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Activity Report

23-25 March 2011 (Jakarta, Indonesia)


The Jakarta International Defense Dialogue (JIDD), hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of Defense and organized by the Indonesian Defense University, was held at Jakarta Convention Center in Jakarta, Indonesia. The core objective of the Dialogue was the promotion of intergovernmental cooperation to meet common threats such as disaster and terrorism, and explore disaster management and counterterrorism measures.  

About one thousand participants from different countries and agencies gathered for this event. Among the countries represented were Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Singapore, Australia, United States. Some European countries and agencies of United Nations were also represented. ADRC, represented by Senior Administrative Manager Mr. Masataka Onishi, presented the Emergency Response System in Japan. Mr.Onishi highlighted the disaster management system as well as  outlined the impact of the tsunami that flattened many towns and communities situated at the Pacific coast of Tohoku region caused by "Great Eastern Japan Earthquake" of March 11, 2011. How the Japanese central and local governments have been responding to the disaster was emphasized in the presentation. Many of the participants showed deep condolence for the victims of the disaster and some briskly asked questions about sharing of responsibilities among central and local governments in disaster response.


 (2011/03/26 19:20)

14-17 March 2011, Yangon, Myanmar

myanmar_20110317.jpgOn 14 - 17 March 2011, Relief and Resettlement Department (RRD) of Ministry of Social Welfare of Myanmar, and Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted Training of Trainers (TOT), a part of capacity building program for local government officials on disaster management, which ADRC has conducted since 2008 in ASEAN member countries. In Myanmar, the project was launched in 2010. With the participation of 30 participants including government officials from Yangon, Mandalay and Ayeyarwardy divisions, relevant organizations and NGOs, RRD and ADRC, the TOT covered such topics as early warning, damage & needs assessment, earthquake & tsunami and climatological disaster management followed by town watching and hazard mapping in Yangon suburbs. The participants of this training will then give lectures at coming workshops in the above-mentioned districts targeting local government officials.

Before the opening  of the training, the participants offered silent prayers for the victims of Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake in Japan which occurred on 11 March 2011.

(2011/03/28 17:40)

10-11 March 2011 (Vientiane, Lao)

The Training of Pilot Teachers for "Promotion of Disaster Education of Schools" project was held in Vientiane, on 10th and 11th March 2011. It was organized jointly by the Ministry of Education, the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) and the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC). More than thirty teachers of primary and secondary school attended this two-day workshop.
Participants took lectures about "Earthquake Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan", "Basic Knowledge about Natural Disaster", etc. On this workshop, Dr. Goto, senior researcher of National Institute for Educational Policy Research, had a lecture "Latest Situation of Disaster Education in Japan" including earthquake model exercise. Therefore, participants joined in this workshop with a passionate concern.
As a result of elaboration and discussion, a pilot lesson and seminar will be held at the beginning of March.
Note: This project is part of the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund Projects and aimed to promote disaster education in ASEAN countries through such means as training of school teachers followed by school lessons facilitated by trained teachers.)

(2011/03/18 18:30)

7th March 2011 (Washington DC, USA)

The ADRC participated in the Emergency Preparedness Working Group organized by Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation in Washington DC.
The Working Group is co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia and around 40 participants attended the meeting included representatives from 16 member economies namely Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chili, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia,  Papua New Guinea , Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Russia, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam.
The WG addressed issues related to minimize the economical impact of disruption caused by natural disasters. The ADRC introduced the emergency satellite observation framework of Sentinel Asia and Business Continuity Management methodology to minimize the economical impact for effective disaster response.     (2011/03/08 11:30)

1-4 March 2011 (Islamabad, Pakistan)

The objective of this Workshop, which is organized jointly by UNESCAP, Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) at SUPARCO, Islamabad, Pakistan, is to develop the capacity to build better resilience to water related disasters as well as for more effective adaptation to climate change through the applications of space technology and flood risk management in Pakistan.

IMG_1852.JPG Space-based technologies increasingly play an important role in disaster risk management as demonstrated by floods in Pakistan and in Thailand. ADRC was invited as an expert by the organizers and made two presentations on "Enhancing the use of space-based technologies for disaster risk management" focusing on Sentinel Asia and "Community-based disaster risk management" respectively. Participants especially from Pakistan showed great interest in Sentinel Asia and other space-technology related programmes. Also, some participants underscored the importance of community-based disaster risk reduction activities in Pakistan. Space-technologies have been becoming more relevant to and useful for disaster risk management.

ADRC as a focal point for emergency observations of Sentinel Asia and a regional support office of UNSPIDER will continue to contribute to this objective.

(2011/03/04 13:10)

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