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Activity Report

28-29 May 2009 (Chengdu, China)


ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Workshop on Cooperation of Capacity Building of Disaster Relief, organized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, was held on 28-29 May in Chengdu, China.
In the opening ceremony speech, Mr. Li Xueju, Minister of Civil Affairs of China noted that Europe and Asia should reinforce the exchanges of knowledge and experience and cooperation in disaster reduction and relief. Asian countries have rich experience in disaster relief, while the European countries possess advanced technology and management concepts. Both sides should overcome their own shortcomings by learning from each other's strong points.
Total of 160 representatives from 32 member countries of the Asia-Europe Meeting and international organizations are present at the workshop.
The workshop focused on four core thematic areas: (1) disaster preparedness and emergency relief; (2) rehabilitation and reconstruction; (3) public-private partnership in disaster relief; and (4) disaster reduction and risk management. ADRC made a presentation entitled "Build Back Better" to introduce the activities of its own and IRP(International Recovery Platform).
Participants also visited the earthquake-affected areas in Dujianyan, Sichuan Province.

(2009/06/05 19:20)

NDMC&NSC.gif21-22 May (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam)

27-28 May (Putrajaya, Malaysia)


The ASEAN project: Capacity Building of Local Government Officials on Disaster Management was launched in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia in May 2009. The project aims at strengthening capacity of local government officials in charge of disaster risk reduction in ASEAN countries. In 2009, the project started in the Philippines and Thailand in April.


The ADRC conducted kick-off meetings with the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) of Brunei Darussalam in Bandar Seri Begawan on 21-22 May, and with Malaysia's National Security Council (NSC) in Putrajaya on 27-28 May. Following the introduction about the project by the ADRC, the NDMC and NSC briefed on their disaster management systems and training systems. Then the organizations and the ADRC discussed the training schedule, topics, target areas etc considering the training needs of the countries. After training materials are developed by experts, training of trainers, and then training of local government officials are scheduled from now on.

(2009/06/29 17:40)

18-22 May 2009 (Bali, Indonesia)

In support to ASEAN's implementation of the Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER), ADRC participated in the visioning workshop to help identify areas for further cooperation and support. AADMER is a comprehensive document, signed by all ASEAN Member States in July 2005, capturing not only ASEAN's intention to respond jointly and more effectively but also to reduce disaster risks in the region. It provides the overall framework for regional cooperation on disaster management in ASEAN, which embodies the region's commitment to the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA).

During the visioning workshop, ADRC introduced three potential projects in the context of implementing the AADMER. The first project is to conduct the feasibility study for the operationalization of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre), which shall function as the operational arm of AADMER. The second project is to establish the ASEAN Disaster Management Communications Networking System (ADMCNS), which is aimed at strengthening the disaster management capacities of ASEAN Member States (AMSs) through the enhancement of communications network system that utilizes near real-time data from space satellites. The third project is to conduct a separate feasibility study for the ASEAN stockpiling, which will put up emergency stockpiles of disaster relief items.
(2009/06/24 14:40)

14 May 2009 (Indonesia)


On 14th May 2009, ADRC held the Coordination Meeting for Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund Project "Promotion of Disaster Education of Schools" with the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia. In the meeting, the project outline was explained and latest situation of disaster education in Indonesia was reported. Hereafter, the teaching materials will be drafted for the Training of Pilot Teachers.

(2009/06/16 18:30)
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