29-31 October 2012 (Jakarta, Indonesia)
The workshop on disaster recovery planning was held at Sari Pan Pacific Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, 29-31 October 2012. It was jointly organized by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), UNDP Indonesia, UNISDR for Asia and the Pacific, European Commission (EC), and IRP/ADRC. The workshop was designed to support the initiatives of the Government of Indonesia for better disaster recovery operations, specifically at strengthening the manuals on Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) and Monitoring of Recovery Projects that were developed by the national government. The role of IRP/ADRC experts at the workshop was to provide technical assistance through sharing of lessons from global experiences.
Dr. Syamsul Maarif (Head of BNPB) and Mr. Bambang (Deputy for Reconstruction and Recovery of BNPB) are among the over 35 officials who actively participated in the workshop. At the end of the event, participants outlined key recommendations for recovery planning, including review of spatial planning blueprint and localization of revised manuals on PDNA and Monitoring of Recovery Projects.
To forward the recommendations from the participants, discussions between IRP/ADRC, AHA Centre, ASEAN Secretariat, and AusAID were facilitated. One of the key follow up activities is to strengthen regional partnerships to further enrich knowledge of integrating disaster recovery planning into their national DRR plans and other planning instruments.
(2012/11/20 14:40)