

One of the panelists of this session is from the IRP Secretariat who shared lessons on community-led recovery as gleaned from the global case studies. The IRP/ADRC presentation affirmed that community-led recovery is a complex process. It entails mobilizing the community to manage programs that are often met with resistance from residents or faced with issues like land tenure, housing designs, and socio-political dynamics of actors involved. The good news is, there are practices, tools, and methodologies that help addressed these issues. Initiatives like 'Setu' in Gujarat, India and 'Machitsukuri' in Kobe, Japan are just a fraction of solution options for the community. The presentation stressed that there is no standard recipe for community-led recovery. So, it is essential for the community to prepare to recover (e.g., pre-agreements, pre-disaster mitigation, and pre-disaster recovery planning) with respect to culture and context.
IRP co-chairs, Joe Leitmann of GFDRR and Setsuko Saya of the Cabinet Office Japan, led this session. Serving as moderator, Mr. Leitmann emphasized that culture can be a powerful building block for social inclusion, risk mitigation, and recovery preparedness. In support of this, Ms. Saya showed how culture played an important role in recovery from the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes, where the reconstruction of the Kumamoto Castle serves as symbol. As a cultural heritage, people have strong connection and ownership to the castle that everyone wants to contribute in the recovery process. This session also introduced the Culture in City Reconstruction and Recovery (CURE) framework that integrates both people-centered and place-based approaches to foster social inclusion and resilient recovery.
In coordination with UNDRR, IRP/ADRC co-organized this working session to draw out experiences, challenges, and lessons in achieving a more inclusive 'build back better' dividend as well as report the 'Outcomes of the 4th Edition of the World Reconstruction Conference'. This session argued that inclusion is vital in 'build back better', and while many policy measures have embraced inclusive agendas, further effort is needed to make these measures more people-centered. In view of this, the panelists committed to push inclusion agenda in recovery programs by promoting opportunities for empowerment, adopting new technologies and solutions for including vulnerable groups, applying an integrated approach to include and connect people, and utilizing new tools for policymakers to address the 'pathways of exclusion'. Ms. Asako Okai, Assistant Secretary General and Director for Crisis Bureau of UNDP, moderated this session with panelists from the Government of Haiti, Government of Indonesia, The World Bank, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC), and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
IRP held its 25th Steering Committee meeting at the sides of the Global Platform. Members took the opportunity to announce new knowledge products, strategies, and initiatives at the meeting. These three initiatives were specifically announced: (i) UN-Habitat's knowledge product titled, "Supporting Safer Housing Reconstruction After Disasters"; (ii) WHO's "Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management Framework Strategy"; and (ⅲ)GFDRR's "Resilient Home Challenge", where architects and engineers were invited to design resilient and sustainable houses that both reduce the risk of damage and enable rapid reconstruction following a disaster. As a knowledge platform on 'Build Back Better in Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction', IRP/ADRC will upload these materials in its website for wider dissemination.
Aimed at gaining further insights on actions that help secure an inclusive build back better dividend, the IRP/ADRC Side Event indicated that 'life recovery' should be the ultimate goal of any recovery process to eliminate the pathways of exclusion. The session acknowledged that 'if the recovery process is not inclusive, it is not better'. The panelists pointed that inclusive recovery requires an inclusive institutional arrangement, a people-centered mechanism of psychosocial recovery, a neutral space for all stakeholders to cooperate, a high regard on social recovery, and a culture-sensitive recovery program. Moreover, inclusive recovery measures have to be integrated the community's pre-disaster recovery plan and budget with consideration to location and capacity of residents. The session identified the following actions to help secure the benefits of build back better in recovery: adopting an installment-based subsidy for community-driven housing reconstruction, engaging 'social networks' in the community pre-disaster recovery planning, promoting homeowner-driven retrofitting, and utilizing a 'village-academia collaboration model' of designing and implementing recovery programs.
June 6-8, 2017 (Brussels, Belgium)

The discussions at the sessions demonstrated how the concept of "build back better", which is highlighted in Priority Four of the Sendai Framework, can be implemented in transformative manner that reduces risks and builds resilience - and mindful that the next disaster may be of different nature from the previous one. Based on a number of experiences shared at the sessions, it was explicitly shown that build back better is not only about upgrading infrastructure with disaster resilient construction technologies but also about stronger governance systems, improved basic services, diversified livelihoods for people, and better social protection mechanisms for the poor and vulnerable families. To build back better, it is critical to understand the underlying causes of failures and to take the opportunity in recovery phase to address those failures such as through risk-informed land use planning and improved build standards and enforcement. There are many factors that can contribute to a successful build back better effort by governments, including enhancing the:

• Capacity to support recovery interventions efficiently and effectively so that these sustainable
• Ability to coordinate multiple stakeholders that support and bring financial and technical resources to implement recovery programs
It was affirmed in the plenaries and sessions that one of the contributory factors to achieve "resilient recovery" (the overarching theme of WRC3) is the degree of preparation for recovery. Put simply, "preparedness for recovery" - as promoted in countries like India, Japan, USA, and New Zealand that have developed a well-planned and a well-resourced institutional and financial system - means putting in place the following instruments prior to disaster:
• Institutions, policies, and laws on recovery
• Financial mechanisms for recovery
• Dedicated personnel and resources for recovery

• Prepare the community, e.g. raising awareness and drills
• Build institutions, e.g. recovery agency/department
• Create a financing system, e.g. financing facility for recovery
• Invest in recovery, e.g. mitigation efforts
• Social protection, e.g. inclusion of vulnerable groups in the whole process
As way forward, the participants at the WRC3 may take the cue from message of the European Union Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis who recommended three key action points:
• Strengthen Resilience
• Understand Risk
• Work with Private Sector
(2017/06/14 14:40)
Cancun, Mexico (May 22-26, 2017)
With the overarching theme "From Commitment to Action", the International Recovery Platform/Asian Disaster Reduction Center (IRP/ADRC) had actively engaged in the fifth session of the Global Platform by: (i) putting up a booth at the Market Place, (ii) delivering a talk at the Ignite stage; and (iii) organizing a side event in line with Priority Four of the Sendai Framework. The IRP/ADRC events were aimed at advocating for:
• Closer cooperation with development partners, regional intergovernmental organizations, regional organizations, and regional platforms for disaster risk reduction by promoting effective build back better outcomes
• Wider dissemination and information sharing of knowledge and experiences on build back better in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction
The outcomes of these events contributed to the Chair's Summary, which addressed the priority action areas that emerged from the meeting.
IRP/ADRC Booth at the Market Place
The booth featured knowledge products (e.g. guidance notes and tools) on build back better and resilient recovery. The materials were drawn from IRP members and partners. At the end of the global, the following were achieved:

•Handed out over 500 printed brochures on IRP and recovery (e.g. IRP and members' brochures, guidance notes, and reports)
•Showed promotional video on Build Back Better as well as related videos from members
•Displayed banners bearing key messages on IRP works on build back better
IRP/ADRC Ignite Stage Presentation

IRP/ADRC Side Event
The IRP/ADRC Side Event was jointly organized with JICA. In this session, innovative programs on build back better - as presented by the speakers from JICA, India, and Guatemala - commonly highlighted "good governance of recovery process" as one of key factors for successful implementation. To achieve this, the following actions were specified.

(2017/05/31 14:40)
The forum was attended by senior disaster management officials and delegates of Australia, China, Japan, Peru, Philippines, Chinese Taipei, United States and Viet Nam as well as representatives from ABAC and other relevant organizations. From Japan, Mr.Yasuyuki Ishii, Policy Advisor,Disaster Management Bureau Cabinet Office, made a presentation on the experience of Kumamoto earthquakes in April 2016 by highlighting the support initiated by the national government facilitating emergency relief activities by the affected local governments facing difficulties in immediately procuring the necessary supplies by themselves and arranging the transportation.
Participants of SDMOF welcomed the draft Action Plan that EPWG had been discussing, as instructed by APEC leaders in 2015 as guidance for implementation of the APEC Disaster Risk Reduction Framework (DRRF) .The Action Plan, as a living document will be discussed and updated as needed.

PWG also discussed the draft Action Plan based on the APEC Disaster Reduction Framework endorsed last year by APEC leaders. Many of the economies reported also about recent disasters and DRR policy development including Indonesia, Vietnam, China, USA, Russia, Chinese Taipei, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, and so on. ADRC briefed about the damages by the earthquakes in Kumamoto in April and the status of recovery. ( It also reported about a new proposal of project on infrastructure development at reconstruction and BBB stage in rural area by Vietnam and Japan.
On 17th and 18th August, FEMA,USA held an APEC workshop on appropriate donation and ADRC attended it on 17th .On 18th and 19th, meetings of APEC Chief Science Advisors and Equivalents, CSAE took place and raised the theme of "Science advice in and around emergencies" on the 1st day. The recommendation by CSAE to APEC leaders and senior officials suggests importance of appropriate scientific advisory input as a core part of economy's disaster preparedness and response systems.
20-21 February 2016 (Lima, Peru)
Before opening, participants dedicated one minute silence for the victims of Kaohsiung Earthquake on February 6th, 2016, in Taiwan as well as those by the other natural disasters since the last EPWG meeting last year. The meeting was opened by welcoming remarks by General A.Murgueytio, Institutional Chief of the National Institute of Civil Defense, INDIECI, Peru followed by opening remarks by two newly elected co-chairs, one from Vietna and another from Japan, ED of ADRC. The focus of the meeting was placed first on the draft 2016 work plan that was agreed on the second day, and then draft action plan to implement APEC disaster Risk Reduction Framework(DRRF) that had been endorsed last October by SDMOF and adopted by APEC Economic Leaders to facilitate collective work in building adaptive and disaster-resilient economies facing increasing frequency, magnitude and scope of natural disasters. The meeting reviewed also the Intersessional works undertaken in 2015 and discussed diverse cross fora activities. On 29 February 2016, the annual meeting of the SOM Steering Committee on ECOTECH Committee of the Whole (SCE-COW) was held in Lima as well.
(2016-02-20 12:30)
29-30 October 2015 (Taipei, Taiwan)
ADRC participated in an APEC workshop focusing on big data and open data application to emergency preparedness, as a co-chair of EPWG. The workshop was attended by more than 20 participants from APEC economies, universities and research organizations including Chile, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore, Thailand, the United States and Vietnam.
The workshop was opened by a statement by Mr. Chien, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology of Chinese Taipei, followed by a keynote by Mr. Stone, Assistant Administrator for National Continuity Programs, Federal Emergency Management Agency U.S. Department of Homeland Security, focusing on "Best Practices for Alert and Warning Systems, Leveraging Public Private Partnership". Another keynote was then delivered by Dr. Li, Co-Chair of EPWG and Secretary General, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction on topic of Enhancing Regional Digital Preparedness on Natural Hazards - The Application of Science and Technology in DRR Decision-Making."
ADRC attended the first two sessions on the 1st day. Session 1: "Big datasets for disaster risk reduction" highlighted some best practices of the digital emergency preparedness, in preparing and collecting big dataset to mitigate adverse impacts brought by disasters. In the session 2: "Regional projects to improve digital emergency preparedness", ADRC reported , after summerising recent government policy development on big data and open data in general, about diverse efforts in Japan to strengthen institutional information sharing among the relevant ministries regarding disaster relief activities.Three sessions as follows took place as well: (3) Practical applications of big data or open data, (4) Synergies with industry, private sector and crowd sourcing, and (5) Challenges to embrace the new trend. Data collections are the basic digital emergency preparedness to mitigate adverse impacts brought by disasters.
(2015/09/18 12:30)
An International Conference entitled "IORA Sustainable Development Programme Workshop: Exploring Preemptive Disaster Risk Management Measures to Ensure Community Resilience", organized and hosted by the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) and co-hosted by the Prime Minister's Office of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, was held in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania on 20-21 April 2015.

During the meeting, the following topics were eagerly discussed:
11-12 November, 2014 (San Salvador, El Salvador)
ADRC/IRP, in collaboration Central America's Center for Disaster Prevention (CEPREDENAC), had organized an Intergovernmental Dialogue on Recovery Processes, 11-12 November 2014 at Hilton Princess Hotel in San Salvador, El Salvador. The event was also strongly supported by UNISDR and UNDP. The main objective of the dialogue was to facilitate knowledge exchange so that government organizations and cities can improve their programs based on the sharing of experiences. The discussions dwelt on: How have recovery processes been institutionalized at the country and local levels? What institutional and policy arrangements were commonly adopted? What types of tools were adopted for assessment and framework development? Do governments secure necessary financial, administrative, and political resources for recovery? Are there mechanisms in place to monitor recovery processes? Answers to these questions inform the recommendations for next steps such as galvanizing national efforts on recovery and institutionalizing recovery processes.
Over 40 government officials and heads of development organizations participated in the dialogue. Among those represented included Paraguay, Honduras, Japan, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Panama. The cities of Santa Tecla, Bogota, and Curundu were also represented. Moreover, the World Bank, the Swiss Development Council (SDC), and the Global Education and Training Institute (GETI) of UNISDR had representations. Participants to the dialogue were high-level with El Salvador Vice President Sr. Oscar Ortiz inaugurating the event.
ADRC/IRP shared available tools and guidance on recovery as well as global case studies on recovery processes. The sharing adds value to the ongoing initiatives in Central America by offering wide array of options concerning strategies and actions for 'build back better'. In particular, Mr. Shingo Kochi, senior recovery expert at IRP, shared Japan's experience by highlighting the advances, needs, and requirements for a more effective recovery process.
Several recommended next steps were outlined at the dialogue. These include efforts to further (i) disseminate best practices and lessons on recovery and reconstruction processes implemented in recent years; (ii) share the results of the dialogue processes to other regions and countries; (iii) inform the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction on recovery and reconstruction issues that should be taken into account.
Some specific actions were also mentioned such as the following: (i) recovery frameworks/plans may be prepared, discussed, and approved before the disaster happens; (ii) recovery process shall incorporate DRR and integrated into development; and (iii) evaluation and monitoring mechanisms of recovery projects to be implemented. It was also observed that there is so much recovery experience in Central America that should be documented, analyzed, and shared to other regions and countries.
(2014/11/25 14:40)
Taipei, Taiwan (October 27-31, 2014)
ADRC had actively supported the 2014 International Training Workshop (ITW) which was organized by the National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR), 27-31 October 2014 at the NCDR Training Center, Taipei, Taiwan. The workshop was aimed at sharing experiences and lessons on post-disaster recovery, especially from countries that experienced mega-disasters.
Along with speakers from various organizations and countries, ADRC had shared experiences on post-disaster recovery. In particular, ADRC Executive Director Mr. Kiyoshi Natori presented the "Recovery and Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011" highlighting the challenges on post-disaster recovery and how these challenges were addressed, including applying the lessons from past disasters as well as integrating the emerging lessons from current disasters such as considering the "wisdom of local community" in disaster risk reduction. Additionally, a researcher at ADRC also shared some of the existing "Tools and Guidance in Building Back Better" emphasizing ADRC's experience in disseminating knowledge on recovery.
ADRC's presentations had contributed in achieving one of the key objectives of the workshop, which is to collect, analyze, and apply trans-boundary knowledge and lessons on recovery. Based on the presentations from countries in Asia and the Pacific as well as Latin America, the elements for organizing effective recovery were identified - especially in the areas of infrastructure/housing reconstruction, livelihood revitalization, and psychosocial wellness. The sharing of knowledge and experiences was reinforced with a one-day field visit to the Chi‐Chi Earthquake Museum (9.21 Museum) and Nantou County, which showcased the recovery efforts from the 1999 earthquake and the recovery of Sacred Wood Community from the 2009 Typhoon Morakot, respectively.
The 2014 ITW was an opportunity to forward collaboration and interdisciplinary discussions on post-disaster recovery. It explored actions that promote further investment in DRR and emergency preparedness through development of new technology and upgrading of infrastructures to make them more resilient.
(2014/11/7 14:40)

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), in cooperation with the International Recovery Platform (IRP), organized a number of the technical sessions at the second World Reconstruction Conference (WRC 2) in Washington D.C., 10-12 September 2014. Hosted by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), a member of IRP, the conference was aimed at building consensus on resilient recovery as an imperative for sustainable development and poverty reduction. It also discussed innovative approaches for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction to further inform the deliberation of Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
At the opening, Dr. Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank, emphasized the importance of including disaster risk reduction in building back better disaster recovery principles, focusing specifically on developing countries at high risk. In that regard, he expected the conference to deliberate on a way forward on disaster recovery, particularly in fragile contexts, and highlight the role of recovery in poverty reduction and shared prosperity.
The three IRP/ADRC technical sessions contributed greatly in the discussions to achieve the objectives of the conference through the recommendations from the panelists and participants. In Session 1: Making Post-Disaster Recovery Efficient and Effective: Elements of Good Recovery for Articulation in Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the recommendations to aid governments in facilitating effective recovery are as follow: (i) having stable fund for recovery; (ii) using scientific information to support policy decisions; and (iii) collaborative efforts among all stakeholders, including the private sector.
In Session 8: Ten Years after Tsunami: A Retrospective, the recommendations to improve recovery operations include the following: (i) ensuring speed and focus on recovery of livelihoods; (ii) creating greater participation of community in recovery planning and implementation processes; (iii) linking recovery from tsunami to long-term development; and (iv) adopting simple measures of impacts of tsunami recovery programs.
In Session 16: Role of Private Sector in Recovery: The Case for Private Sector Engagement in Recovery for Post-2015 Framework for DRR, emphasized that private sector is a key factor in recovery because they understand the context and have the expertise to solve problems. This session recommended that private sector can be effectively engaged through the following actions: (i) providing opportunity for private sector to invest in recovery as means of sustaining businesses; (ii) promoting pre-contract agreements and pre-disaster recovery planning; and (iii) building long-term and sustainable relationship between public and private sector.
Included in the conference was the 15th Steering Committee meeting of IRP which mainly discussed its future role in the implementation of Post-2015 Framework for DRR as well as IRP's preparations for the International Recovery Forum in January 2015 in Kobe and World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in March 2015 in Sendai. One potential future role of IRP is to serve as a global mechanism for coordinating recovery policies and recovery processes.
Speakers at the closing plenary imparted key actions to move forward. Ms. Margareta Wahlstrom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction UNISDR, outlined the following recommendations: (i) bridging the segregation gap between climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) that are exhibited in research initiatives and in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery planning; (ii) reconciling response and recovery approaches for hazards and conflicts; (iii) recognizing of the critical role of local governments and communities in DRR and recovery by encouraging national governments to motivate and support local responses; and (iv) promoting collaboration among multi-stakeholders in recognition of the complexity of recovery process.
Ms. Rachel Kyte, Vice President and Special Envoy for Climate Change, World Bank Group, indicated that: (i) resilience is all about people: the more we understand about people the more we understand about communities and their dynamics; (ii) it's not just about money: while actors need to make sure that there are finances to properly respond, governments must have the capacity to allocate, disperse, and protect funds; (iii) initiatives and messages should be "practical and simple"; and (iv) foster effective partnerships to reduce the burden.
Mr. Saber Hossain Chowdhury, Member of Parliament, People's Republic of Bangladesh, delivered the Conference Statement: Strengthen Resilient Recovery and Reconstruction in the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction aimed at advancing consensus, national and internationally, on the critical role of resilient recovery for sustainable development and poverty reduction. He ended his presentation saying, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail".
The WRC2 will inform the next round of deliberations at the second Preparations Committee meeting in November in Geneva leading to the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in March 2015 in Sendai, Japan where the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction will be adopted.
For more information, please contact IRP Recovery Expert, Mr. Potutan (
(2014/9/26 14:40)
The 8th Senior Disaster Management Officials Forum (SDMOF), was held on August 11-12, 2014, Beijing, China.
Representatives and experts from APEC economies and international agencies gathered for this forum (APEC-funded project led by China) under the theme: 'Science and technology strengthening disaster risk reduction,'
Participants shared experiences and best practices under following topics: Innovative role of science and technology in disaster preparedness; Science and technology strengthens efficiency in emergency response; Science and technology enables rehabilitation for increased resiliency; and International and regional cooperation on science and technology application for disaster risk reduction.
4-5 June 2014 (Gabala, Azerbaijan)
ADRC has participated in the 7th ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization) International Conference on Disaster Risk Management held in Gabala, Azerbaijan on 4-5 June 2014. This conference was organized by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan, together with ECO Secretariat. This conference provided the delegates of ECO Member States and experts from UN agencies, international organizations and academic and scientific institutions to discuss and share experiences on disaster risk reduction for better cooperation in the ECO region. In the ECO Member States, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan are the ADRC's member countries.
Following the presentations and speeches from the heads of delegations, various organizations such as UNOCHA, UNESCAP, GIZ, Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) and ADPC, etc. introduced their efforts for disaster risk reduction in the region. ADRC made a presentation on its roles in Asia, as well as the programs that member countries from Central and Caucasus can be benefitted, namely the Visiting Researcher Program, the JICA training for Central Asia and Caucasus, and the Peer Review Project.
At the end of the conference, all the participants confirmed that a holistic approach combining policy, operational and scientific levels would contribute to more effective and efficient disaster risk management in the region. ADRC believes that this is crucial not only in this region, but also in other part of Asia.
(2014/06/17 16:50)
12-14 May 2014 (Doha, Qatar)
The Permanent Emergency Committee (PEC) of the Ministry of Interior, State of Qatar has requested for workshop on disaster recovery planning to ensure that the State's development efforts are immediately back to normal in case of future disaster. While Qatar is a country that is less prone to disaster, the government is keen to strengthen their disaster management system considering the disasters that happened in neighboring countries such as flooding in Saudi Arabia and conflict in other parts of the gulf. Additionally, Qatar is making sure that its disaster management system should be functional and effective, especially that they are hosting many global events, including hosting the World Cup in 2022. Against this backdrop, the International Recovery Platform (IRP) and Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) in close collaboration with UNISDR in the Arab States and the Global Training Education and Institute (GETI) had facilitated the workshop, 12-14 May 2014 at the Civil Defense Club House, Doha Qatar. The main objective of the workshop was to orient government officials with concepts of organizing recovery after a disaster. It was also intended to prepare the officials in formulating the Recovery Framework of the State of Qatar which is envisioned by the Civil Defense. With its experts in Doha, IRP/ADRC shared a collection of global experiences on disaster recovery, including lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake (2011) and Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake (1995), which served as reference in linking preparedness, recovery, and sustainable development. Furthermore, the workshop was also aimed at enhancing the knowledge of government officials in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and how this knowledge can be adequately integrated in the long-term development programing.
Close to 55 government officials from the State of Qatar and representatives of the private sector participated in the workshop to explore strategies and actions for the recovery framework. Partners from UNISDR-Arab States, GETI, and Civil Defense of Qatar also contributed in the discussions to ensure that partners' knowledge and experiences are shared. The Secretary General of Permanent Emergency Committee Brigadier Hamad Othman N. Al-Dehaimi, along with key officials from the Ministry of Interior, was present at the opening to highlight the expected outcomes of the workshop - i.e. enhanced knowledge on DRR and recovery. In this regard, the participants were exposed to various concepts and wide array of strategies and actions from the global experiences to reinforce the existing initiatives of the State of Qatar.
As way forward, the State of Qatar is contemplating of organizing a follow-up workshop to come up with a draft Recovery Framework.
(2014/05/21 14:40)
19 March 2014 (Perth, Australia)
International Seminar titled "Crisis Response: Restoring public services in the immediate aftermath of a disaster", organized by the Institute of Public Administration Australia WA, was held in Perth, Western Australia on 19 March 2014. As a cooperation of this forum, the ADRC sent one representative from IRP secretariat to attend. The seminar's over 150 participants included experts from government officials and academic experts across the Western Australia.
During the presentation, Mr. Shingo Kouchi, ADRC Senior Expert as well as IRP Senior Recovery Expert, valued the Government and people of Australia's high ability to promote preparedness, recovery and reconstruction efforts towards crisis and natural disasters. Mr. Kouchi also noted that ADRC and IRP have long been in help to many developing countries' efforts to utilize Japanese technologies, experiences, and lessons related to earthquake disaster risk reduction.
Mr. Kouchi also emphasized the importance of everyday preparedness by citizens, in addition to the government efforts, when a massive disaster strikes. In this connection, some weather-related disasters which occurred in Japan since 1960's showed the evidence of progress of disaster reduction and preparedness.
The ADRC, together with the IRP, would like to continue to support efforts to strengthen the disaster reduction capabilities of affected communities in Asia and the Pacific.

(2014/04/01 14:50)
5-7 Nov, 2013 (Bangkok, Thailand)
The 2nd ISDR Asia Partnership meeting for the year 2013 was held on 05-07 November 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The main focus of this IAP was discussion on the substantive preparation of the 6th Asia Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR); engagement processes for stakeholder groups and partners in the AMCDRR and World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR); and the HFA2 (Future DRR framework) consultation and background preparation for the HFA2 input from the region.
At the meeting, ADRC expressed its contribution to the substantive in the "key area" such as "reducing exposure/underlying risk factors" and "incentive for private sector in DRR", and to the consultation process through "the Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction".
(2013/11/15 13:00)
23-25 October 2013 (Beirut, Lebanon)
The Government of Lebanon has recently adopted a National Response Framework (NRF) for Disaster. In view of this, the Government had requested IRP/ADRC to expand the Framework by integrating a Disaster Recovery Framework. In collaboration with UNDP Lebanon, IRP/ADRC facilitated a workshop on disaster recovery planning held at Grand Serail in Beirut Lebanon on 23-25 October 2013. The organization of the workshop was supported under the EC-funded project "Strengthening Region-based Capacities in Disaster Recovery Planning", which is being implemented by UNISDR through IRP/ADRC
About 25 high-level officials from different ministries of the Government of Lebanon participated in the workshop to explor options of recovery from disasters and conflicts. Additionally, representatives of international rganizations, specifically WHO and UNDP also participated to make sure that the workshop encapsulates local knowledge and regional experience. At the opening, several dignitaries delivered relevant messages. These included Gen. Mohamed Kheir, Secretary General of High Council of Defense of the Government of Lebanon; Mr. Shombi Sharp, Deputy Country Director of UNDP in Lebanon; and Ms. una Abu Sweireh, Program Manager of UNISDR Office in Bonn, Germany.

Various aspects of recovery planning were discussed in this workshop. In particular, strategies and actions to "build back better" after disaster and conflict were explored using ocal and global cases as reference. The lessons on recovery, as compiled by IRP/ADRC from different experiences around the globe provided additional input to build on the existing government initiatives. The key output of the workshops is the consolidated strategic recommendations for recovery framework for disaster and conflict.
As way forward, all participants will be included in the Roster of Experts maintained by IRP/ADRC. Trained experts will continually receive information and update on recovery. Moreover, trained experts are expected to share knowledge gained from the workshops to other officials from different government ministries.
(2013/11/11 14:40)
25-27 Sep 2013, Juba, South Sudan

About 25 high-level officials from different ministries of the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) participated in the workshop to explore options of recovery from disasters and conflicts. In addition, representatives of international organizations, specifically WHO, JICA, and UNEP also participated to make sure that the workshop encapsulates local knowledge as well as regional and international experiences. At the opening, several dignitaries delivered important messages to the participants. These included key officials from GoSS, namely Honorable Mr. Monywir Arop Kuol, Undersecretary Ministry of Health of South Sudan; Honorable Mr. Peter Lam Both, Chair of Relief and Rehabilitation Committees; and Honorable Mr. Clement Dominic, Undersecretary, Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management. Moreover, Mr. Masatoshi Yokkaichi, Director Disaster Preparedness, Public Relation, and International Cooperation, Cabinet Office of Japan (also the Vice-Chair of IRP and the Chair of ADRC Steering Committee) graced the opening. Other dignitaries who were at the dignitary table were Mr. Keflemariam Sebhatu, Program Manager, Humanitarian Affairs, IGAD and Mr. Sanjaya Bhatia, Knowledge Management Officer of IRP.
Like the previous workshops, various aspects of recovery planning were discussed. In particular, options and strategies to "build back better" after long-drought, heavy flooding, and conflict were explored using local and global cases as reference. IRP/ADRC partners from WHO Ethiopia, WHO South Sudan, UNEP South Sudan, Hyogo Prefecture, and the Cabinet Office of Japan (CAO) had sent experts to help facilitate the workshop and share lessons on recovery. Among the key recovery challenges facing South Sudan include provisions of basic services (specifically water and housing), peace and security, livelihoods, and governance. After almost four decades of civil conflict with Sudan, about 4 million people were displaced from their homes - many of the South Sudanese refugees are still abroad. While a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was reached in 2005, some issues of peace and security remain unresolved including oil transport, allocation of oil revenues, and border demarcation that sometime lead to fighting. Common livelihoods activities such as farming and livestock are facing issues pertaining to markets and social facilities. And as a new country, the GoSS is at the critical stage of institution-building and state consolidation. In this context, the workshop was delivered on an opportune time to contribute in state consolidation through recovery planning. The lessons on recovery, as compiled by IRP/ADRC from various experiences around the globe, provided an additional input to build on the existing government initiatives. The key output of the workshops is the consolidated strategic recommendations for recovery plan for drought, flood, and conflict.
(2013/10/3 14:30)

ADRC participated in the Saudi International Conference on Crisis and Disaster Management which was organized by Imamu University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 8-9 Sep 2013.
Recently, disaster becomes a major concern with global dimensions, this conference was held to obtain knowledge of the civil protection policies by inviting experts from various countries.
At the conference, about 40 experts of Crisis and Disaster management, who came from Australia, Egypt, German, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, USA, as well as representatives of the organizer and so on, gave lectures on topics such as "Modern Technologies for Crisis Management" and "Critical Assessment of Disaster Vulnerabilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" to about 500 listeners (government officials, students, etc).
During this conference, the ADRC representative gave a presentation titled as "Lessons Learnt from the Great East Japan Earthquake", and introduced the efficacy of Disaster Prevention Education, and our activities regarding that. This presentation drew the interest of the audience and some stressed that the importance of Disaster Prevention Education and the necessity to enhance the public awareness to DRR in Saudi Arabia.
(2013/09/13 19:40)
29 July to 3 August 2013 (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
In collaboration with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), IRP/ADRC facilitated a back to back workshop on disaster recovery planning for Ethiopian officials (29-31 July 2013) held at Dreamland Hotel in Bishoftu and for Somali officials (1-3 August 2013) held at Panorama Hotel in Addis Ababa. Both workshops were part of the three workshops intended for the Horn of Africa under the EC-funded project "Strengthening Region-based Capacities in Disaster Recovery Planning", which is implemented by UNISDR through the IRP. The third workshop is planned for South Sudan officials to be held in Juba on 25-27 September 2013. These workshops are aimed at creating a pool of recovery experts in the region as well as build a standby capacity in IGAD. Achieving this objective entails that support can be expected by any country in the region desiring technical assistance for disaster recovery planning.
About 25 officials from Ethiopia and 20 officials from Somalia participated in the first and second workshop, respectively. The participants were high-level, coming from different ministries of the government with knowledge and background on disaster risk management and long-term recovery. In addition, representatives of international organizations, specifically UNDP, ILO, WHO, JICA, and African Center for Disaster Risk Management (ACDRM) also participated to make sure that the workshop encapsulates local knowledge, regional experience, and international expertise. With Ethiopian government hosting the back to back event, H.E. Ato Mitiku Kassa, State Minister for Disaster Risk Management, came at the opening of both workshops. Additionally, H.E. Said Yousuf Noor, Somali Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, came at the first day of the workshop intended for the Somali government officials.
During the workshops, various aspects of recovery planning were discussed. In particular, options and strategies to "build back better" after long-drought and heavy flooding were explored in order to address the challenges that are expected in the recovery process. Although IRP/ADRC served mainly as facilitators, experts from WHO, ILO, and UNDP came to the workshop to share their expertise and experiences from their respective activities in the region. The following observations came out from the discussions. Firstly, there has been a paradigm shift in dealing with disaster in the region from "crisis management" to "risk management". This new paradigm embraces the importance of pre-disaster recovery planning and views disaster management in broader and holistic perspectives. Secondly, the disaster risk management activities initiated by the governments are aligned with the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). In other words, the governments have localized and reported updates on the priorities for action identified in the HFA. Finally, there have been ongoing initiatives by the governments on integrating disaster recovery planning in disaster risk management and sustainable development. One example is the DRM Strategic Program and Investment Framework (DRM-SPIF) of the Government of Ethiopia. The DRM-SPIF is an instrument that guides and prioritizes investment towards full operationalization of the DRM policy. Among a number of prioritized areas is the disaster recovery planning so that communities can "build back better" and become more resilient in future disasters. The lessons on recovery, as compiled by IRP/ADRC from various experiences around the globe, provided an additional input to build on the existing government initiatives. The key output of the workshops is the consolidated strategic recommendations for recovery plan for drought and flood.
(2013/8/12 14:30)
23 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland
The IRP secretariat and the Cabinet Office of Japan organized the forum "Lessons on Recovery from Mega-Disasters" with the participation of 124 people from ADRC, IRP partners, international and regional institutions, governments and NGOs, etc. The forum was also organized as the last session of the Expert Group Meetings on the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) which had been held fourth times since 2011 by IRP with the Cabinet Office of Japan, ADRC and UN organizations, and the completion of the Recovery Status Report on the GEJE in which IRP has compiled experiences and lessons from the GEJE in corporation with Tohoku and Kobe University, etc. was announced in the forum.
Following the opening remark by Mr. Yoshitami Kameoka, Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet Office of Japan, and the message from Mr. Toshizo Ido, Governor of Hyogo Prefecture, delivered by Mr. Akinori Sugimoto, Superintendent for Disaster Management of Hyogo Prefecture, Prof. Yasuo Tanaka of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Emeritus Professor of Kobe University) moderated a panel discussion with experts serving as panelists, namely: Mr. Roger Sutton, Chief Executive, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA), New Zealand; Prof. Yoshimitsu Shiozaki, Ritsumeikan University (Emeritus Professor of Kobe University), Japan; Mr. David Trissell, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), USA, and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Nadeem Ahmed, Former Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Pakistan. Each panelist made a presentation on recovery experiences and good practices of each country.
Mr. Roger Sutton highlighted the importance of speed in decision making as well as in reconstructing to avoid greater economic lost. He also mentioned the relevance of community engagement and strong institutional arrangements at time of recovery and reconstruction.
In the case of Japan, Prof. Yoshimitsu Shiozaki shared the recovery and reconstruction efforts from the Great East Japan Earthquake. One of the key observations during the recovery process is the engagement of private sector.
The United States of America, as presented by Mr. David Trissell, is one of those countries that developed the Recovery Framework. The framework proved to be useful, especially during the recovery from Hurricane Sandy. One of the core principles of the Recovery Framework is the "Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning" which sets forth the recovery support functions (RSF) even before the disaster happens.
In Pakistan, as reported Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Nadeem Ahmed, experiments were made to assess whether Recovery Framework can facilitate a more effective reconstruction. NDMA compared a Pakistan's disaster in which a recovery framework was put in place with the one in which there was no recovery framework. After observing the results, it was concluded that management of recovery under a recovery framework is more resilient and effective. It implies that recovery framework can significantly improve the governance of recovery efforts.
They further explored measures for integrating recovery in development planning as well as efforts towards effective recovery strategy and frameworks, and also highlighted the key strategic recommendations on recovery for HFA2.
IRP/ADRC also took advantage of disseminating its brochures and publications to the participants in the GP at the Market Place. In particular, Recovery Status Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake, along with other recovery reports and guidance notes on recovery, was showcased at the marketplace.
(2013/05/23 14:30)
21-23 May 2013 (Geneva, Switzerland)
Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) and International Recovery Platform (IRP) participated on the 4th Global Platform for Disaster Reduction (GP), hosted by UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), from 21 to 23 May 2013, held at the International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland. The 4th GP brought together over 3,500 participants from 171 countries with participation from national and local governments, inter-governmental organizations, non-government organizations, business, academics and communities.
The aim of the 4th GP is to continue the momentum into a durable and sustained effort from all actors to take shared responsibility in reducing risks and reinforcing resilience in our communities. And the 4th GP will be an opportunities to progress of Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA) and to consult on the framework in the next term, so-called "HFA2".
The opening ceremony was opened 9:30 AM of 21 May at the main conference hall. Mr. Ueli Maurer, President of the Swiss Confederation, Mr. Jan Eliasson, UN Deputy Secretary-General, Deputy Prime minister of Namibia and Civil Defense Minister of New Zealand had the welcome speeches.
Thereafter, about 170 official events, such as the official statements by participant countries, the introduction of participant organizations on their activities were held.
On the same day afternoon, ADRC held a special meeting titled "Regional Mechanisms for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia: Building Resilience through Innovation and Partnerships" co-hosted with Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and Asian Disaster Rescue and Response Network (ADRRN). Three organizations introduced their characteristic activities for their missions. (ADRC was established as the hub of international cooperation between central governments of member countries, ADPC was founded based on the outreach center of the Asian Institute of Technology and ADRRN is a network of national and local civil society organizations concerning DDR.) And several participants stressed the importance of strong cooperation between Asian regional organizations such as ADRC, ADPC and ADRRN.
There were also meetings among participants during the conference period. On 22 May, the executive director of ADRC had an opportunity of meeting with the delegate of Iran, Mr. Ghadami, Deputy of the Minister Interior and Head of National Organization for Disaster Reduction (NDMO). As Iran had joined ADRC member countries in last December, Mr. Ghadami expressed their high hope for support by ADRC in order to strengthen their DRR capacity. Both sides reaffirmed their mutual interests in developing the cooperation between ADRC and NDMO. Later day this meeting was introduced in NDMO's web site.
Mr. Ghadami, Head of NDMO (left) and Mr. Natori, ED of ADRC
(from NDMO web site)
In 23 May, IRP hosted a forum on the lessons learned from the experiences of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Details are described in the next article.
At the closing ceremony, the chairperson, Mr. Dahinden, Director-General of the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, unveiled the draft of the Chair's Summary, and Ms. Wahlström extended her gratitude to the participants.Japan's Government delegate, Mr. Yoshitami Kameoka, Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Management, declared that the next the UN World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR) would be held on March 2015 in Sendai City in Japan.
Mr. Kameoka, Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Management, declared that the next WCDR would be held in Sendai City, Japan.
(2013/06/13 13:00)
29 April - 1 May 2013 (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretariat has collaborate had with IRP/ADRC in organizing a Workshop on Disaster Recovery Planning held at GCC Conference Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from April 29 to May 1, 2013. The workshop was an initial stage of creating a pool of recovery experts in the region. The idea is to have a standby capacity at GCC to support any country in the region desiring assistance for disaster recovery planning.
During the workshop, various aspects of recovery planning were discussed including hazards from neighboring countries like Iran (which was recently struck by earthquake) that might have effects on GCC member states. While IRP/ADRC served mainly as facilitators, partners from the World Bank in Washington, DC and UNISDR in Egypt came to the workshop to share their expertise.
With about 50 high level participation from Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates, no less than H.E. Abdul Latif Bin Rashid Al Zayani, Secretary-General of GCC, came at the opening to grace the event. The Secretary-General highlighted the importance of activities and programs that strengthen "preparedness", "planning", and "governance" to achieve effective and resilient disaster management and recovery. The League of Arab States (LAS) had also sent delegations to the workshop.
As way forward, the workshop participants through the leadership of Dr. Abdul Aziz Yousif Hamza, who is the Head of GCC Emergency Center, identified the key next steps. Firstly, a follow-up Workshop on Disaster Recovery Planning for GCC will be organized sometime in June or September 2013. This workshop will be participated primarily by the same set of participants, who will serve as resource persons to senior level officials. In the follow-up workshop, an additional one-day activity will be devoted on the "Role of Media in DRR". Secondly, Case Studies on DRR will be collected by each GCC member state. In doing this, an international template will be utilized (e.g. IRP/ADRC case studies template). Each member state is expected to submit at least one case study to GCC Secretariat within two months. The development of these case studies will also be coordinated with LAS, as there are similarities of hazards. Finally, a Workshop on Risk Assessment will be organized in each GCC member state which will later culminate in a regional workshop to be held in Kuwait or Riyadh to share experiences and come up with a Regional Risk Assessment Framework.
(2013/05/10 14:40)
18-20 February 2013, Algiers
The International Recovery Platform and the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (IRP/ADRC) facilitated a Workshop on Disaster Recovery Planning

held at Grand Hotel Mercure in Algiers, Algeria on 18-20 February 2013. The event was jointly organized by the Government of Algeria, UNISDR, European Commission (EC), and IRP/ADRC. Over 40 officials including representatives from ministries, city governments, and United Nations organizations in Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania, and Egypt participated in the workshop. IRP/ADRC compiled the recommendations drawn from the workshop to be shared with concerned stakeholders to improve their recovery strategies and frameworks.
The outcomes of the workshop included: (i) key strategic recommendations for recovery plans along various sectors; (ii) plan for localizing the workshop module in the Arab States; (iii) commitment for continued information-sharing on disaster risk reduction and recovery among League of Arab States (LAS), UNISDR, and IRP/ADRC. Moreover, the partnership among organizers and country government will be strengthened for organizing similar events in the future. In particular, the sharing of new relevant case studies for the Arab States will be promoted and utilized in the forthcoming workshop to be organized in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in April 2013.
(2013/03/12 14:40)
26-28 November 2012 (Belgrade, Serbia)
Over 40 officials from government ministries, municipal governments, United Nations organizations, and training institute participated in the Workshop on Disaster Recovery Planning on 26-28 November 2012 at Zira Hotel in Belgrade, Serbia. The event was jointly organized by the Ministry of Interior Sector for Emergency Management of Serbia, UNDP Serbia, UNISDR, European Commission (EC), and IRP/ADRC.
The workshop was a follow-up event to the Training on Resilient Recovery conducted in April 2011 by the same organizers. As envisioned in the follow-up event, experts from the National Training Institute of Serbia served as co-facilitators of the workshop - specifically on two sectors considered in long-term recovery: infrastructure and climate change adaptation. The workshop also provided the venue for experts and practitioners in Serbia to discuss the challenges that are commonly encountered in recovery and to explore measures to overcome them.
The outcomes of the workshop included: (i) consolidated strategic recommendations for disaster recovery plans for national and municipal governments in Serbia; (ii) agreement by the National Training Institute of Serbia to adopt the workshop module on Disaster Recovery Planning from IRP/ADRC, and to enhance the capacity of all concerned government ministries and municipal governments; and (iii) discussions between IRP/ADRC and UNDP Serbia for a potential partnership in implementing the proposed plan for establishing a "Resource Center for DRR" at Nis, Serbia to cater the needs of stakeholders not only in Serbia but for the entire Balkan region.
30 August 2012 (Bangkok, Thailand)
"Sentinel Asia" is an international cooperation project on emergency observation by satellites in case of a great disaster. Sentinel Asia was launched seven years ago and ADRC has played a role of the hub which collects the needs from disaster organizations and makes the request on emergency observation to space agencies.
Sentinel Asia was designed to progress in 3 steps as follows, and 2012 is the final year of STEP2.
STEP 1: Implementation of the backbone 'Sentinel Asia' data dissemination system and associated Nodes, to showcase the value and impact of the technology using standard internet dissemination systems (2006 - 2007)
STEP 2: Expansion of the dissemination backbone with new Satellite Communication Systems (2008 - 2012)
STEP 3: Establishment of a comprehensive "Disaster Management Support System" in Asia-Pacific region (2013 and onwards)
The meeting of Data Provider Nodes (space agencies) was held on STEP3 30th of August in Bangkok, Thailand. ADRC participated in this meeting on the behalf of disaster organizations and introduced disaster organizations' needs on emergency observations to space agencies.
Thereafter, the participants discussed the basic policy of Sentinel Asia Step3. Main topics were; 1)broaden the use of satellite data in the whole disaster management process, especially disaster preparedness and disaster recovery 2)improve the accuracy of satellite data by new facilities such as ALOS2, 3)strengthen the capacity building.
(2012/08/30 13:00)
7-9 May 2012 (Tegucigalpa, Honduras)
IRP/ADRC contributes to the enhancement of post-disaster recovery operations by supporting governments in recovery planning. In this context, a workshop on resilient recovery planning was organized on 7-9 May 2012 at Maya Hotel in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
There were over 40 participants from both governments and development organizations, including Minister of Disaster Prevention, El Salvador and Mayor of Santa Tecla, El Salvador. Among the participants, there were six other municipal mayors who actively engaged in the workshop. The organizers were the Honduras Standing Commission of Contingencies (COPECO), the Coordinating Center for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC), the Central America Integration System for Regional Disaster Risk Management (SICA), the UNISDR, the UNDP, the European Commission, and the IRP/ADRC.
After the workshop, the participants expressed gaining more knowledge of integrating pre-disaster recovery planning into the DRR plans, UNDAF, and other planning instruments at either national government or development organization. As way forward, there are initiating discussions to scale up the training on recovery planning to other sectors of the government. The workshop had television coverage and reported in radio and newspapers in Honduras.
(2012/05/29 14:40)
13-17 February 2012 (Vienna, Austria)
Staff of IRP/ADRC had participated in a five-day Training of Trainers (TOT) on Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) which was jointly organized by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), the United Nations Development Group (UNDG), and the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI). During the training, participants were acquainted with the methodology for (i) assessing damages and losses, (ii) determining the needs for recovery and reconstruction, and (iii) ensuring improved resilience of communities and countries following recovery.
The training offered an opportunity to strengthen synergy among IRP/ADRC partners in promoting capacity building programs on post disaster recovery planning by linking with UN, EU, WB, and donor agencies in supporting disaster prone countries to reduce risk of future disasters. In addition, the training has enhanced the capacity of IRP/ADRC staff in conducting PDNA and providing related training for requesting countries or organizations.
The lectures, group exercises, and discussions at the training had specifically contributed in developing the capacities for improved recovery planning using information from PDNA. It particularly enhanced participants' competence in organizing PDNA, developing recovery framework, and following up post-PDNA measures.
(2012/02/29 14:20)
15 November 2011 (Doha, Qatar)
The 3rd Civil Defence Exhibition and Conference was organized by the Government of Qatar from 14 to 16 November 2011 in Doha Qatar. As a side event, the 2nd Security Conference (forum) was held. Seven officials and specialists on Disaster Risk Management, including a ADRC's researcher, were invited to the forum to deliver presentations/speeches.
The ADRC explained the damages of and lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in March this year while other speakers presented a broad range of issues, both man-made and natural disasters, such as climate change, challenges concerning high-rise building disaster and information dissemination. More than 200 officials, experts and the media people from Qatar participated in he forum and actively exchanged views and opinions among them, demonstrating their strong interests in disaster risk management.
(2011/11/17 19:50)
3 - 21 October 2011 (Papua New Guinea, Samoa)
In October 2011, the Asian Disaster Reduction Center visited the Pacific countries, Papua New Guinea and Samoa in order to make interviews at NDMOs and relevant organizations and affected areas of past disasters over their DRM systems and activities. Faced with various disaster risks such as volcano, earthquake and tsunami, and cyclone, both countries have taken proactive measures especially in risk assessment, early warning and public awareness.
On 11 October, International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction was observed in Papua New Guinea, hosted by ADRC counterpart, National Disaster Center (NDC), ISDR and UNDP. The event, supported by related agencies and NGOs, turned out to be successful attracting some 500 participants including school children. Also in Samoa, public awareness efforts have been extended in the wake of 2009 tsunami catastrophe.
(2011/12/15 17:40)
26 May-4 Jun, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam
Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted the program "Capacity Building of Utilization of Satellite Image for Disaster Management" in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam from 26th May to 4th Jun, in cooperation with Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).
This program consists of one-day seminar and five- day training to promote the utilization of space based technology. It was held in collaboration with Remote Sensing Center, Survey Department, Brunei Darussalam.
This is one of four capacity development programs in ASEAN countries that ADRC has been implementing since 2008, with other three including disaster education promotion, development of Web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database and capacity building of local government officials.
Satellite Images has been utilized to implement emergency activities in Brunei Darussalam.
However, the experience of the engineers for utilization of the satellite data in Brunei Darussalam is insufficient. The capacity building of engineers in relevant field is in urgent need.
The theme of case study is Flood. The satellite images before and after the flood were compared, which defined the flooding area.
ADRC will continue to cooperate with Survey Department, Brunei Darussalam and other relevant agencies to further promote the utilization of satellite data in the field of disaster management. ADRC also plans to conduct the series of program in other ASEAN countries.
For more details of this project, please visit ADRC web site (
2011/6/2 13;20
The Third Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) organized by UNISDR was held from 8 to 13 May 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss topics around the theme "Invest Today for a Safer Tomorrow: Increased Investment in Local Action." The Global Platform also included the first World Reconstruction Conference (WRC), hosted by the World Bank.
ADRC participated in several side events, including "Saving Lives and Improved Coastal Risk Management through Regional Cooperation in Ocean and Marine-Related Early Warning Systems in Asia" and "Integrated Use of Space Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction". In the latter, ADRC presented the use of emergency satellite observations through the Sentinel Asia Initiative and explained how space-based applications were effectively used during the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake. Together with the Japanese government, ADRC also took advantage of the DRR Market Place area to highlight several recent projects on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery by displaying relevant posters. One of the posters showed the impacts of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake vis-à-vis preparedness and response measures.
On the other hand, IRP set up its own booth at the DRR Market Place to showcase knowledge products and services for resilient recovery. Several posters were displayed to communicate key messages for "Build Back Better". The Guidance Notes on Recovery and the Capacity Building Module on Resilient Recovery drew a lot of attention from participants. Moreover, IRP in cooperation with ADRC, made a presentation entitled "The Great East Japan Earthquake: Rethinking the Investment for Safer Tomorrow" at the Ignite Stage.
(2011/5/16 11:30)
7th March 2011 (Washington DC, USA)
The ADRC participated in the Emergency Preparedness Working Group organized by Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation in Washington DC.
The Working Group is co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia and around 40 participants attended the meeting included representatives from 16 member economies namely Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chili, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea , Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Russia, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam.
The WG addressed issues related to minimize the economical impact of disruption caused by natural disasters. The ADRC introduced the emergency satellite observation framework of Sentinel Asia and Business Continuity Management methodology to minimize the economical impact for effective disaster response. (2011/03/08 11:30)
7-10 February 2011 (Vienna, Austria)The Forty-Eighth Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN-COPUOS)was held at the United Nations Office in Vienna, Austria. At this session, the second United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) Regional Support Offices (RSO) Meeting was also organized.
ADRC took part in this event. At the technical subcommittee of COPUOS, the activities of ADRC as focal point for Sentinel Asia's emergency observations in the event of disasters was introduced its accomplishments. At the UN-SPIDER RSO Meeting, ADRC presented its activities and accomplishments as RSO as well as its future plans. The RSO meeting provided an opportunity to exchange opinions, and explore measures of enhancing future activities of UN-SPIDER RSO.
(2010/02/14 19:20)
1-2 February 2011 (Bangkok, Thailand)
The Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) held the first regional workshop of the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund Project on "Capacity Building in the Utilization of Satellite Images for Disaster Management" from 1 to 2 February 2011.
This workshop was organized in cooperation with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and was held at the AIT Conference Center in Bangkok, Thailand.
This is one of the four capacity development programs in ASEAN countries that ADRC has been implementing since 2008, with other three including disaster education promotion, development of Web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database and capacity building of local government officials.
The purpose of the workshop was to allow relevant personnel to share information from the Report from the Seminar and Training for the Utilization of Satellite Images for Disaster Management, as well as other information regarding the use of satellite image for disaster management. The 27 participants, who represented the ASEAN countries, the ASEAN secretariat, the Japanese Embassy in Thailand, and UN agency, discussed efforts to promote the use of satellite images for disaster management activities.
The key points discussed were as follows:
1) Close ties between space organizations and disaster management organizations
2) Effective use of satellite information and the development of expertise and technologies
3) Use of ICTs other than satellite technologies to strengthen disaster management capacity
4) Mutual learning among countries though regional mechanisms
ADRC will continue to cooperate with relevant agencies to further promote the utilization of satellite data in the field of disaster management in ASEAN region.
For more details of this project and the result of this workshop, please visit ADRC web site (
2011/02/21 13:20

ADRC participated in the 17th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) that was held from 23 to 26 November in Melbourne, Australia. The theme of the Forum was "The role of space technology and industry in addressing climate change." The APRSAF was established in 1993 to enhance space activities in the Asia-Pacific region. Attended by space agencies, governments, and international organizations such as the United Nations as well as companies, universities and research institutes, this Forum is the largest space-related conference in the Asia-Pacific region.
The participants of APRSAF share information about their activities and the future plans for their countries and regions. APRSAF also supports international projects designed to find solutions to common issues such as disaster management and environmental protection. The Sentinel Asia initiative is one such activity, and involves the use of space-based information in the form of satellite images for disaster management in the Asia-Pacific region. ADRC has been tasked with the responsibility of receiving emergency observation requests from ADRC member countries and Joint Project Team (JPT) members and, if appropriate, forwarding them on to four regional space agencies, namely, ISRO, GISTDA, KARI and JAXA.
ADRC gave a presentation on this year's requests for the use of space technologies in disaster management through Sentinel Asia. ADRC also emphasized the importance of human resource development to promote the more effective utilization of space technologies in disaster management, giving examples of successful as well as unsuccessful uses of the images provided. ADRC representatives also presented information about a human resource development program for promoting the use of satellite images in disaster management, which is currently being implemented using the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund.
(2010/11/26 19:20)
5 October 2010 (Washington DC, USA)
ADRC attended the Global Dialogue on Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Planning, which was organized by the United Nations, the European Commission, and the World Bank in Washington DC. National governments, regional organizations, UN agencies, and other stakeholders participated in the dialogue. The use of PDNA(Post Disaster Needs Assessment) as a tool for reconstruction and sustainable development of disaster affected countries was mainly discussed. The presentations of PDNA experiences from 4 disaster affected countries highlighted the usefulness of PDNA as a tool. After the presentations, three subgroups discussed and reflected on PDNA as tool for (1) assessing socio-economic impacts of disaster, (2) recovery and reconstruction planning, and (3) mainstreaming resilience in longer term development strategies.
The PDNA workspace, hosted at the IRP Website, was also launched. The International Recovery Platform, with support of ADRC, presented the key features of PDNA workspace at the launching.
(2010/10/12 14:00)
15-17 September 2010(Seattle, USA)
This program was jointly organized by Peace Winds America (NPO) and the City of Seattle, and was held from 15-17 October at the Seattle Office of Emergency Management. The program aimed to promote the sharing of experiences and ideas regarding natural disasters and emergency management between local government officials in the US and Japan.
The Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), at the request of the organizers, provided help with the coordination of the participating organizations from Japan. Also, ADRC gave a presentation on "Government Coordination" in Japan and facilitated discussions throughout the program.
The participants included Japanese officials from the Ministry of Defense, Osaka Prefecture and the City of Osaka, Hyogo Prefecture and the City of Kobe, and Hiroshima Prefecture and the City of Hiroshima, as well as American representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the City of Seattle, King County, the City of Honolulu, Microsoft, Boeing, and other organizations. The participants gave presentations on their own experiences and the outlook for the future from the viewpoint of those who are doing practical disaster management work on the ground. The Japanese participants were particularly impressed with the collaborative frameworks that have been developed in the US to enable local governments, private companies, and NGOs to work together.
This exchange program is expected to become an annual event and thus is expected to prove highly useful to both US and Japanese local governments long into the future.
(2010/09/18 13:10)

Brunei's National Disaster Management Center (NDMC) and ADRC had been prepar ing for training of local government officials in the country since May 2009.
The workshop on 7-8 June, extending its target to community level, was attended by some 100 people composed of government officials and residents including community leaders and school children from a water village, Kampong Ayer in Bander Seri Begawan.
On the first day, the participants took lectures such as disaster risks in the village and contingency planning followed by town watching. After developing hazard maps on the second day, the results were reported to be shared among residents. Emergency aid and fire & rescue exercise also participated in the workshop.
As Kampong Ayer is a disaster-prone area such as storms, floods and fires, the residents were so ardent and even asked for further workshops along thie line in the future.
Under the project of capacity building of local government officials in ASEAN members, similar activities are now scheduled in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
(2010/06/18 17:40)
8-19 February 2010 (
The Forty-Seventh Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN-COPUOS)was held from 8 to 19 February 2010 at the United Nations Office in
ADRC took part in both events. At the technical subcommittee of COPUOS, ADRC introduced its major activities and accomplishments. Two key activities were highlighted. Firstly, ADRC serves as focal point for Sentinel Asia in facilitating, emergency observations in the event of disasters. Secondly, ADRC implements capacity building activities on the use of satellites data among its member countries. At the UN-SPIDER RSO Meeting, ADRC presented its activities and accomplishments as RSO as well as its future plans. The RSO meeting provided an opportunity to discuss frankly, exchange of opinions, and explore measures of enhancing future activities of ADRC in line with the objectives of UN-SPIDER.

The National Disaster Management Centre of Brunei Darussalam and the ADRC conducted a training of trainers (TOT) in Bandar Seri Begawan on 16 - 19 November, 2009. The training is a part of the ASEAN project Capacity Building of Local Government Officials on Disaster Management which started in 2008 aiming at strengthening the capacity of local officials in charge of disaster management. The ADRC and national disaster management organizations plan to cooperatively conduct trainings for local government officials in each ASEAN member country.
This TOT in Brunei Darussalam was attended by some twenty participants from DRR and relevant departments including fire department. On the first and second days of the training, the participants received lectures such as the disaster management systems of Brunei Darussalam and Japan, Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), and disaster-specific countermeasures to further acquire their knowledge on DRR. On the third day, they conducted town watching, developed community-based multi-hazard maps in Tutong district, and discussed how to raise public awareness of the community. The trainers who have just completed the training this time will then provide trainings to local government officials at subsequent workshops. Also, the ADRC will implement TOTs and local workshops in other ASEAN countries next year.
(2009/12/15 17:40)

ADRC organized/co-organized several pre-session and special events in the Session with the partner organizations including pre-session event on Central Asia cooperation, and special events on the UN-SPIDER programme, launch of wind disaster related group, and indigenous knowledge for disaster risk reduction. Besides, taking this opportunity, ADRC made informal discussion with the participants from the related organizations for further cooperation and collaboration.
ADRC also showcased the recent major projects, services and networks that support the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) in the Market Place of the Session.
More detailed information of the 2nd Session of the Global Platform can be found in the following website.
3-12 June 2009 in Vienna, Austria
ADRC and United Nations Office of Outer space Affairs (UNOOSA) signed the cooperation agreement on establishment of ADRC UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office (RSO) on the occasion of the 52nd COPUOS, 4th Jun 2009.
At the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, ADRC reported that ADRC and UNOOSA signed the cooperation agreement and made a presentation on ADRC activity.
Additionally at UN-SPIDER workshop, ADRC also reported that ADRC and UNOOSA signed the cooperation agreement and presented ADRC activity focused on the application of satellite imagery to disaster management.

27-28 May (Putrajaya, Malaysia)
The ASEAN project: Capacity Building of Local Government Officials on Disaster Management was launched in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia in May 2009. The project aims at strengthening capacity of local government officials in charge of disaster risk reduction in ASEAN countries. In 2009, the project started in the Philippines and Thailand in April.
The ADRC conducted kick-off meetings with the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) of Brunei Darussalam in Bandar Seri Begawan on 21-22 May, and with Malaysia's National Security Council (NSC) in Putrajaya on 27-28 May. Following the introduction about the project by the ADRC, the NDMC and NSC briefed on their disaster management systems and training systems. Then the organizations and the ADRC discussed the training schedule, topics, target areas etc considering the training needs of the countries. After training materials are developed by experts, training of trainers, and then training of local government officials are scheduled from now on.
(2009/06/29 17:40)