9-11 April 2012 (Bali, Indonesia)
The ADRC participated in the ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) meeting held on 9-11 April in Bali, Indonesia. Around 60 participants attended the meeting including representatives from many countries in Asia as well as from the international and inter-governmental organizations.
The main contents of the meeting are as follows.
1) Update on 5th AMCDRR preparation
There were reports about the preparation of "5th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction" scheduled to be held in Indonesia, Yogyakarta 22 to 25 October this year.
2) Discussion on the AMCDRR outcome and structure
About how to proceed and output of the discussion in the AMCDRR, group discussions were held by the participants.
3) HFA Monitoring and Review
Based on the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), Thailand, Mongolia, UNOPS, ASEANand UNICEF have reported their activities.
4) Post HFA framework
The participants discussed the framework of post HFA based on the challenges to HFA.
Asian Disaster Reduction Center made the presentation titled "Business Continuity Management in Private Sector for Regional Resiliency" concerning topic 2), and many participants were interested in the subject.
(2012/04/09 13:40)