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12-13 November 2024 (Hanoi, Vietnam)

The Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction (ACDR2024) was organized in Hanoi, Vietnam on 12-13 November 2024, hosted by the Vietnam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority (VDDMA), in cooperation with the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan and Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC). As announced in the previous issue of the ADRC Highlights, this issue provides details of the conference. The documents for the conference are available on the website below.

ACDR2024 website:

Opening Session


Mr Nguyen Hoang Hiep (Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Government of Vietnam), Mr NUKINA Koji (Assistant Vice Minister for Disaster Management, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan) and Prof. HAMADA Masanori (Chairman, ADRC) delivered the opening remarks stressing the important of role of ADRC in reducing disaster risk in Asia, as well as needs of enforcing disaster countermeasures, and impacts and challenges of recent disasters.



Fifteen member countries, namely: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam delivered official statements at the roundtable on "Challenges and Progress in Implementing the Actions Related to Resilience to Climate Crisis in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR)," which was moderated by Ms Doan Thi Tuyet Nga (Director of International Cooperation and Science Technology Department, VDDMA). Overall, the statements highlighted common strategies on strengthening resilience to climate crisis such as "enhance support mechanisms for climate action," "bolster financing options for mitigation of climate crises," and "embrace science and technology to strengthen climate resilience."

Session 1: Enhancing Flood and Flash Flood Risk Information


Moderated by Prof. MIURA Fusanori (Yamaguchi University, Japan), this session showcased the latest technologies that could help enhance flood and flash flood risk information.

- Associate Prof. Demetrios Eliades (University of Cyprus) presented examples of AI-enabled systems for monitoring and forecasting risk that are useful for flood modelling and flood risk assessment. Additionally, he presented how Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) communication technology can be useful in disseminating flood risk information, particularly in areas that have limited access to cellular networks or WiFi.

- Prof. SHUMUTA Yoshiharu (Center for Asian Studies, Kanagawa University) introduced sensing technologies for disaster response and recovery. For instance, in the risk assessment management system for power lifeline (RAMP), various sensors are utilized to improve the performance of temporal and spatial interpolation.

- Prof. MIURA outlined the current situation of utilizing satellite data for disaster management. He said that there are various forms of cooperation in using satellite data including Sentinel Asia and the Consortium for Satellite Earth Observation (CONSEO) in Japan. However, in delivering the services, publicly-owned and privately-owned satellites work independently. As shown in the result of "disaster prevention drill," independently-provided satellite service is less effective. To make it more effective, a "satellite one-stop system" was introduced to optimize the role of satellites in disaster management.

- Dr Masita Dwi Mandini Manessa (Lecturer, Geography Department, University of Indonesia) highlighted the role of spatial machine learning in predicting landslides and floods in agricultural systems of Magelang Regency in Indonesia. Predictions using spatial machine learning estimate that approximately 38% of high-productive agricultural lands will be exposed to high flood risk.

- Mr Nguyen Xuan Sang (Deputy Director of Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam) reported the impacts of landslides in Yen Bai Province caused by Typhoon Yagi. Lessons from that experience include the need for improving technologies for forecasting and early warning systems for landslides.

- Mr Hoang Minh Tuan (Head of Disaster Management Administration, Irrigation Sub-Department, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Cao Bang Province, Vietnam) shared lessons from responding to Typhoon Yagi in Cao Bang Province. Among these are the need for better technologies for search and rescue operations, including the use of drones.

Session 2: Improving Flood Countermeasures Based on Analyses of Future Risk for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)


Dr Nguyen Nghia Hung (Deputy Director of Southern Institute for Water Resources Research) moderated this session. Speakers on this session shard principles and approaches in improving flood countermeasures for DRR-CCA.

- Mr SUZUKI Takashi (Advisor for Disaster Risk Management at VDDMA/ JICA Expert) emphasized the concept of "kaizen," a Japanese term for continuous learning and improvement (e.g., failure, science, and world). Applying the concept of gkaizen" helps improve flood countermeasures, such as through scientific river improvement and integrated river basin management.

- Dr ONO Takahiro (Special Appointed Professor, Tohoku University/ General Manager, Tokio Marine Holdings) highlighted the benefits of"ex-ante investment" or pre-investment in disaster risk reduction. Initiatives such as the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and the Disaster Mitigation Action Plan (Timeline) are examples of ex-ante investment that reduce post-event economic contractions and speed-up post-disaster recovery.

- Mr Junha Kim (Head of Team, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Republic of Korea) reported that the implementation of flood countermeasures in the Republic of Korea include: 1) proactive disaster preparedness by ensuring the readiness of institutions in implementing pre-emptive evacuation to reduce casualties; and 2) collaborative disaster management by engaging all stakeholders in disaster governance.

- Ms Angsumalin Angsusingha (Disaster Management Expert, Disaster Management Center, Thailand) shared a case study of flooding in Northern Thailand, and how the DDPM addressed the challenges. She presented the "Solution Framework," a community-centred approach, that DDPM applied in addressing flooding situations. Basically, the "Solution Framework" embraces a community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) approach.

- Mr Le Anh Dung (Director of Irrigation Sub-Department, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Ha Giang Province, Vietnam) shared about the damage caused by Typhoon Yagi in Ha Giang Province. He reported that impacts were severe, yet the external support for emergency response was limited. To address this challenge, Ha Giang Province will continue to train community-based "first-responders" to optimize local capacities.

Special Session: Disasters and Disaster Management in Vietnam


Moderated by Mr SUZUKI (Advisor for Disaster Risk Management at VDDMA/ JICA Expert), this special session provided an overview of the disasters and disaster management in Vietnam. Highlighting floods, flash floods, and landslides in the context of Typhoon Yagi that impacted several provinces in Vietnam in September 2024, this session showed examples and challenges of disaster management in the areas of preparedness, prevention and mitigation, response, and recovery.

- Mr Nguyen Xuan Tung of VDDMA reported the situation of flash floods and landslides in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam over the past 10 years. To reduce future impacts, his?recommendations include: strengthen communication systems, raise community awareness, build local capacity for response, detailed regional accurate forecasting, early warning system, and household-level disaster management planning.

- Mr Quan Van Viet from Lao Cai Province reported the impacts of Typhoon Yagi in Lao Cai Province, causing serious damage to people, property, infrastructure, and disrupting social activities. To effectively address the impacts of similar disaster in the future, he mentioned the following: making the infrastructure more resilient, improving the forecasting and early warning systems, and strengthening data collection and risk analysis.

- Mr Luong Khac Kien from Son La Province introduced the pilot model for flash flood prevention in Son La Province under the technical cooperation between the Government of Japan and Vietnam.

- Mr Pham Quoc Hung from Yen Bai Province introduced the capacity building on landslide early warning that is being piloted in Tram Tau District, Yen Bai Province under the technical cooperation between the Government of Japan and Vietnam.

- Mr Doan Manh Phuong from Quang Ninh Province reported that Typhoon Yagi severely impacted the agricultural production affecting the livelihoods of people in Quang Ninh Province. Actions to address the challenges include support for: 1) school tuition, 2) needs of the agricultural sector, 3) repair of damaged houses, 4) demolition of submerged fishing boats, and 5) development of sustainable aquaculture.

- Dr Nguyen Nghia Hung of the Southern Institute for Water Resource Research presented the challenges in addressing river bank and coastal erosion in the Mekong Delta.

- Mr Ngo Huu Huy of VDDMA presented the Vietnam Disaster Monitoring System (VNDMS), a system that supports disaster prevention and control (DPC) management through data integration and connectivity with various ministries, line agencies, organizations, and local authorities.

- Ms Dam Thi Hoa of VDDMA provided an overview of the Ha Long Ministerial Statement on the Strengthening of ASEAN Anticipatory Actions in Disaster Management to show Vietnam's role in international cooperation for DRR.

Closing Session


The conference concluded with speeches from Mr Pham Duc Luan (Director-General of the VDDMA, MARD, Vietnam), Mr NUKINA Koji (Assistant Vice Minister for Disaster Management, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan), and Prof. MIURA Fusanori, newly appointed Chairman of ADRC, who mentioned their expectations for ADRC and member countries to further promote DRR taking into account climate change, in addition to the crucial role of ADRC to implement the SFDRR in the remaining five years.


(2024/11/20 15:00)

7 September 2024 (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)


As part of the "Joint Development of Citizen Empowerment Program for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia" project, conducted by the Kansai University of International Studies (KUIS) with funding from the Toyota Foundation, the ADRC team participated in a community-based disaster management drill utilising ICT in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on Saturday, 7 September 2024. ADRC served as a supporting organisation for the implementation of the project.

The drill targeted the Jogoyudan community along the Code River in Yogyakarta City, which is vulnerable to disasters such as flooding and cold lava flows from volcanic ash. KUIS and the local University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY) coordinated with the provincial/municipal disaster management agency (BPBD) and the community. Students from KUIS and UAJY actively participated in the drill activities. Although the short preparation time limited sufficient coordination efforts, each party cooperated in the evacuation drills and devised activities such as supporting and evacuating the injured, pregnant women and physically disabled persons.


It was conducted using the community disaster information sharing system (geoBingAn + WhatsApp system) launched by the ADRC in the ASEAN project in Malaysia last year (See ADRC Highlights Vol. 368 and 370). By registering via WhatsApp, which people use every day, the system enables simultaneous broadcasting to the registrant's WhatsApp and collection of information in the form of text, photos and videos from registrants via WhatsApp. It is an easy-to-use system that enables two-way information exchange on WhatsApp.

In addition to information sharing via radio, which BPBD normally uses, information was uploaded by the participants through WhatsApp as needed. BPBD and the community members found the system through WhatsApp to be a very convenient and user-friendly platform for information sharing, as they were already familiar with using WhatsApp. Even after the drill, BPBD asked some questions about future collaboration and expressed interest in continuing to use this system.

As noted above, due to the limited preparation, the local government officials were not able to fully utilise the system during the drill. The results of the ICT-utilised drill were reported at the international workshop "Asian Conference on Civil Disaster Reduction and Response (ACDRI)" under the Toyota-funded project. The ICT-utilised disaster risk reduction event will be continued in the next activity with universities in Malaysia.

(2024/09/14 15:00)

19 August 2024


According to Dr Hak Mao (Director, Department of Climate Change) and Mr Sem Savuth (Vice Chief, Climate Change Information Management, Department of Climate Change), 44% of all communes in Cambodia are vulnerable to the increasing frequency and intensity of flood, drought, and storm due to climate change. By 2050, when sea-level rise is projected to reach 1,302mm, about 242km2 of coastal areas in Cambodia will be inundated, resulting to an estimated economic loss of USD304 million. If the government does not offer additional action to combat the impacts of climate change, the planned GDP for 2050 will be 10% lower.

When this information was presented at the 3rd Webinar series on Climate Change Projection for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia-Pacific Region on 19 August 2024, panelists and participants were interested to know about climate change countermeasures as well as the challenges in Cambodia. In response, Dr Mao and Mr Savuth said that like other countries in the region, Cambodia enacted policies and regulations to adapt to climate change and mitigate its impacts. Some of the climate change countermeasures are aimed at: i) increasing the current 62% usage of renewable energy to 70% by 2030; ii) ensuring that 70% of motorcycles and 40% of cars are EVs by 2050; and iii) planting of one million trees annually until 2050 to achieve 60% forest cover. The main challenge, however, is that these are broad actions that don't project specific impacts caused by climate-related disasters, such as extreme flood or storm. In order to do this, downscaled climate data is essential. Currently, historical climate data in Cambodia is sparse. This problem is compounded by limited tools and technologies within the government to measure the impacts or to make accurate projections of climate change.

In view of these concerns, other panelists introduced some of the initiatives and tools for climate change projection that may complement the ongoing climate actions in Cambodia. Prof. MORI Nobuhito (Research Division of Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Disasters, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University) introduced the SENTAN Program, and the potential collaboration with Cambodia, for assessing the effects of extreme water-related events and analysing the changes of hazards with rising global surface temperature as downscaled to countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr NAKAEGAWA Toshiyuki (Head of Second Laboratory, Department of Applied Meteorology Research, Meteorological Research Institute of Japan Meteorological Agency) introduced tools using high-resolution models and supercomputers to project a future climate at the local level. Dr MURATA Akihiko (Head of First Laboratory, Department of Applied Meteorology Research, Meteorological Research Institute of Japan Meteorological Agency) introduced tools and methods for dynamical downscaling to simulate localised climate change. Mr MORI Noriyuki (Deputy Director, International Center for Water Hazard and Risk Management) introduced a comprehensive platform on water resilience and disasters that includes data-integration for hazard, damage, and socioeconomic factors. On this platform, various agencies provide their respective climate data for integration in order to effectively forecast the impacts and provide early warning to communities-at-risk.

In his closing remarks, Prof. TACHIKAWA Yasuto (Hydrology and Water Resources Research Laboratory, Kyoto University) emphasised the potential contributions of SENTAN Program (e.g., tools, technologies, and datasets) to climate change countermeasures that countries in Asia-Pacific region are undertaking. He hoped that the webinar will foster greater collaboration between SENTAN Program and Cambodia.

(2024/08/26 15:00)

24-25 July 2024 (online)

20240724_2.pngAPEC Vietnam organized an online workshop on "Improving the Resilience of Vulnerable Coastal Communities to Climate Change" on 24-25 July 2024. This workshop comprised four thematic sessions, and ADRC moderated Session 1 on the topic Resilience of Vulnerable Coastal Communities to Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific: Prospects and Challenges.

Five speakers presented in this session. The two speakers from Vietnam reported the climate-related challenges at the national and local levels respectively, such as sea-level rise that caused intense typhoons and frequent flooding. Other speakers presented the prospects of addressing climate-related challenges:

i) UNDRR reported that the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction provides guidance for integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures;
ii) Republic of Korea reported that new tools are now available to monitor and predict storm surges; and
iii) Australia reported its leadership in promoting strategic partnerships for coastal resilience in the Asia-Pacific region.

In Session 2 (topic: Scaling up efforts on strengthening resilience of vulnerable coastal communities to climate change), ADRC made a presentation about "Utilizing climate change impact projection data to strengthen the resilience of coastal communities." ADRC, along with a number of research institutes and agencies, introduced its engagement in the Advanced Study of Climate Change Project (SENTAN4) in developing integrated hazard models on storm-and-flood hazards and water resources for the Asia-Pacific region. In particular, ADRC highlighted the utilization of downscaling tools to produce localized climate change impact projection data to inform adaptation and mitigation measures.

ADRC's participation in this workshop provided an opportunity to learn from other economies' experiences and actions in addressing climate-related challenges at the local level.

(2024/08/01 15:00)

24 July 2024 (Denizli, Turkiye)

20240724.pngIn recent years, a lot of DRR activities have been conducted between ADRC and Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkiye (AFAD), including international conferences and field survey missions.

Dr IKEDA Makoto from ADRC attended the AFAD seminar in Denizli, Turkiye as a speaker and made several presentations. He shared information about DRR structures in Japan and DRR efforts at the community and national level. Dr Fatma Canaslan Comut reported on recent AFAD's DRR programs such as an information sharing system. The participants also engaged actively in discussion with the two speakers, and the workshop proved to be a useful occasion for considering how to achieve better DRR in Turkiye going forward.

(2024/07/31 15:00)

25-28 June 2024 (Seoul, Republic of Korea )

20240625.pngThis year's annual meeting of the Typhoon Committee's Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (WGDRR) was held on 25-28 June 2024 in Seoul, Republic of Korea on the theme "EW4All: Bridging Gaps for Effective Disaster Risk Reduction." ADRC participated in this event on behalf of the Cabinet Office Japan with the following contributions and outcomes:

1) Presented Japan's member report highlighting the milestones on disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities implemented by ADRC in 2023 (e.g., GLIDE, Sentinel Asia, QZSS, training, webinars, ACDR, website, and other information-sharing activities)
2) Announced the host, theme, dates, and venue of the next Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction (ACDR2024) to the members of the WGDRR
3) Noted the key technical presentations related to the theme of ACDR2024, particularly the "Urban inundation response technology using deep learning and sensor data" by the National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI)/Republic of Korea and the "Role of Impact-Based Forecasting in Early Warnings for All initiative" by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP)
4) Affirmed a continuing collaboration with WGDRR in information sharing through GLIDE, the website, and online databases to be reflected in the working group's Annual Operations Plans (AOPs)
5) Discussed with the participant from Vietnam regarding ADRC's engagement in the forthcoming APEC Vietnam Online Workshop on "Improving the Resilience of Vulnerable Coastal Communities to Climate Change," 24-25 July 2024.

The WGDRR is one of the working groups under the UN-ESCAP/World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Typhoon Committee, comprising 14 members (i.e., 12 countries and 2 regions) in Asia-Pacific region.

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24-25 June 2024 (Da Nang, Vietnam )

20240624.jpgThe EPWG Workshop on Strengthening Early Warning Early Action for the Vulnerable Communities in APEC took place in Da Nang, Vietnam, on 24-25 June 2024. The workshop aimed to share professional and technical information in natural disaster risk management among APEC economies and was attended by some thirty experts from the APEC region. It was organised by Vietnam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is Vietnam's focal point in the APEC Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG).

ADRC Research Director KODAMA Miki and Senior Researcher SHIOMI Yumi participated in the event. In Session 3 (Best Practices and Lessons Learned), Ms SHIOMI made a presentation entitled Utilisation of State of Art Communication Technologies for CBDRM and Emergency Management. Through the workshop, participants actively shared their lessons learned and views on Early Warning and Early Action for the vulnerable communities.

(2024/07/02 15:00)

10 June 2024 (online)

On 10 June 2024, an online meeting was held for the United Nations Platform for Space-Based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) Regional Support Office (RSO). UN-SPIDER is a multilateral platform promoted by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) to facilitate the use of space-based technologies in disaster risk reduction and emergency response. UNOOSA is the UN agency responsible for space-related policies, and is headquartered in Vienna, Austria. (The RSO supports the UN-SPIDER program at a regional level. ADRC has been active as an RSO since signing a cooperation agreement with UNOOSA on 4 June 2009, at the 52nd session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).)

At the 10 June meeting, ADRC Project Director SUZUKI Koji explained the progress of a project for use of the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) in disaster risk reduction. QZSS is a system that the National Space Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office of Japan, is considering deploying in cooperation with nine countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The project technology uses QZSS (known as Michibiki in Japan), a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) developed and operated by the Japanese government, to transmit disaster-related information. This advanced technology can provide disaster-related information even in areas where regular communication infrastructure is lacking or is disrupted due to disaster. In Japan, partial operation began in 2018. The feasibility for general implementation of the technology in the Asia-Pacific region is being evaluated through surveys and by taking prototype receivers to the region to conduct demonstrations.

At the start of the meeting, UN-SPIDER explained that, until now, efforts to utilise space-based technologies for disaster risk reduction on the UN-SPIDER platform have been related to optical satellites and SAR satellites, and therefore use of GNSS (QZSS) technology for disaster risk reduction is very unique.

(2024/06/17 15:00)

20 May - 12 July 2024

20240520.pngAsian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program course entitled "Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reducion for Central and South American Countries JFY2024," from 20 May to 12 July 2024 in cooperation with JICA Kansai.

It was attended by 14 participants from 12 Central and South American countries: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.

The program consisted of 4 weeks of online and 4 weeks of face-to-face lectures and exercises to learn about Japanese experiences and technologies in disaster risk reduction. It also included site visits in Hyogo, Tokyo and Iwate Prefectures to observe various countermeasures including sediment-related disaster countermeasures at the Nigawa Landslide Museum and flood control measures at Kitakami River in Ichinoseki City. At the end of the course, the participants developed a draft local plan for DRR in their own countries through an 8-step workshop. After returning to their respective countries, they are expected to actively engage in DRR measures to reduce humanitarian and economic losses due to disasters.

ADRC would like to express its sincerest gratitude to all the organisations and universities that contributed to the success of this course.

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9 May 2024 (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei)

20240509-1.pngThe 7th ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) + Japan Meeting was held on 9 May 2024 in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. As a part of the program, Mr SASAHARA Akio, Executive Director of ADRC, gave presentations on the final outcome of two projects: "Promotion of Database Linkage and Capacity Enhancement through Utilisation of GLIDE" and "Pilot Project on Utilisation of State-of-the-Art Communication Technologies for CBDRM and Disaster Emergency Management," which were implemented to promote the "ASEAN-Japan Work Plan on Disaster Management 2021-2025." Regarding the CBDRM activities, the delegates from Malaysia, the target country of the project, expressed their gratitude for its successful completion. Additionally, proposals for the intended next phase of these projects were explained. In the meeting, there were also reports on the progress of various activities of the ASEAN-Japan Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan. Furthermore, ADRC participated in a field visit held on the last day, which facilitated interaction among the meeting participants.

20240509-2.png<Side Meetings with Representatives of Member Countries and Relevant Organisations>
As Brunei, the host country of the ACDM + Japan Meeting, officially became a member of ADRC on 1 May 2024, a meeting was held with the Director of Brunei's National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) to discuss future cooperation activities. We also had meetings with representatives from Malaysia, the ASEAN Secretariat, and the AHA Centre.

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1 May 2024


In response to an application from Brunei Darussalam to become a member, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) has welcomed them as the 33rd ADRC member country as of 1 May 2024. ADRC anticipates that the active participation of Brunei Darussalam will further enhance ADRC's activities.

(2024/05/08 15:00)

14-15 March 2024 (Noto Peninsula,Japan)


Following the Noto Peninsula earthquake on 1 January 2024, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) had been reporting in English on the overview of the earthquake and summarizing the official information released by the national and local governments on the damages and responses ( The report was kept updated until the end of February.

On 14-15 March 2024, two and a half months after the earthquake, ADRC researchers and visiting researchers from some of our Member countries visited the Noto Peninsula to inspect the damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami, and reviewed the ongoing reconstruction activities while pointing out the challenges. Road restoration work, which is key to facilitate evacuation, rescue, relief efforts, and restoration assistance, was underway, primarily on the "Noto-satoyama Kaido" that serves as arterial road. There were many areas where the road was damaged by landslides, mainly in mountainous areas, and only one lane was being temporarily restored to allow traffic. Road surfaces were damaged in many places and hillsides and mountainsides were only temporarily restored by piling up sandbags. This means that full restoration is still expected to take a considerable amount of time. We could also observe that police forces from prefectures of other regions such as Kansai, Kanto, Tohoku, and Hokkaido were providing traffic control and other support activities.

Many traditional wooden houses collapsed in the affected central area, including Wajima and Suzu cities. Although the visiting researchers are not familiar with the Japanese architectural style of wooden houses with tiled roofs, they could tell that the heavy tiled roofs caused much of the damage. They discussed their opinions for promoting measures to strengthen the earthquake resistance of such traditional houses.

In Wajima City, the participants observed the Asaichi Street, where a fire spread and a seven-story building collapsed nearby. We are confronting many issues, such as disaster reduction measures in areas where wooden houses are densely built and firefighting measures in the event of an earthquake and tsunami. In view of this, foreign visiting researchers compared the buildings and urban development in other countries, such as comparing the 2001 Gujarat earthquake in India and the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake in Japan.

In many areas where liquefaction had occurred, manholes were raised and utility poles were tilted. Even in Uchinada Town, which is located more than 100 km away from the epicentre, many houses were found to be tilted.

The participants also observed the fishing port in Wajima City, which was rendered unusable due to ground upheaval, and the tsunami damage in Suzu City. Furthermore, they observed the recovery support activities, such as the use of "Emergency Safety Evaluation" sheet (green, yellow, and red) to assess the emergency danger level of houses, water supply trucks, kitchen cars, emergency medical cars, and temporary housing construction, to gain knowledge on future DRR measures in different countries.

(2024/03/22 15:00)

7 December 2023 (Online)

On 7 December 2023, the GLIDE Steering Committee Meeting was held online with participation of 25 participants from 9 organizations. In the meeting, chaired by Prof. ONO Yuichi, we shared the recent updates of GLIDE as well as those from member organizations; CRED and UNDRR. Participants discussed over the activities for 2024 and confirmed their cooperation in the coming GLIDE development and application agenda.  
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4-5 December 2023 (Malaysia)

On 4 and 5 December 2023, ADRC organized the review meetings with the target communities, and district and state governments to evaluate the simulation of ICT tools prepared for the pilot project for CBDRM that was held in October.

Most stakeholders responded very positively to the tools and agreed to work with us in the future, recognising that the tools have the potential to revolutionise disaster response and to enhance disaster management capacity at the local level.

The meeting to report the outcomes of the project to the ASEAN member states will be held in February or March 2024. We also plan to discuss on the next project with the stakeholders. 
(2023/12/12 15:00)
28 November - 1 December 2023 (Bangkok, Thailand)

ADRC participated in the three events organized by ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee (TC) and jointly hosted by the Typhoon Committee Secretariat (TCS) and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) on 28 November to 1 December 2023 at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand.

The first event was the 4th Training and Research Coordination Group (TRCG) Forum, where specialized topics of research interest such as Artificial Intelligence and potential operational applications related to tropical cyclone monitoring, forecasting, and warning were presented. The second event was the 18th Integrated Workshop (IWS), which is an annual integrated event of the four working groups: Advisory (AWG), Meteorology (WGM), Hydrology (WGH), Disaster Risk Reduction (WGDRR) to assess the work done in the past year and develop work plans for the next year. The third event was the Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (WGDRR) parallel meeting, where its 12-member countries and 2 regions assess the year-end progress of implementing the Annual Operation Plans (AOPs).

ADRC participated in the WGDRR meeting on behalf of the Cabinet Office Japan, which is the focal point for Japan. ADRC presented the member's report of Japan highlighting the disaster risk reduction activities on information-sharing, capacity-building, and technology transfer, particularly the Quasi Zenith Satellites System's Disaster and Emergency Crisis Report (QZSS-DC Report) service. Moreover, ADRC presented an overview of the GLIDE number system. After the presentation, the WGDRR members proposed to include the GLIDE number system as part of the Annual Operations Plans (AOPs) subject for review by AWG and the Typhoon Committee Secretariat. 
(2023/12/5 15:00)
15 November 2023 (Online)

ADRC's Online Tsunami Seminar held on 15 November 2023 dwelt with the "State and Challenges of Community-Based Tsunami Preparedness." It is essential that communities living in tsunami-prone areas prepare for tsunami disaster through awareness-raising, evacuation drills, and early warning systems (EWS). The speakers at the seminar concluded that if tsunami preparedness is integrated in the daily lives of residents, it helps save lives and reduce the impacts on properties and livelihoods.

Mr Gerry Potutan, ADRC Senior Researcher, moderated the session to achieve two key objectives: 1) share community-based tsunami preparedness programs and activities; and 2) discuss challenges in implementing community-based tsunami preparedness activities in different countries. Three speakers from ADRC member countries were invited to broaden and deepen the discussion.

Ms Thai Minh Huong, Officer of International Cooperation Science and Technology Department, Vietnam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority, Vietnam, reported that while Vietnam has not experienced tsunami disaster yet, the government has been mobilizing the communities and schools to prepare. The activities include: awareness-raising on tsunami at schools and commune, regular organization of tsunami drills, and installation of tsunami early warning system. Ms Huong noted that tsunami disaster-preparedness in Vietnam is a proactive approach, stressing that "although there was no prior tsunami experience in Vietnam, it does not mean it will not occur." In the same light, the government is facing a challenge to convince communities in areas where tsunami may occur to actively participate in the preparedness programs. 

Mr Ranjith Alahakoon, Assistant Director at the Polonnaruwa District under the Ministry of Defence, District Disaster Management Unit, Sri Lanka, said that some coastal communities in Sri Lanka were impacted by the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004. With that experience, the government has been implementing a tsunami preparedness program, including the establishment of the community organizations (VDMC). However, one of the challenges VDMCs face is that they do not have any "legal status," therefore there had been cases where the government could not provide them financial supports. As a  result, VDMCs do not have "active engagement" in the preparedness programs introduced by the government for lack of "ownership." One lesson from this experience is that "top-down" approach with no legal fund transfer could be challenging. 

Dr NAKANO Genta, Assistant Professor, Research Center for Disaster Reduction Systems, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan, reported that the community-based preparedness efforts have evolved through past tsunami experiences. Recently, a more organized approach that adopts a "collaborative model" to community tsunami-preparedness has been promoted in Japan. Showing the case of Okitsu community in Shimanto Town of Kochi Prefecture, he explained that this model assigns responsibility to every collaborating partner, where: 1) volunteer organization links the school, municipality, and expert; 2) elementary school educates the children to protect themselves from tsunamis; 3) town government implements infrastructure improvements; and 4) university provides specialized information on earthquake and tsunami disaster. One example of the collaborative activity is the elaboration of "bosai map," wherein students are taught to think about necessary tsunami evacuation measures. 

In the closing remarks, Mr SASAHARA Akio, ADRC Executive Director, stressed the importance of regularly conducting awareness-raising activities on tsunami disaster so that knowledge is transferred, shared, and not forgotten. 

You can visit the webpage for the Tsunami Online Seminar 2023 in ADRC website for more information: 
(2023/11/22 15:00)
31 October 2023 

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) will hold this year's Online Tsunami Seminar on 15 November 2023 on the theme of "State and Challenges of Community-Based Tsunami Preparedness." The seminar will encourage discussions among participants on the progress and challenges in tsunami preparedness, highlighting the experiences from Japan, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. 

- ADRC Online Tsunami Seminar 2023
  "State and Challenges of Community-Based Tsunami Preparedness"

- Date and Time
  14:00-15:30, 15 November 2023 (JST, UTC+9)

- Website

- Zoom Registration

For details and registration, kindly click on the above-mentioned website links. We look forward to meeting you online!
(2023/10/31 15:00)
21-23 October 2023 (Turkiye)

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), in collaboration with the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) of Turkiye, University of the Ryukyus, and Hacettepe University, organized a study visit to 2023 Turkiye-Syria earthquake-affected areas in Turkiye on 21-23 October 2023. The study visit was aimed at: i) observing the impacts, challenges, and lessons from the earthquake disaster; ii) gaining insights on improving the DRR plans of ADRC member countries; and iii) facilitating knowledge and information exchange.

The study team comprised officials from Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam. In addition, academics from the University of the Ryukus and Hacettepe University as well as AFAD officials from Turkiye and ADRC staff members participated in the study visit. The team learned more about the mechanisms, damage, and disaster response of this earthquake in Turkiye. The study team also visited three of the eleven provinces impacted by the earthquake, Gaziantep, Kharamanmaras, and Hatay to observe the housing recovery process in these areas.

The team learned that the tectonic plates in Turkiye include the Anatolian Plate, the African Plate, the Arabian Plate, and the Eurasian Plate and that during the 2023 earthquakes, "a relative slip between the Arabian and African plates caused westward movement of the Anatolian plate." This large slip combined with the following factors caused many buildings to collapse or become heavily damaged: i) lack of implementation of seismic codes in structural design, ii) construction mistakes, negligence, and lack of moral, iii) poor workmanship, iv) soft floors, v) resonance phenomenon due to ground conditions, vi) pounding of adjacent buildings, and vii) liquefaction of the ground. Regarding housing recovery, the team observed that the reconstruction is contractor-driven and that the permanent houses are being built in relocation sites. Also, the citizens can own the house 
with payments maturing in 20 years (2 years free and 18 years covered 60% by subsidy from the government). 

ADRC would like to thank AFAD, Dr Omer and Professor Ulusay to make this visit possible, and all the participants from the member countries who actively took part in this study visit.
(2023/10/30 15:00)
20 October 2023 (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

The Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction (ACDR) 2023, held on 20 October 2023 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan was attended by a total of 120 participants in person at Hyatt Regency Dushanbe, while 111 joined online. The theme for the conference this year was: "Effective Implementation of DRR Measures -Enabling Digital Transformation in DRR-". 


We had the honour of having Ms Sattoriyon Matlubakhon Amonzoda, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan, make the first speech to open the conference. She addressed that Tajikistan is committed to implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) through various initiatives, including investment in resilient infrastructure and the adoption of the National Disaster Risk Mitigation Strategy. She emphasized that the effects of climate change affect all countries, including Tajikistan whose topography is 93% mountainous.

Ms Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for DRR, stated that by 2030, climate change will cause over 5 million people to be internally displaced in Central Asia. To reduce the impact, she stressed the need for a paradigm shift in risk management. She noted the importance of incorporating DX through the application of data analysis and machine learning to support evidence-based, data-driven decisions.

Mr MATSUMURA Yoshifumi, Minister of State for Disaster Management, Government of Japan, emphasized the importance of identifying disaster risks, investing in mitigation, and sharing 'Build Back Better' experiences. He expressed hopes for ACDR2023 to be a venue for sharing pivotal technologies and expertise for disaster risk reduction.

Dr HAMADA Masanori, Chairman of the ADRC, announced that Fiji joined as the 32nd member country of ADRC in August 2023. He also emphasized the increasing risk of climate change disasters and the need to enhance infrastructure and social systems to adapt and become more resilient.

Mr Rustam Nazarzoda, Chairman of the CoES highlighted the collaboration between the CoES, the Cabinet Office of Japan, and ADRC in hosting this opportunity. ACDR2023 serves as a platform for policy sharing, knowledge exchange, and cooperation in DRR. Tajikistan is one of the UN pilot areas for the Early Warning for All initiative. As the host of ACDR2023, Tajikistan aims to foster greater unity within the international community.


Aimed at providing the ADRC member countries with an opportunity to discuss how to leverage collective action and cooperation in accelerating the implementation of the Sendai Framework towards 2030, this session was co-chaired by Mr Nazarzoda, Chairman of the CoES, Ms TSUNOZAKI Etsuko, Board Member, SEEDS Asia, and Mr Sebastian Penzini, Acting Head, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).

16 speakers from ADRC member countries (Armenia, Bhutan, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, and Viet Nam) shared the opportunity to convey official statements highlighting the progress and challenges in implementing the four priorities of the Sendai Framework.

To address those gaps, the official statements offered the following recommendations: 1) Scale-up sharing of policies and measures that promote DRR efforts in a coordinated manner, particularly on policies relating to disaster database, early warning, and community-based disaster risk management as well as on measures relating to information management systems, regional knowledge sharing, and disaster response mechanisms. 2) Promote sub-regional cooperation in addressing complex and transboundary disaster risks, particularly earthquakes, floods, and typhoons. 3) Forge partnerships and joint projects in the areas of hazard and risk identification, mapping, and assessments in a manner that puts greater emphasis in science-based approaches and embrace digital technologies for multi-hazards disaster risk reduction.

SESSION 1 "Innovative Solutions for Resilient Societies: DRR Technologies for Earthquakes and Geological Hazards"

This session was co-chaired by Mr Pulod Aminzoda, Director of the Institute of Geology, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, and Dr Sos Margaryan, Director, National Survey for Seismic Protection (NSSP), Armenia.

Six session speakers from Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University (IRIDeS), UNDRR, CoES, and Turkiye, reported on their current efforts and challenges as well as the latest multifaceted approaches including visualization of disaster risk using DX, measures for earthquake resistance and slope stabilization in cities, and development of design technologies and new materials for disaster-resistant buildings and structures. 

It was confirmed that a multifaceted approach is necessary to cope with earthquake and landslide disasters, including citywide seismic intensity estimation and DRR measures using sensors and AI technology, development of new building technologies and materials, and urban planning that incorporates a DRR perspective. It was also confirmed that it is essential for local residents, relevant organizations and businesses to work together on an efficient DRR measures involving the entire community to minimize the damage caused by earthquakes. Information on advanced technologies and initiatives to mitigate damage from earthquakes and landslides as well as practical DRR measures were shared to realize an earthquake-resilient society.

SESSION 2 "Adaptation to the Climate Crisis: Innovative Approaches to Monitoring and Responding to Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) and Intensifying Floods"

This session was co-chaired by Prof. Abdulhamid Kayumov, Director of the Center for Glacier Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, and Dr Changje Kwak, Research Scientist, National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI), Republic of Korea.

Six session speakers from Tajikistan, Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction (CESDRR), International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Republic of Korea, CoES and Agha Khan reported the current situations and efforts taken against climate crisis related disasters. The climate crisis has resulted in extreme weather events in many parts of the world. High temperatures and precipitation are causing increased GLOFs, receding glaciers, more frequent and widespread forest fires, and more prolonged and damaging floods that are seriously threatening the society and the environment. This session focused on innovative approaches to monitoring and responding to GLOFs, forest fires, and floods. Past efforts in weather-related disaster risk assessment and forecasting were reviewed while analytical methods and forecasting models using innovative technologies such as satellite observations, remote sensing, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning were evaluated.


Before closing the conference, Mr Nazarzoda, Chairman of the CoES conducted the DRR Award Ceremony of Tajikistan.

Mr SASAHARA Akio, Executive Director of the ADRC, provided a summary of the ACDR2023 and expressed gratitude to Tajikistan for hosting the event. He highlighted key points shared during the roundtable and technical sessions.

Dr OGAWA Yujiro, the Executive Secretary of the ADRC, acknowledged the efforts in providing information through the Global unique Disaster Identifier number (GLIDEnumber). He also noted the increased frequency of disasters worldwide and stressed the significance of learning from these events. He also mentioned that the study visit the earthquake-affected sites in Turkiye would be a part of such learning. 

Mr Nazarzoda, Chairman of the CoES, emphasized the importance of knowing the necessary measures to be taken for earthquake and disaster risk reduction. He stressed the significance of sharing and gathering data among member countries.

For more information on ACDR2023, please visit the ACDR2023 website 

ADRC is grateful for all the participations. We will also like to thank again the CoES for the hard work to make this event possible.
(2023/10/28 15:00)
20 October 2023 (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

The Asian Disaster Risk Reduction Conference 2023 (ADRC 2023) was held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on 20 October 2023. The conference was originally scheduled to take place in Tajikistan in 2020, but was postponed due to the spread of COVID-19.

The conference, entitled "Effective Implementation of DRR Measures -Enabling Digital Transformation in DRR," was organised in collaboration with the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (CoES) and the Cabinet Office of Japan. The onsite venue was lively with participants including officials from 17 Member Countries, members of CoES and many other international organisations, research institutions and NGOs. We had 111 viewers joining the conference online including participants from 7 Member Countries, as well as others from a wide range of affiliations including academic and media institutes.

Detailed results of each session and links of the recording of the conference will be provided in the next issue. We would like to thank the Government of Tajikistan for co-hosting this conference and all the participants for your active participation.
(2023/10/27 15:00)
11 October 2023 (Ha Long, Viet)
The 6th ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) + Japan Meeting was held on 11 October 2023 in Ha Long, Viet Nam. As a part of the program, Mr SASAHARA Akio, Executive Director of the ADRC, gave presentations on the progress of the two ongoing projects: "Promotion of Database Linkage and Capacity Enhancement through Utilizatio of GLIDE" and "Pilot Project on Utilization of State-of-Art Communication Technologies for CBDRM and Disaster Emergency Management." With regard to the CBDRM activities, the Vietnamese delegates in particular showed interest in the activities, as it is effective for use in rural areas remote from urban centres. Other activities at the meeting included reports on the progress of each activity of the ASEAN-Japan Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan 2021-2025.

On the last day of the meetings, ADRC participated in the site visit organized for the meeting participants. In the morning, the participants observed a disaster awareness event held at a nearby high school in association with the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. Later, the delegations deepened exchanges with each other on a cruise in the World Heritage-listed Ha Long Bay.
(2023/10/18 15:00)
5 October 2023 (Malaysia)

As a project to promote the "Capacity Building on Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR)" programme under the ASEAN-JAPAN Work Plan on Disaster Management, ADRC has been conducting since July 2023, the "Pilot Project on Utilization of State-of-the-Art Communication Technologies for CBDRM and Disaster Emergency Management in Malaysia," commissioned by the Cabinet Office of Japan. The pilot activities were carried out in close cooperation with the National Disaster Management Agency of Malaysia (NADMA).

After the initial coordination in July 2023 with the relevant stakeholders, such as Ranau District Office, Dumpiring and Mesilou Village Disaster Management Committees in the selected pilot area in Kundasang, Sabah, a test of the ICT tools prepared for this pilot project was conducted on 5 October 2023. The activities were conducted as one of the programmes during the Science and Technology Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (STDR3) Week 2023, which was attended by Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department. 

The tools were tested and validated through simulated activities in a controlled disaster scenario involving targeted groups of community members and agencies in the pilot areas, confirming that they can be used effectively for information sharing in the event of a disaster. The results of the simulation were reviewed after the event by the observed agencies, such as NADMA and the Sabah State Disaster Management Committee (SSDMC). Follow-up activities, including of a seminar for the district officers, will be conducted in December 2023.
(2023/10/12 15:00)
24 September - 2 October 2023 (Turkiye)

ADRC visited Turkiye from 24 September to 2 October 2023, staying six days in Turkiye, to study the state of their recovery in field of education in areas affected by the Turkiye-Syria Earthquake that occurred in February 2023. This study was supported by the "Hyogo Prefecture Turkiye Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction Support Project" and conducted in collaboration with Mr SUWA Seiji, Visiting Professor, University of Hyogo. In addition, Dr Emin Ozdamar of the Turkish Japanese Foundation greatly cooperated in this project.

The delegation visited schools that were damaged by the earthquake in the Province of Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras, and Hatay, and had interviews regarding school education and the situations of teachers and children after the earthquake. Workshops were also conducted with education communities to share the experiences of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake, including the response of the actual education sites and the recovery efforts they have made.

It seemed that the teachers were still in deep grief from the earthquake but they were working hard to reopen schools, continue education, and care for children. The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) has been providing mental health and psychosocial support for teachers and children by dispatching specialists and holding seminars for teachers, however, for a long-term recovery, continuous supports for teachers and children in schools are necessary. Moreover, reconsideration of future disaster education based on the experience of this earthquake is also essential. ADRC will create opportunities to share experiences of disasters between Turkiye and Japan through communication exchanges with teachers and children.
(2023/10/09 15:00)
17-18 September 2023 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

The 8th Joint Project Team Meeting was held from 17 to 18 September 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia as well as the 29th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) held from 19 to 22 September 2023 following JPTM. APRSAF was co-organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) of Indonesia. 

ADRC participated in both conferences, and reported on Sentinel Asia's activities. On 17 September, ADRC participated in a panel discussion and reported on the situations of Sentinel Asia's emergency observation requests (EOR) and end-user feedbacks on the various data provided to them in time of disaster. On 18 September, ADRC joined the organization reports session and introduced about the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) which is an EOR manual being developed in member countries and region of Sentinel Asia.

ADRC will continue to actively participate in activities related to the utilization of space technology in the field of disaster prevention.
(2023/09/25 15:00)
28 August 2023 (Online)

In collaboration with the additional members of the Advanced Study of Climate Change Projection (SENTAN) Program, ADRC co-organized the first webinar on "Climate Change Impact Projection for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia-Pacific Region" on 28 August 2023. The first webinar featured the climate change impact in Fiji with the presentation from Mr Jasneel Chandra, Scientific Officer in Climatology at Fiji Meteorological Service (FMS). Mr Jasneel Chandra reported that the sea level at Lautoka Wharf in Fiji has been on average increasing at 4.3mm/year between 1993 and 2022. As result, some villages (e.g., Veivatuloa and Vunidogoloa) are easily flooded and inundated by sea water causing the relocation of many coastal houses. 

Since one of the objectives of the webinar was to share the results of climate change projections, the following Japanese experts also made presentations related to climate change in Fiji: 

1) Prof. MORI Nobuto, Research Division of Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Disasters, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University.
2) Dr NAKAEGAWA Toshiyuki, Head of Second Laboratory, Department of Applied Meteorology Research, Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) of Japan Meteorological Agency.
3) Dr MURATA Akihiko, Head First Laboratory, Department of Applied Meteorology Research, Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) of Japan Meteorological Agency.
4) Mr MORI Noriyuki, Deputy Director, International Center for Water Hazard and Risk Management.
5) Prof. TACHIKAWA Yasuto, Hydrology and Water Resources Research Laboratory, Kyoto University. 

Lastly, Associate Professor KOBAYASHI Kenichiro (Kobe University) and Dr Gerry Potutan (ADRC) co-facilitated the event. Materials can be accessed on the website: 
(2023/09/04 15:00)
21-25 August 2023 (Malaysia)

One of the services of Quasi Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) is the Satellite Report for Disaster and Crisis Management (DC Report), which the National Space Policy Secretariat of the Cabinet Office Japan (NSPS-CAO) is promoting to countries in the Asia-Pacific region. QZSS can transmit a warning message to the ground, and it is useful in areas that have no internet/cellular communication system. It also serves as redundant system when the existing ground communication systems are damaged by extreme disaster events. 

Under the supervision of the NSPS-CAO, a project team comprising representatives from ADRC, Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd. and NTT Data Corporation visited Malaysia on 21-25 August 2023 to demonstrate the QZSS 'DC Report' technology. Through the local support of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Centre (DPPC) of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), the project team conducted the following key activities: 

1) Visited the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) Prime Minister Department of Malaysia in Putrajaya to brief key officials of the QZSS DC Report technology.
2) Visited the town of Hulu Langat, Selangor in two consecutive days to set-up, demonstrate, test, and discuss the performance of QZSS prototype receivers. 
3) Convened with key government agencies and stakeholders to share respective local initiatives on disaster early warning systems (EWS) and administered the survey questionnaire to all local participants.
4) Discussed the next steps and endeavors was made as well. 

The QZSS 'DC Report' demonstration in Malaysia showed that the prototype receivers, as tested in Hulu Langat, are capable of receiving the warning message transmitted through QZSS. In view of this outcome, local stakeholders expressed interest in the technology and discussed with the project team options of integrating it with the existing early warning technologies and practices in Malaysia.
(2023/08/31 15:00) 

16 June - 8 August 2023 (Online + Japan)

ADRC conducted a JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program "Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction for Central Asia and Caucasus" from 16 June to 8 August 2023, with the cooperation of JICA Kansai. Eight government officials from five countries: Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, participated in this course, learning how to formulate and implement local DRR plans to promote DRR measures in their respective home countries.

The first four weeks of the course consisted of online lectures and exercises. In the latter three weeks, face-to-face programs were conducted in Japan, including site observations and lectures in Hyogo, Niigata, Gunma, and Ibaraki prefectures to learn about Japanese experiences and countermeasures of DRR. At the end of the course, the participants presented a draft of a local DRR plan, which they formulated through the programs and adapted to challenges present in their own home countries. Moreover, through active discussions and sparring on their respective DRR plans, the participants shared knowledge and addressed challenges they had in disaster reduction measures in their home regions.
(2023/08/15 15:00)

13-16 June 2023 (Ulsan, Republic of Korea)

As a member of the Typhoon Committee's Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (TC/WGDRR), ADRC participated in the 18th Annual Meeting held on 13-16 June 2023 at the Lotte Hotel in Ulsan, Republic of Korea. The National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI), chair of the WGDRR, hosted the meeting on the theme, "Future of the Disaster Risk Reduction: Leveraging Technology to Adapt Climate Change". 

Mr SUZUKI Koji, Project Director at ADRC, delivered a technical presentation entitled, "QZSS Technology Application to Early Warning Message Platform" and Dr Gerry Potutan, Senior Researcher at ADRC, presented on the ADRC activities in line with TC/WGDRR. Both presentations highlighted ADRC's contributions in achieving the TC/WGDRR objectives to reduce the number of deaths and minimize the economic impacts of typhoon disasters in the Asia-Pacific region. 

One of the recommendations brought up by this meeting was to explore the linkage between the Typhoon Committee's Disaster Information System (TC-DIS) and the ADRC's GLobal Unique Disaster IDEntifier number (GLIDE) system. Under this proposed linkage, ADRC may be requested to provide an orientation to the 14 TC/WGDRR member countries on how to input the disaster information to the GLIDE system, focusing on tropical cyclone, storm surge, flood, and landslide. The progress of this potential linkage will be reported at the 18th Integrated Workshops (18th IWS) of the Typhoon Committee to be held on 27-30 November 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. 
2023/06/20 15:00
10 June 2023 (Anagasaki, Japan)

At the panel discussion "Towards Recovery from the Turkey-Syria Earthquake" held in the 4th Conference of the Society for Disaster Education on 10 June 2023 from 13:00 to 15:00, ADRC presented the current status of disaster education in Turkish schools and ADRC's activities relevant to earthquake and DRR education in Turkey along with an overview of the Turkey-Syria earthquake. Under the coordination of Mr SUWA Seiji, President of the Society for Disaster Education, the role of disaster education in recovery from the Turkey-Syria earthquake was discussed with Mr Emin Ozdamar, Vice-President of the Turkish Japanese Foundation, and Mr YOSHITSUBAKI Masamichi, Secretary General of Citizens towards Overseas Disaster Emergency (CODE).
(2023/06/17 15:00)
17 - 21 May 2023 (Japan)

A delegation from the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM), Thailand visited Japan from 17 to 21 May 2023 to conduct the "Study Visit Program for Enhancing the Capacity of a National Early Warning System and Establishing Cell Broadcast System in Thailand." The delegation included Mr Boontham Lertsukekasem, Director General of DDPM, and 11 other senior officials who are in charge of early warning system and dissemination in the department. 

The group visited some organisations involved in the river early warning and information dissemination system including: the Kanto Regional Development Bureau's Kofu Work Office under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT); the Fire and Disaster Management Agency (FDMA) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC); the Sumida City Office; the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK); NTT Docomo; the Japan Telecommunications Engineering and Consulting Service (JTEC); and the Honjo Life Safety Learning Center. The visits gave the group an opportunity to obtain directly from the respective organisations a wide perspective of the latest initiatives taken in Japan concerning the river early warning system ranging from the acquisition of river observation data to information dissemination to the public through the dissemination system utilized by the emergency response agencies such as FDMA and local governments, and by the media and mobile phone companies.

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) supported the delegation by advising on the development of its agenda and by accompanying the delegation on the study visits.
(2023/05/24 15:00)
3-4 May 2023 (Bonn, Germany)

On 3-4 May 2023, ADRC attended the "Technical workshop: validation of the prototype for the new losses and damages tracking system" held in Bonn, Germany. The workshop which was organized by UNDRR, UNDP and WMO aimed to gather feedback from practitioners, experts and other losses and damages data stakeholders on the draft prototype of a new tracking system of the losses and damages data that is now in the process of development. During the two-day workshop, over 80 participants actively exchanged opinions in person and virtually about several issues of the new system such as functionalities, data analysis, visualization and administration. It is expected that the new system will ensure the use of data to generate insights for comprehensive disaster and climate risk management and for risk-informed sustainable development policy making and investment decisions.
(2023/05/10 15:00)

10 - 12 March 2023 (Sendai, Japan hybrid with online)

The field trip that took place after the conference of the Asian Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 (ACDR2022), which took place in Sendai, Japan, in March 2023.

On 12 March 2023, after the conference adjourned, participants moved by bus to the Yuriage area in Natori City. After each enjoying a lunch of local seafood and products at Yuriage Minato Asaichi (morning market) /Maple Hall, the participants joined a walking tour to observe the recovery and urban planning situations in the area following the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, with the assistance of the Natori City Kitagama Construction Promotion Office.

The participants visited the following three places with the Mayor of Natori City, Mr YAMADA Shiro: (1) Earthquake Reconstruction Museum, (2) Teizan Canal and Restoration Public Houses, and (3) Kawamachi Terrace Yuriage (commercial shopping centre).

At the Earthquake Reconstruction Museum, the participants divided into two groups and received an explanation from the Mayor on the overview of the recovery situation of the area and the facility's function as a flood defence facility at the time of emergencies. In particular, the explanation of the post-disaster town planning attracted a lot of interest, as it talked about how the population declined immediately after the earthquake and tsunami event, and how it turned to increase after the promotion of the new town planning. 

The participants then walked along the Teizan Canal and the reconstruction public housing area, where they were able to directly see and learn how the land level was raised and tsunami emergency evacuation sites were set up in public housings.

Finally, the participants visited the Kawamachi Terrace Yuriage commercial centre and were given a briefing on its disaster preparedness functions. After the explanation, the participants had some time to stroll around the shopping area overflowing with locals and tourists enjoying the weekend on the riverbank.

During the two-hour field trip, participants raised active questions about the specific community development measures and reconstruction policies implemented by Natori City, and showed great interest in the reconstruction efforts taken in the area so they could reflect them to their jobs at home as disaster management administrators and officials.

This field trip was made possible through a great contribution of Natori City Kitagama Construction Promotion Office. The brochure, "Initiatives for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture," provided by the office, served not only as a great reference material for the visit, but also a source of many valuable reconstruction experiences for the participants to take home.

We would like to thank once again to all those who supported with us on this field trip and those who participated in ACDR2022.
(2023/03/22 15:00)
10 - 12 March 2023 (Sendai, Japan hybrid with online)

Reports on Session 1, 2 and 3 of the Asian Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 (ACDR2022), which took place in Sendai, Japan, in March 2023.

<Session 1: Large-Scale Disasters and Countermeasures>

This session shared information on the current situations of large-scale disasters and the responses to them. Disasters are intensifying around the world due to the climate change, increasing economic damages caused by the progress of urbanisation and impacts of the cascading and compounding risks. Furthermore, the session provided an opportunity to learn about disaster risk management (DRM) systems, including a more effective pre-disaster investment in DRR and DRM measures.

Dr SAKAMOTO Mayumi (Professor, Graduate School of Disaster Resilience and Governance, University of Hyogo) moderated this session. In her introduction, she stressed the importance of improving the countermeasures for large-scale disasters. Water-related disasters are getting more frequent and intense, such as seen in the unusually prolonged floods that occurred in Pakistan in 2022. Earthquakes, such as those in Turkiye and Syria in February 2023, have unknown dynamics and unpredictable occurrence. It was noted that the impact of these disasters often cross national borders affecting people living in different countries. 

Dr ARASHIMA Chizu (Professor, International and European Union Law, Faculty of Global Communication, Kobe Gakuin University) presented the issues in transboundary disaster governance from the perspective of international law. She highlighted the importance of science-based data in negotiating treaties or bilateral agreements between countries on addressing transboundary disasters.

Mr Saleem Shahzad Malik (Director, Disaster Risk Reduction, National Disaster Management Authority, Prime Minister's Office, Pakistan) presented the disaster risk reduction and climate change adaption activities in Pakistan. In particular, the government is strengthening its disaster management system to address extreme events such as the prolonged and devastating floods in 2022. Additionally, the government has been adopting new technology in disaster risk management as well as utilising scientific data to further enhance its disaster risk reduction strategies.

Dr Le Minh Nhat (Deputy Director, Department of Natural Disaster Response and Recovery, Vietnam Disaster Management Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam) presented an overview of the disaster risk management system in Vietnam. He said that flood is the most frequent type of disaster in the country. To address this, major financial and structural investments have been promoted in flood control and management. In fact, the National DRR Plan 2021-2025 puts greater priority in implementing flood control projects.

Mr Serik Aubakiro (Acting Director, Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction (CESDRR)) introduced roles and functions of CESDRR, which is a permanent intergovernmental body to help address transboundary disasters and emergencies. CESDRR was established through the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to achieve the following objectives: 1) cooperation in disaster risk reduction, prevention and elimination of emergency situations; 2) mitigate factors of disaster risk, identify, assess, forecast and monitor emergency situation hazards; 3) coordinate mutual efforts and strengthen preparedness for effective and timely response to emergencies; 4) implement regional and international cooperation in DRR and emergency management; and 5) increase the safety of life activities of the population during natural and man-made disasters.

Dr Sakamoto, in her conclusion of the session, acknowledged that this session made clear that information sharing between countries of origin of the disaster and countries affected by that disaster is critical in mitigating transboundary impacts. However, despite the urgency required for information sharing as disaster response, there is no practical international communication system that can be used in emergency situations, since techniques and rules for natural disaster monitoring vary from country to country. One of her suggestions is to establish an international risk communication system among relevant organisations to enhance transboundary disaster risk management.

<Session 2: Broaden Our Horizons for Disaster Data Linkage in SFDRR Implementation: Application of GLIDE (GLobal IDEntifier Number)>

This session reviewed the current status of the disaster data management in Asia and introduced some tools and practices to effectively deal with the data collected from wide range of stakeholders. It aimed at contributing to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) Target G-5: Number of countries that have accessible, understandable, usable and relevant disaster risk information and assessment available to the people at the national and local level.

Mr Julio Serje (Consultant, ADRC and Director, RobotSearch Software Inc.) moderated this session. In the introduction, he emphasized the challenges relating to disaster data management in disaster risk reduction. There are still gaps among stakeholders on how damages and losses data are managed. On the other hand, most of the disaster data just remain aggregated and not put into use. These challenges exist on top of the fact that disaster data is getting more complex, and therefore, it is important to promote the establishment of linkages among the various data management tools existing in the Asian region.

Dr Animesh Kumar (Head, UNDRR Office in Bonn, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) reported the progress in monitoring the SFDRR. He informed that as of February 2023, the cumulative number of countries using Sendai Framework Monitor (SFM) to report on DRR progress amounted to 156. The SFM targets and indicators are also finding application in several intergovernmental processes, while the data has helped reporting on SDGs and are being used by partner organisations in thematic reports and programmes. The challenge in reporting is that developing countries, especially LDCs and SIDS, are struggling to provide data to all targets and all indicators for the SFM. To help advance monitoring, new models and tools are being developed particularly in tracking of disaster losses and damages. The new model is expected to link climate-related variables, losses and damages, and disaster events.

Mr Demberelnyam Baasansuren (Director, Risk Management Department, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Mongolia) presented the practices and challenges of disaster data gathering and sharing in Mongolia. One of those practices is the Spatial Information System that NEMA established in 2019 in order to share hazard information nationwide. Among the challenges in data gathering are barriers in distributing the registration templates and guidance to respective stakeholders for raw data collection. In addition, the human and technological capacities are insufficient to provide an understanding on the necessity in collecting and generating reliable data. As way forward, NEMA will strengthen knowledge and understanding of data disaggregation and its importance through training and other outreach activities.

Dr Chihun Lee (Senior Research Officer, National Disaster Management Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Republic of Korea) talked about the international cooperation on disaster risk reduction focusing on early warning systems for floods. He highlighted the cooperation project carried out with the Philippine government to install flood early warning systems putting emphasis on communication protocols. 

Mr Rajesh Sharma, (Programme Specialist (Global) Disaster Risk Information and Application Crisis Bureau, Bangkok Regional Hub United Nations Development Programme, Bangkok, Thailand) introduced UNDP's Digital Disaster Risk Reduction Maturity Model (DDRRMM). This is a tool that diagnose the maturity of the digital ecosystem of disaster risk reduction and management practices. In developing this tool, UNDP conducted an in-depth analysis of national disaster database systems to support the new generation of disaster data and information systems in line with the level of digital maturity of each country. He highlighted the importance of digital and data governance for DRM, and this needs to be promoted through legal and institutional frameworks, policies, strategies, action plans, and practical guidelines.  

Mr Keith Paolo C. Landicho (Disaster Monitoring and Analysis Officer, ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management) presented the evolution of the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet), which is a repository of information on hazards and disasters that occurred in Southeast Asian region. ADINet has two types of linkages. One of them are "existing linkages" that include: linkages for validation, linkages for research application, and linkages for coverage. The others are "external linkages" that include: linkages for integration and linkage for enhancement. ADINet's linkage with GLIDE fits under the linkages for integration.

Dr SHIOMI Yumi (Senior Researcher, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC)), presented the GLobal disaster IDEntifier (GLIDE) improvements, particularly on open governance and better functionality. In terms of governance, a steering committee was established in 2021 as well as the three subcommittees: API, SOP, and New Product Development. In terms of functionality, two new manuals were drafted and crowdsourcing was introduced in 2022 to allow users to report "missing disasters in the GLIDE database." Linkages of GLIDE with other disaster data management tools have been constantly coordinated, such as linkage with Reliefweb, Sentinel Asia, UNOSAT, ADINet, and ESCAP.

The session featured the challenges for collecting, reporting and sharing disaster data and the practices to manage it effectively. While the number of countries that reported its progress of implementing the SFDRR has increased, it was found that there are still gaps in data collection and management at national and local levels. To address these challenges, various tools have been developed by stakeholders. Linkages of various data management tools need to be promoted.

<Session 3: The Provision of Information via Satellite for Disaster and Crisis Management>

This session provided an overview of the utilization of the Quasi Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) for disaster and crisis management (DC Report). It also presented the outcomes of QZSS DC Report demonstrations in some countries.

Dr Gerald Potutan (Senior Researcher, ADRC and Visiting Associate Professor, Kobe University) moderated this session. In many remote, mountainous, and island areas in Asia, people have limited or no access to internet or cellular communications. Oftentimes, the warning information to evacuate does not reach the people at risk. Providing the warning information via QZSS helps address this challenge. It directly transmits the message to: 1) individuals with receivers/terminals; 2) outdoor electronic facilities/boards; and 3) ground receivers that activate community alarms (e.g., siren and beam lights). 

Mr HONGO Nobuo (Deputy Director, National Space Policy Secretariat, QZSS Strategy Office, Cabinet Office, Japan) explained about the Satellite Report for Disaster and Crisis Management (DC Report) which is one of the services under QZSS. With this service, disaster management agencies can provide warning information via QZSS satellites to communities-at-risk even in the absence of internet or cellular services. As of December 2022, approximately 390 products are compatible with QZSS. Using some of these products (smartphone apps), demonstrations of QZSS utilization were conducted in Australia, Fiji, and Thailand.

Ms Runjie Gou (GIS Engineer, Social Innovation Division, NTT DATA Corporation) presented the outline and progress of the QZSS Project, which is jointly implemented by five partner organizations: Cabinet Office of Japan, NTT Data Corporation, Keio University, PASCO Corporation, Asia Air Survey, and ADRC. Ms Gou said that the main purpose of the project is to create a system using the QZSS DC Report service that is tailored to each country's needs and environment as well as to conduct QZSS DC Report Demonstrations before it officially starts operation in 2024. In the demonstrations, the project will identify requirements and issues for deployment of the system.

Dr Hasi Bateer (Hasi Lab Director, Advanced Technologies Research Laboratory, Infrastructure Systems Development Center, Asia Air Survey, Co. Ltd.) reported the outcomes of feasibility study for disaster information system using QZSS. The study covers 21 countries in Asia and Pacific region, and investigated the following: 1) conditions for receiving QZSS, 2) specific disaster cases and issues; and 3) Early Warning System implementation needs. The outcomes highlighted information transmission issues, including: distortion of information as it passes through many channels; delayed arrival of information; and limited coverage of telecommunications network. In order to have an effective transmission of warning information, the study recommended that following characteristics must be present in the information system: robustness, immediacy, correctness, and comprehensiveness.

Mr ICHIKAWA Ryunosuke (Assistant Manager, Social Innovation Division, NTT DATA Corporation) presented results of QZSS validations conducted in Thailand, Fiji, and Australia. In the Thailand, the scenario was forest fire. By using QZSS, rangers were able to receive information directly from QZSS wherever they are in the park. In Fiji, the scenario was tsunami, and station devices were able to receive the transmission of QZSS and then further disperse the information by low power wide area network (LPWAN). In Australia, the scenario was bushfire. Information from QZSS were received through smartphones. Following up on this promising result, the next demonstration will be on a more practical application including residents to receive messages on mobile terminals by using different communication methods (e.g., Wi-Fi, LPWAN, and Bluetooth). 

Ms Vasiti SOKO (Director, National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), Fiji) mentioned that one of the reasons for using QZSS in Fiji is due to its location in the Pacific Ocean,  situated in between Vanuatu and Samoa which are also disaster prone countries, thus the disasters in these countries having a strong impact on each other. Also, the risk communication system is still limited in Fiji. Since NDMO Fiji is strengthening its disaster management system including early warning system, the utilisation of QZSS DC Report service in Fiji is a welcome endeavor.

Mr Socheath So (Senior Technical Officer, The National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM), Cambodia) introduced Cambodia's disaster risk management information system called Platform for Real-time Impact and Situation Monitoring (PRISM). This platform links the field assessment information, early warning systems, satellite data, baseline population, and socio-economic vulnerability data to effectively measure the risk and its impact. QZSS is expected to augment the PRISM by providing warning information transmission system that is tailored to the local environment. 
(2023/03/22 15:00)
10 - 12 March 2023 (Sendai, Japan hybrid with online)

The Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction 2022 (ACDR2022) was held on 10-12 March 2023 at Sendai International Center, Miyagi Prefecture. This conference was held in a hybrid format to ease the attendance of a broader range of participants from member countries and relative organizations through online participation. As the result, the conference was attended by a total of 205 participants, 84 on-site and 121 online, including representatives from member countries, international organizations, private sectors, and academic/ research institutes.

We will report on the opening session of the conference and special session relating to the "Centenary of the Great Kanto Earthquake."

<Opening Session>

In the opening remarks, Mr TANI Kouichi, Minister of State for Disaster Management, Government of Japan first expressed his condolences for the Great East Japan Earthquake and the massive earthquake in Turkey and Syria. He emphasized the importance of ACDR which has been held annually since 2003. Next, Dr HAMADA Masanori, Chairman of ADRC said that ADRC has been promoting multilateral cooperation and support for disaster risk reduction since its establishment in 1998, and that he strongly believes that member countries can contribute to the creation of a safe and secure society by deepening cooperation and collaboration. Finally, Ms KORI Kazuko, Mayor of Sendai City also expressed her condolences for the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. And she expressed her gratitude for the ACDR2022 being held in Sendai City for the second time since the Great East Japan Earthquake. She also emphasized, base on her experience of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the importance of participants sharing their thoughts and knowledge and connecting with each other in order to appropriate preparedness for risks such as frequent disasters in Asian countries.

Mr SASAHARA Akio, Executive Director of ADRC, read a message on behalf of the Head of the Disaster and Disaster Management Authority (AFAD) under the Ministry of Interioir in Turkey who was unable to participate in ACDR2022.

<Special Session on the Centenary of the Great Kanto Earthquake -What can we learn from past disasters and how can we apply the lessons learned?->

This session comprised three topics of discussions: 1) lessons learned from the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake and subsequent countermeasures; 2) new findings and remaining challenges from the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake; and 3) what lessons and technologies from past disasters can be utilized to mitigate future risk in disaster-prone Asia.

Dr ITOH Shigeru, President of ADRC introduced the fact that safe city planning and modern urban design were inspired by the reconstruction of the Great Kanto Earthquake. It was the catalyst for a great leap forward in architecture and urbanism. He noted about the increasing use of concrete in public housings, whereas the apartment buildings with clapboard exteriors made of bare wood were replaced by concrete structures. 

Dr HAMADA Masanori, Chairman of ADRC, said that the Great Kanto Earthquake marked the beginning of earthquake engineering in Japan. He introduced that the Great Kanto Earthquake damaged not only wooden houses, but also modern buildings constructed with technology imported from overseas since the Meiji Restoration, which led to the development of earthquake-resistant design of buildings and structures. 

Dr HASEMI Yuji, Professor Emeritus of Science and Engineering at Waseda University, explained that the rapid increase in population during the First World War led to the expansion of areas densely populated with wooden buildings in urban regions. These areas caused simultaneous fires during the earthquake, and that because of this experience, fire prevention measures were introduced into these areas.

Prof. SHIGEKAWA Kishie, Professor at the Faculty of Social and Environmental Studies, Tokoha University, mentioned the importance of "people's development" by promoting disaster education and improving disaster literacy. Japan has accumulated a variety of experiences and lessons that may be applicable and useful in the Asian region. 

In conclusion, the moderator, Mr YOSHIMURA Hidemi, Former Chief Commentator, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) said that through the discussions of the panelists, it became clear that, since the Great Kanto Earthquake, structural and non-structural disaster prevention measures have been developed, studied and improved to cope with various types of damage, and that Japan has started to promote pre-disaster investment based on the assumption of worst-case scenario. 
(2023/03/21 15:00)

10 - 12 March 2023(Sendai, Japan hybrid with online)

The Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction 2022 (ACDR2022) was held at the Sendai International Center in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, from 10 to 12 March 2023. This event was adapted to a hybrid format, with online participation available to a wide range of member countries and other interested parties.

The basic theme of ACDR2022 was "WHAT IS NEXT? Learning from the Past, Preparing for the Future." ACDR2022 highlighted the importance of applying past lessons towards efforts for risk-informed preparedness to further strengthen national-level DRM systems. 

Three sessions were held for ACDR2022: (1) Large-Scale Disasters and Countermeasures, (2) Broaden Our Horizons for Disaster Data Linkage in SFDRR Implementation: Application of GLIDE (GLobal IDEntifier Number), and (3) The Provision of Information via Satellite for Disasters and Crisis Management. ACDR2022 also included a special session related to the "100th Anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake" for the discussion of these issues. In this special session, speakers reported on the process of recovery from the Great Kanto Earthquake in the metropolitan area of Japan and made recommendations for better DRR activities in Asian countries. Also, participants attended the Japan International Public-Private Association for Disaster Risk Reduction (JIPAD) seminar hosted by the Cabinet Office of Japan and a JICA-sponsored session at the World BOSAI Forum. On the last day of ACDR2022, participants visited the Yuriage area of Natori City in order to learn about recovery efforts following the Great East Japan Earthquake.
(2023/03/20 15:00)
2-3 February 2023 (online)

Addressing the challenges in spatial planning due to increasing natural disasters and climate change was the overarching theme of the 5th Spatial Planning Platform (SPP) meeting held in Kathmandu, Nepal on 2-3 February 2023. ADRC participated in this year's event online. 

Since spatial planning is an essential tool in countering unplanned development and rapid urban growth, this planning practice faces inherent challenges such as the growing demand for more space as well as the increasing spatial needs for transportation, infrastructure, housing, landscape, and recreation. In the context of the changing climate, the 5th SPP tackled how to formulate and implement spatial plans that ensure the prudent use of land and natural resources. 

The session "Spatial Planning and Territorial Approach for Climate Change Adaptation," showcased experiences from Bangladesh, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Uganda. In the Philippines, where natural disasters are common, the government adopted an overall framework for spatial planning that contributes to: (1) inclusive growth through improved connectivity and better access to economic opportunities and social services across regions; (2) decongestion of the national capital region (NCR) and efforts to direct growth to key centers in the country; (3) vulnerability reduction strategies to mitigate or reduce impacts of disasters; and (4) the alignment of sectoral plans, regional and local development plans, and local governments' land use plans with the national framework to ensure coherence. 

Details of the meeting can be accessed online: 
(2023/02/09 15:00)
 26 July 2022 (Kobe,Japan)

In partnership with Kobe University's KOBE Global Challenge Program (KGCP), ADRC conducted a training program for 13 KGCP students on Tuesday, 26 July 2022. The KGCP is a program that aims to motivate participating students to learn and recognize the necessity of issue-identification and problem-solving skills, which are essential for people working in global arenas, by building on their own experiences in multicultural environments.

By attending lectures and participating in practical exercises on disaster management in Asia, the students and ADRC researchers had many opportunities to actively exchange ideas and opinions. Mr SASAHARA Akio, Executive Director of ADRC encouraged them to take advantage of this program to become global leaders in their fields.

(2022/08/31 15:00)
16 June 2022(online)

On 16 June 2022, the 3rd GLIDE Steering Committee Meeting was held online. A total of 15 members from 10 organizations participated in the meeting and discussed various issues related to GLIDE management and future activity policies, as well as shared examples of GLIDE applications. 

At the meeting, the decision was made to reappoint Professor Ono Yuichi IRIDeS, Tohoku University, as Chair of the Steering Committee, and he expressed his desire to promote GLIDE in more concrete ways. 

The subcommittees on SOP, API, and Product Development then reported on their activities and plans for this year. It was agreed that the subcommittees would work together on overlapping issues. 

During the meeting ADRC and UNDP presented examples of the use of the GLIDE API and invited member institutions to cooperate.
31 March 2022

The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System Early Warning Service (QZSS-EWS) of Japan utilizes satellites to transmit disaster warning information. It augments ground-based telecommunication facilities (e.g., TV, radio, mobile phones, and other devices) - particularly in areas with limited network coverage (e.g., mountainous and island areas) - in disseminating the warning information. Since Japan will expand the QZSS-EWS in Asia and Pacific region in 2024, the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) has been conducting feasibility studies for this purpose. In a recent study, ADRC investigated the use cases for QZSS-EWS in three different local environments with different types of disaster risk, namely: (1) communities in coastal areas of Bangladesh, who are prone to tropical cyclones; (2) communities of farmers in the downstream areas of Bhutan Himalayas, who are prone to glacial lake flood outbursts (GLOF); and (3) communities of herders in the steppe of Mongolia, who are prone to dzud. 

Findings of the research indicate that:

- Due to limited network coverage, warning information either does not reach communities at risk or, when it does reach those communities, tends to be unclear, distorted, or delayed. Thus, there is real need to augment the early warning systems in these communities.
- In each of the target areas, there are entry points for the operationalization of QZSS-EWS, such as the Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) in Bangladesh, the GLOF early warning system in Bhutan, and the Dzud Risk Map in Mongolia.
- Investing in efforts to build capacity and raise awareness among community members is needed, as this will provide greater benefits in the long-run.

In the three communities, QZSS-EWS has great potential to save lives and livelihoods through, for example, direct alerts to individuals who are within the "radius of the disaster event" and notifying them of the nearest evacuation area; automatic sounding of community sirens activated through the Low Power Wide Area Networks; and the direct display of warning messages on electronic community message boards.

(2022/4/7 15:00)

1 September 2021 (Online)

On 1 September 2021, ADRC participated in the 5th Global Summit of GADRI: Engaging Sciences in Action, which was organized by the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) managed by Kyoto University. This conference was held in an online format, and research institutions and universities from around the world gave updates on their latest studies and ongoing projects. ADRC participated in the Group 2 Panel Discussion Session and gave a presentation on the utilization of space technology for DRR and good practices involving Sentinel Asia. In this presentation, ADRC suggested strengthening the networks between disaster management organizations and space agencies, and expanding the networks of research institutions to support Sentinel Asia.

(2021/9/15 18:30)
3 March 2020 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Together with partners from Asia Air Survey and CTI Engineering International, ADRC met with Mr. Siva Balan (Director for Operations) and other AHA Centre officials in Jakarta. The meeting explored the possibility of applying a constellation of Japanese Satellites' positioning service as emergency information platform. The key feature of this platform is that it can send text and voice messages to a receiver. By using an application to decode the sent messages, communities can receive the information even in the absence of telecommunication infrastructure, telephone networks, or Wi-Fi. This platform is valuable to communities in mountainous areas, island communities, or areas where telecommunication infrastructure is limited. AHA Centre officials recognized the added value of this emergency information platform, especially for Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV), as these ASEAN member countries have limited capacities in disaster forecasting and early warning.(2020/02/13 14:40) 
26-29 November 2019 (Nagoya, Japan)

The 26th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) was held from 26 to 29 November 2019 in Nagoya, Japan. It was co-organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).  APRSAF was established in 1993 to enhance space activities in the Asia-Pacific region. Attended by space agencies, governments, and international organizations such as the United Nations as well as companies, universities and research institutes, this forum is the largest space-related conference in the AsiaPacific region.  APRSAF has four Working Groups: the (1) Space Applications Working Group (SAWG), (2) Space Technology Working Group (STWG), (3) Space Environment Utilization Working Group (SEUWG), and (4) Space Education Working Group (SEWG). APRSAF participants share information about their activities and future plans for their countries and regions in each working group. APRSAF also supports international projects designed to find solutions to common issues such as disaster management and environmental protection. 

The Sentinel Asia initiative is one such activity and involves the use of space-based information in the form of satellite images for disaster management. ADRC has been tasked with the responsibility of receiving emergency observation requests from ADRC member countries and Joint Project Team (JPT) members. ADRC joined the Space Applications Working Group (SAWG) and reported on trends in Sentinel Asia emergency observation requests and its future action plans.

11-12 September 2019 (Beijing, China) 

ADRC participated in the United Nations International Conference on Space-based Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction and 10 Years Commemoration of the UN-SPIDER Beijing Office on 11-12 September 2019 in Beijing, China.  ADRC has been playing a leading role in facilitating the application of space-based technologies and data to disaster risk reduction through Sentinel Asia, and also has committed to a partnership with UNOOSA as a Regional Support Office of UN-SPIDER. 

At the conference, the Regional Support Offices of UN-SPIDER, including ADRC, were invited to the stage and presented with plaques.  ADRC gave presentations during the sessions on "Advances in Earth Observation and Open Source Data to Support DRR" and "Networking and Engagement with the UN-SPIDER Network." For space-based data to be more effectively used in disaster risk reduction, it is critical to further discuss the data use polices of relevant agencies to ensure easy access to data.

18-19 June 2019 (Vienna, Austria) 

The Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) participated in the 9th Annual UNSPIDER Regional Support Offices Coordination Meeting in Vienna, Austria on 18-19 June 2019. The participants shared the latest initiatives and challenges in their regional activities including capacity building, sharing knowledge, and raising awareness. Koji Suzuki, Executive Director of ADRC, briefly introduced the ADRC's latest initiative in building an early warning system platform using space-based technologies.  During the meeting, ADRC also noted that more DRR strategies are expected to be developed for implementing the Sendai Framework,  and spacebased data and information could play an important role in that regard. A lot of countries have challenges in identifying disaster risks since the data and information necessary for identifying risks are not readily available. They can overcome those challenges by introducing remote sensing data and the use of information provided by satellites.  

In June 2009, ADRC and the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) signed a cooperation agreement on the establishment of the ADRC UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office on the occasion of the 52nd session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). As for the application of space-based technologies and information in disaster risk reduction, ADRC has been playing a major role in Sentinel Asia, which facilitates spacebased information application and capacity development.  ADRC believes it is necessary to harmonize the functions and activities of Sentinel Asia and UNSPIDER/RSO to achieve more effective emergency observations and improve the application of space-based information in disaster risk reduction. ADRC will continue to explore opportunities for collaboration with UNOOSA and ROSs.

KIMG2403.JPGのサムネール画像14 May 2019 (Geneva, Switzerland)

On 14 May 2019, ADRC organized GLIDE stakeholder meeting in Geneva, Switzerland at the sideline of Global Platform 2019. The meeting aimed at discussing the challenges of GLIDE system and the way forward among GLIDE supporting organizations. A total of 15 experts from UN and international organizations, and research institutions made active discussion in the meeting where they pointed out the need to establish Steering Committee for GLIDE improvements and agreed to continue discussion from now on. 

(2019/5/27 17:40)
13-17 May 2019 (Geneva, Switzerland) 
Five key events (or sessions) highlighted the IRP/ADRC engagement at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, 13-17 May 2019, Geneva, Switzerland.
Community-led Recovery
One of the panelists of this session is from the IRP Secretariat who shared lessons on community-led recovery as gleaned from the global case studies. The IRP/ADRC presentation affirmed that community-led recovery is a complex process. It entails mobilizing the community to manage programs that are often met with resistance from residents or faced with issues like land tenure, housing designs, and socio-political dynamics of actors involved. The good news is, there are practices, tools, and methodologies that help addressed these issues. Initiatives like 'Setu' in Gujarat, India and 'Machitsukuri' in Kobe, Japan are just a fraction of solution options for the community. The presentation stressed that there is no standard recipe for community-led recovery. So, it is essential for the community to prepare to recover (e.g., pre-agreements, pre-disaster mitigation, and pre-disaster recovery planning) with respect to culture and context.
Fostering Social Inclusion through Culture in City Reconstruction
IRP co-chairs, Joe Leitmann of GFDRR and Setsuko Saya of the Cabinet Office Japan, led this session. Serving as moderator, Mr. Leitmann emphasized that culture can be a powerful building block for social inclusion, risk mitigation, and recovery preparedness. In support of this, Ms. Saya showed how culture played an important role in recovery from the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes, where the reconstruction of the Kumamoto Castle serves as symbol. As a cultural heritage, people have strong connection and ownership to the castle that everyone wants to contribute in the recovery process. This session also introduced the Culture in City Reconstruction and Recovery (CURE) framework that integrates both people-centered and place-based approaches to foster social inclusion and resilient recovery.
Build Back Better and WRC Outcomes
In coordination with UNDRR, IRP/ADRC co-organized this working session to draw out experiences, challenges, and lessons in achieving a more inclusive 'build back better' dividend as well as report the 'Outcomes of the 4th Edition of the World Reconstruction Conference'. This session argued that inclusion is vital in 'build back better', and while many policy measures have embraced inclusive agendas, further effort is needed to make these measures more people-centered. In view of this, the panelists committed to push inclusion agenda in recovery programs by promoting opportunities for empowerment, adopting new technologies and solutions for including vulnerable groups, applying an integrated approach to include and connect people, and utilizing new tools for policymakers to address the 'pathways of exclusion'. Ms. Asako Okai, Assistant Secretary General and Director for Crisis Bureau of UNDP, moderated this session with panelists from the Government of Haiti, Government of Indonesia, The World Bank, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC), and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Steering Committee Meeting
IRP held its 25th Steering Committee meeting at the sides of the Global Platform. Members took the opportunity to announce new knowledge products, strategies, and initiatives at the meeting. These three initiatives were specifically announced: (i) UN-Habitat's knowledge product titled, "Supporting Safer Housing Reconstruction After Disasters"; (ii) WHO's "Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management Framework Strategy"; and (ⅲ)GFDRR's "Resilient Home Challenge", where architects and engineers were invited to design resilient and sustainable houses that both reduce the risk of damage and enable rapid reconstruction following a disaster. As a knowledge platform on 'Build Back Better in Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction', IRP/ADRC will upload these materials in its website for wider dissemination.
IRP /ADRC Side Event
Aimed at gaining further insights on actions that help secure an inclusive build back better dividend, the IRP/ADRC Side Event indicated that 'life recovery' should be the ultimate goal of any recovery process to eliminate the pathways of exclusion. The session acknowledged that 'if the recovery process is not inclusive, it is not better'. The panelists pointed that inclusive recovery requires an inclusive institutional arrangement, a people-centered mechanism of psychosocial recovery, a neutral space for all stakeholders to cooperate, a high regard on social recovery, and a culture-sensitive recovery program. Moreover, inclusive recovery measures have to be integrated the community's pre-disaster recovery plan and budget with consideration to location and capacity of residents. The session identified the following actions to help secure the benefits of build back better in recovery: adopting an installment-based subsidy for community-driven housing reconstruction, engaging 'social networks' in the community pre-disaster recovery planning, promoting homeowner-driven retrofitting, and utilizing a 'village-academia collaboration model' of designing and implementing recovery programs.

(2019/05/24 14:40)

14-18 December 2015 (Bangkok, Thailand)

"Applying SBT and ICT to Strengthen Disaster Resilience" funded by ADB for 18 months in 4 countries has been launched with regional kick-off meeting on 14-18 December 2015 at AIT, Thailand. 

International and National consultants of the project participated in the OSM (Open Street Map) workshop to learn the OSM concept, how to use, good practices. Also participants joined OSM exercise in the field of AIT. On 16-17 December, national delegates also participated in the regional kick-off meeting. During the meeting, the project briefing was done by ADB, then contributions from each international consulting firm (AIT, ADRC, RESTEC, PASCO, Geo Things), current situations in each pilot project country (Armenia, Bangladesh, Fiji, Philippines) were explained, and project targets in each country were discussed. And the relations between the project and the Sentinel Asia program was explained.
The kick-off meeting at the national level will be held during February to April 2016. Dr. Ogawa, former Executive Director, and Mr. ARAKIDA, Senior Researcher will be in charge from ADRC.


9-11 September 2015 (Beijing, China)

ADRC participated in WG1: GEOSS Asia-Pacific Major Natural Disaster Monitoring (AP-MaNDM) of 8th Global Earth Observation system of systems (GEOSS) Asia-Pacific Symposium held at 9-11 September in Beijing, China.

In the first session of WG1, current situation of space-based monitoring for natural disaster risk reduction in each country was reported. Then, the global/regional cooperation of space technology for disaster management session was held, in which, ADRC made a presentation of the Sentinel Asia, which has been promoting the cooperation of disaster management organizations and space agencies. In the WG1, , Mr. Suzuki, Executive Director of NIED,former Executive Director of ADRC, proposed to develop more resilient platform for the collaboration with DRR and Space technology, and WG1 agreed to a cooperation for the realization of the platform.

Manila, Philippines (19-21 August 2015)

The International Recovery Platform / Asian Disaster Reduction Center (IRP / ADRC) HAD supported the organization of the Workshop on "Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation into Development Policies and Planning", 19-21 August 2015 at the Discovery Suites, Pasig City, Philippines by dispatching a resource person. The workshop was spearheaded by the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) of the Philippines with support from the Global Education and Training Institute of the UNISDR (GETI), a member of IRP along with ADRC.

With the participation of 25 high-level government officials and representatives from local NGOs, the workshop was an occasion to review the draft indicators for monitoring the global progress of implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The workshop was also an opportune time for the Philippine Government to align its existing National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan 2011-2028 (NDRRMP) with the priorities for action of the Sendai Framework. To facilitate greater understanding of the priorities for action, IRP / ADRC provided case studies from around the globe. In particular, the case studies focused on: (a) policies and practices for disaster risk management along all dimensions of vulnerability, capacity, exposure of persons and assets, hazard characteristics, and environment priority; (b) disaster risk governance at the national, regional , and global levels; (c) public and private investment in disaster risk prevention and reduction through structural and non-structural measures to enhance economic, social, health, and cultural resilience; and (d) disaster preparedness for effective response and to build back better in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

Ou tputs of the Workshop included: (a) NDRRMC's recommendations to the Process of Developing the indicators to Monitor the Progress of Implementing the Sendai Framework, and (b) NDRRMC's Action Plan to align the current National disaster Risk Reduction Management plan with the priorities of the Sendai Framework. It was observed that the current indicators are focused on assessing policies and legislation. Hence, it was recommended that indicators should also capture existing program, schemes, and activities along the four priorities for action of the Sendai Framework. Additionally, the participants recommended that programs, funding, and activities for build back better in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction shall be integrated in the existing NDRRM Plan 2011-2028.

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May 25-27, 2015 (Dhaka, Bangladesh)


The need to mainstream and  articulate "build back better in recovery, Rehabilitation, and reconstruction" was expressed during the Stakeholders' Consultation, 9-10 December 2014 in Dhaka. In response to this, the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR ), the Institute of Strategic Recovery Studies for Disaster Resilience and Research (ISRSDRR), the United Nations Development Programme in Bangladesh (UNDP), and the International Recovery Platform / Asian Disaster Reduction Center (IRP / ADRC) had jointly organized a three-day workshop on disaster recovery planning, 25-27 May 2015 at CIRDAP Auditorium, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The event gathered over 50 high level and technical delegations from various ministries of the government, universities, development partner organizations, NGOs, and private sector to achieve to discuss recovery agenda in the context of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The event was inaugurated by Mr. Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury Maya Bir Bikram, Minister for Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, who expressed commitment to pursue effective disaster management programs by incorporating 'build back better'. At the closing, Mr. Hasanul Haq Inu, Minister for Information, assured the participants that build back better efforts in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction will be advocated in Bangladesh through the support of the ministry and media organizations.

One of the workshop outcomes was the identification of recovery issues, where the participants came up with initial strategies and actions to be integrated in the Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan of Bangladesh. On the bases of the workshop outcomes, the following next steps were identified. Firstly, a parliamentary meeting on 'build back better' will be organized on June 16, 2015 at the Bangladesh Parliament to discuss disaster risk reduction and recovery issues that require legal support and legislation. Secondly, the MoDMR through the support of UNDP Bangladesh will take forward the initial strategies and actions for Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan by organizing a writeshop on the first week of August 2015. Thirdly, through coordination between MoDMR and BBBF, the list of recovery agendas shall be advocated in existing policy and planning instruments in Bangladesh, including the Delta Plan that is facilitated by the Ministry of Planning. Fourthly, under the auspices of MoDMR, the BBBF shall take further steps to advocate in linking up key stakeholders in Bangladesh so that the Inter-Ministerial Disaster Coordinating Council (IMDCC) is convened and recovery agenda is integrated in the plans. Finally, new programs and projects to promote build back better shall be proposed by BBBF in collaboration with MoDMR and other relevant stakeholders. The initial proposals include building critical mass of local recovery experts and volunteers and partnership between local universities and international knowledge hubs to promote recovery agenda in school curricula as well as facilitate knowledge-sharing and exchange.

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26-28 November 2012 (Belgrade, Serbia) 

Serbia (2012).JPG

Over 40 officials from government ministries, municipal governments, United Nations organizations, and training institute participated in the Workshop on Disaster Recovery Planning on 26-28 November 2012 at Zira Hotel in Belgrade, Serbia. The event was jointly organized by the Ministry of Interior Sector for Emergency Management of Serbia, UNDP Serbia, UNISDR, European Commission (EC), and IRP/ADRC.

The workshop was a follow-up event to the Training on Resilient Recovery conducted in April 2011 by the same organizers. As envisioned in the follow-up event, experts from the National Training Institute of Serbia served as co-facilitators of the workshop - specifically on two sectors considered in long-term recovery: infrastructure and climate change adaptation. The workshop also provided the venue for experts and practitioners in Serbia to discuss the challenges that are commonly encountered in recovery and to explore measures to overcome them.

The outcomes of the workshop included: (i) consolidated strategic recommendations for disaster recovery plans for national and municipal governments in Serbia; (ii) agreement by the National Training Institute of Serbia to adopt the workshop module on Disaster Recovery Planning from IRP/ADRC, and to enhance the capacity of all concerned government ministries and municipal governments; and (iii) discussions between IRP/ADRC and UNDP Serbia for a potential partnership in implementing the proposed plan for establishing a "Resource Center for DRR" at Nis, Serbia to cater the needs of stakeholders not only in Serbia but for the entire Balkan region.

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29-31 October 2012 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Indonesia (2012).JPG

The workshop on disaster recovery planning was held at Sari Pan Pacific Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, 29-31 October 2012. It was jointly organized by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), UNDP Indonesia, UNISDR for Asia and the Pacific, European Commission (EC), and IRP/ADRC. The workshop was designed to support the initiatives of the Government of Indonesia for better disaster recovery operations, specifically at strengthening the manuals on Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) and Monitoring of Recovery Projects that were developed by the national government. The role of IRP/ADRC experts at the workshop was to provide technical assistance through sharing of lessons from global experiences.

Dr. Syamsul Maarif (Head of BNPB) and Mr. Bambang (Deputy for Reconstruction and Recovery of BNPB) are among the over 35 officials who actively participated in the workshop. At the end of the event, participants outlined key recommendations for recovery planning, including review of spatial planning blueprint and localization of revised manuals on PDNA and Monitoring of Recovery Projects.

To forward the recommendations from the participants, discussions between IRP/ADRC, AHA Centre, ASEAN Secretariat, and AusAID were facilitated.  One of the key follow up activities is to strengthen regional partnerships to further enrich knowledge of integrating disaster recovery planning into their national DRR plans and other planning instruments.

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13-14 December 2011 (Brunei)

ADRC has been implementing web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database development project in ASEAN countries since 2008 with the financial support by Japan ASEAN Integration Fund. The objective of this project is to facilitate all ASEAN countries to develop their own national disaster databases with GLIDE numbers incorporated by training government officials in charge of disaster information in ASEAN countries.


ADRC held operator training for both GLIDE and DesInventar with kind support from National Disaster Management Center (NCDM) and UNISDR at Brunei University.

About 25 government officials from related departments participated in the training and actively exchanged views and opinions for future enhancement of the systems in Brunei.

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9-10 December 2011 (Taipei, Taiwan) 

Workshop on Business Continuity Plan and Emergency Preparedness on the Large-Scale Urban Earthquake was organized by the National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR) from 9 to 10 December 2011 in Taipei city.
 The ADRC explained the importance of business continuity plan (BCP) in the private sector for the regional resilience and the current situation of the private sector in the APEC region based on the research made by ADRC.
 About 80 officials, experts from public and private organizations participated in the workshop and actively exchanged views and opinions among them, demonstrating their strong interests in supply chain risk management and business continuity management.
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7-8 November 2011 (Taipei, Taiwan)

 The 2011 International Workshop on Emergency Management was organized by the Ministry of Interior, Government of Taiwan from 7 to 8 November 2011 in Taipei city.

 Ten government officials and specialists on Disaster Emergency Management, including a ADRC's researcher, were invited to the workshop to make presentations and speeches. The ADRC explained the importance of business continuity plan (BCP) in the private sector for the regional resilience while other speakers presented case study on the response and recovery phase of large scale disasters both man-made and natural.

  About 200 officials, experts participated in the workshop and actively exchanged views and opinions among them, demonstrating their strong interests in disaster risk management.

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6-8 September 2011 (Pattaya, Thailand)
The ADRC participated in the ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) meeting held on 6-8 September in Pattaya, Thailand. Around 70 participants attended the meeting including representatives from many countries in Asia as well as from the international and inter-governmental organizations. As part of the follow-up to the 4th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction(AMCDRR) held in October last year, the participants shared information on progresses made for the Incheon Action Plan and explored ways to further promote it. They also examined the concept and expected outcomes of the 5th AMCDRR scheduled to be held in October 2012 in Yogyakarta, Republic of Indonesia. Information was also shared among the participants about planned events for the forthcoming International Day for Disaster Reduction (13 October ). 

Following the IAP meeting, the 18th ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) was held at the same venue on 9 September. The Committee reviewed progresses and challenges of each project and activity under ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) and discussed the issues relevant to the further implementation of AADMER in cooperation with strategic partners.

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29 August -1 September 2011  Honai, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

As part of an ongoing study on the use of ICT for disaster preparedness and response in ASEAN countries, ADRC has recently visited Hanoi, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to interview experts at various government's institutions, including Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Department and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and collect information relevant to this subject.

2011_09_01 043.jpgのサムネール画像The use of ICT for disaster preparedness and response has been making a steady progress in Vietnam, in particular weather forecasting and monitoring, risk assessment and risk mapping, early warning to communities and people, etc. Moreover, state-of-art ICT technologies have been widely applied such as broadband networking of observation stations and automatic communication by mobile phone, but mostly on an experimental basis.

While good progress has been made for typical meteorological and hydrological hazards such as typhoon and flooding, relatively less progress has been made for landslide, flash flood, and geological hazards such as earthquake and tsunami. Among them, tsunami warning system (towers) has recently been developed in Da Nang city in Central Vietnam, but more has to be done in view of future tsunami risks in its long coastal line. Likewise, disaster preparedness and response capacity could be further enhanced if it would make more use of such ICT technologies as information sharing system among various institutions, remote sensing, imaging system, real-time measurement sensor, etc.

The result of the study will be used as a basis on which further cooperation is planned. We appreciate greatly kind cooperation extended by the Disaster Management Center (DMC) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.  

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27-29 June 2011 (Bangkok, Thailand)

The Expert Group Meeting on Regional Knowledge and Cooperation for Comprehensive Multi-Hazard risk Management in Asia and the Pacific was organized by the United National Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) from 27 to 29 June 2011 at the United national Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. The Meeting was attended by experts from many countries as well as experts from intergovernmental and international organizations. Invited by the ESCAP, ADRC also participated in the Meeting.

2011_07_01 011.JPGThe Meeting addressed: a) Asia Pacific Gateway on Disaster Risk Reduction and Development; b) Data for Disaster Risk Reduction and Assessment; c) Regional Cooperative Mechanism on Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning, Particularly Drought, and; d) Asia Pacific Disaster Report. Experts discussed in details relevant issues and needs and necessary actions. ADRC stressed the importance of compilation of disaster data, the used of GLIDE (Global Unique Disaster Identifier), sharing of experiences and lessons regarding to specific disasters such as the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami.

Following the above Expert Group Meeting, the UNESCAP Committee was convened from 29 June to 1 July and ADRC also participated in the Committee meeting as an observer. During discussion, a number of countries made mention about ADRC as being relevant to regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction. By showing gratitude to continued cooperation with those countries, ADRC expressed wish to continue to cooperate with them through its activities.

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26 May-4 Jun, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted the program "Capacity Building of Utilization of Satellite Image for Disaster Management" in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam from 26th May to 4th Jun, in cooperation with Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).
This program consists of one-day seminar and five- day training to promote the utilization of space based technology. It was held in collaboration with Remote Sensing Center, Survey Department, Brunei Darussalam.
This is one of four capacity development programs in ASEAN countries that ADRC has been implementing since 2008, with other three including disaster education promotion, development of Web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database and capacity building of local government officials.
Satellite Images has been utilized to implement emergency activities in Brunei Darussalam.
However, the experience of the engineers for utilization of the satellite data in Brunei Darussalam is insufficient. The capacity building of engineers in relevant field is in urgent need.
The theme of case study is Flood. The satellite images before and after the flood were compared, which defined the flooding area.
ADRC will continue to cooperate with Survey Department, Brunei Darussalam and other relevant agencies to further promote the utilization of satellite data in the field of disaster management. ADRC also plans to conduct the series of program in other ASEAN countries.
For more details of this project, please visit ADRC web site (

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2 December - 5 December (Colombo, Sri Lanka)

ADRC representative recently visited Sri Lanka to explore the possibility of further strengthening collaboration between Sri Lanka and ADRC, especially focusing on the next Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction (ACDR) to be held in Sri Lanka sometime next year. 2010.12.09 103.JPGSri Lank, similar to many other Asian countries, is susceptible to various types of disasters. The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, already six years ago, killed more than thirty thousand people, injured more than twenty thousand and affected more than 1 million populations in Sri Lanka, the sheer scale of which is second only to Indonesia. Flood and land/mud slides frequently cause extensive human and physical damages in many parts of the country, but one of the most recent ones was the flash flood occurred in the capital Colombo affecting a large number of residents.

During the stay there, we visited several disaster stricken sites. One of the most intriguing sites was the Tsunami Photo Museum located nearby the site of a passenger train washed away by Tsunami killing over a 1,000 people in Galle district, southern part of Sri Lanka. This museum, privately owned, contains precious photos and messages of Tsunami, but in a small hut.

(2010/12/7 13:10)

11th Oct 2010 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

ADRC has been implementing web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database development project in ASEAN countries since 2008 with the financial support by Japan ASEAN Integration Fund. The objective of this project is to facilitate all ASEAN countries to develop their own national disaster databases with GLIDE numbers incorporated by training the invited government officials in charge of disaster information in ASEAN countries  at ADRC. In 2010 the training program is scheduled for Cambodia, Indonesia and Myanmar, ADRC held kick-off meeting with National Agency for Disaster Management Indonesia on 11th October and agreed to cooperate with the GLIDE-associated disaster database development project.(2010/10/14 11:30)

6th October 2010 (Yangon, Myanmar)

ADRC has been implementing web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database development project in ASEAN countries since 2008 with the financial support by Japan ASEAN Integration Fund. The objective of this project is to facilitate all ASEAN countries to develop their own national disaster databases with GLIDE numbers incorporated by training the invited government officials in charge of disaster information in ASEAN countries at ADRC. In 2010 the training program is scheduled for Cambodia, Indonesia and Myanmar, ADRC held kick-off meeting with Relief and Resettlement Department Myanmar on 6th October and agreed to cooperate with the GLIDE-associated disaster database development project.(2010/10/7 11:30)


7th September 2010 ( Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

ADRC has been implementing web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database development project in ASEAN countries since 2008 with the financial support by Japan ASEAN Integration Fund. The objective of this project is to facilitate all ASEAN countries to develop their own national disaster databases with GLIDE numbers incorporated by training the invited government officials in charge of disaster information in ASEAN countries at ADRC. In 2010 the training program is scheduled for Cambodia, Indonesia and Myanmar, ADRC held kick-off meeting with National Committee for Disaster Management, Cambodia on 7th September and agreed to cooperate with the GLIDE-associated disaster database development project.

(2010/9/15 11:30)

11-20 August, Bangkok, Thailand
27 August-3 September, Manila, Philippines
10-17 September, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted the program "Capacity Building of Utilization of Satellite Image for Disaster Management" in Bangkok, Thailand from 11th to 20th Aug, Manila, Philippines from 27th Aug to 3rd Sep, and Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar from 10th to 17th Sep in cooperation with Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).
This program consists of one-day seminar and five- day training, both to promote the utilization of space based technology. It was held in collaboration with Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA), Thailand, Philippines Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), and Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Government of Myanmar, respectively.
This is one of the four capacity development programs in ASEAN countries that ADRC has been implementing since 2008, with other three including disaster education promotion, development of Web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database and capacity building of local government officials.
Satellite Images has been utilized to implement emergency activities in Thailand, Philippines and Myanmar. However, the experience of the engineers for utilization of the satellite data in these countries is insufficient. The capacity building of engineers in relevant fields is an urgent need.
ADRC will continue to cooperate with GISTDA, PHIVOLCS, MOST and other relevant agencies to further promote the utilization of satellite data in the field of disaster management. ADRC also plans to conduct this program in other ASEAN countries.
For more details of this project, please visit ADRC web site (

(2010/10/06 13:20)


17-18 June 2010 (Bangkok, Thailand)

The ADRCADPC.JPG participated in the "Orientation Training on the Use of DRR Project Portal" developed under the IAP initiative on Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR interventions, held in Bangkok, Thailand on 17-18 June 2010. The training was organized by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) in partnership with UNISDR and with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Approximately 30 officers from IAP members and other organizations in Asia and the Pacific joined the training.

In the training, participants learnt about the DRR Project Portal, including its usage, and also discussed on possible ways to increase the use of the DRR Project Portal and challenges in updating information. This portal is expected to contribute to promoting coordination and collaboration among DRR practitioners in Asia and the Pacific, avoiding duplications of activities, and better planning and programming in Asia and the Pacific.

The ADRC would like to provide support to the portal and contribute to further promoting it among DRR practitioners in Asia and the Pacific.

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8 March 2010 (Bangkok, Thailand)

The new web system that been produced as part of Sentinel Asia Step 2 for the last two years will start its operation from April 2010.
The Sentinel Asia Secretariat, ADRC and other relevant agencies held a meeting at Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, GISTDA, in Bangkok, Thailand, to share information on the new web system.
The new web site is located at;

(2010/03/30 13:20)

19-20 August 2009 (Singapore)

The ADRC participated in the ACDM Working Group Meeting on Risk Assessment, Monitoring and Early Warning which was organized by the ASEAN-US Technical Assistance and Training Facility at the Singapore Civil Defense Force in Singapore on 19-20 August 2009.

In the meeting, the participants including representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat, the ASEAN-US Technical Assistance and Training Facility, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Pacific Disaster Center (PDC),  the Republic of Singapore, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Indonesia, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam discussed the framework for risk assessment, monitoring and early warning across the ASEAN countries.

The ADRC made a joint presentation with the UNDP and the PDC on the importance of Disaster Inventories for Disaster Risk Reduction. The ADRC will actively participate in the future meetings so that the advanced experience and know-how of Japan in this field can be transferred to the ASEAN countries.
(2009/9/1 11:30)
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