3-4 September 2009 (Jakarta, Indonesia)
The ADRC visited ASEAN Secretariat to discuss how to proceed on with the Feasibility Study on ASEAN Coordination Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre) and how to prepare for a future project on disaster management communication network system in the ASEAN. The ADRC will be participating in the F/S on AHA Centre which aims to examine, inter alia, requirements and necessary resources for the AHA Centre to become fully operational.
The ADRC also visited the JST-JICA Project office to discuss how to implement the JST-JICA Project for Multi-disciplinary Hazard Reduction from Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia. Funded by JICA (Japan international Cooperation Agency) and JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency), the project aims to strengthen the platform of collaboration among researchers and officials concerned with disaster risk. The project team is composed of 6 groups, among which the ADRC has taken part in Group 6: Application of the research and establishment of collaboration mechanism between researchers and the government officials and Group 5: Education and outreach for disaster reduction.
(2009/09/10 13:10)