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Activity Report

30-31 May 2012 Seoul, KOREA

ADRC participated in the 7th Meeting of Typhoon Committee Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction which was jointly organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Typhoon Committee Secretariat, and the National Emergency Management Agency of the Republic of Korea in Seoul on 30-31 May 2012.
The about 40 participants who attended the meeting included representatives from China, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Viet Nam, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, as well as representatives from the organizing institutions and so on.
During the meeting, participants discussed future activities of the working group, such as upgrade of the Typhoon Committee Disaster Information System (TCDIS), and strengthening international cooperation, etc. ADRC gave a presentation about recent international cooperation activities, such as human resources development, technical support and so on.IMGP2297.JPG
The Typhoon Committee has two other working groups on meteorology and hydrology, in addition to the working group on disaster risk reduction. 


(2012/06/05 19:40)

14-16 May, 2012 (Sichuan Province, China)

The Forum on "Successful Reconstruction - Looking into the Future - A Discussion on Disaster Reconstruction and Development Strategy in the Beichuan Earthquake Ruin Area" was organized by Sichuan University and IRP/ADRC on 14th May in Chengdu, Sichuan. It was almost 4 years after the Sichuan Earthquake(12th May 2008). More than 50 delegates from abroad, government and academe participated in the forum and had a fruitful discussion on the post disaster recovery issues including establishment of new Beichuan Earthquake Museum and mechanism for promoting international cooperation based on the lessons from the Sichuan Earthquake.
After the forum, the IRP/ADRC team visited disaster affected sites to understand the recovery process during the past 4 years. In particular, the team visited (i) the Beichuan Earthquake Museum construction site, (ii) Shiyi village located in a high mountainous area of Qiang autonomous region, (iii) Jina village, which is famous for its ethnic style reconstruction houses, (iv) New Beichuan Town, which is a  relocation case from disaster affected old town, and (v) other towns and villages.
Based on the findings from the field survey and interviews, IRP/ADRC will compile a report on good practices on recovery from the Earthquake.

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(2012/05/29 14:00)
14-15 May 2012 (Singapore)

Harvard Kennedy School and National University of Singapore jointly hosted Asia Public policy Forum at Lee Kuan Yew School in Singapore on 14-15 May 2012.
bout 80 participants from research institute, private sector and government sector actively exchanged views and opinions on the issue of public policy on disaster management in Asia region.
ADRC played a role as a moderator in a session on Business Continuity Management and shared good practices on private public partnership policy frameworks among participants.

(2012/5/17 11:30)

7-9 May 2012 (Tegucigalpa, Honduras)


IRP/ADRC contributes to the enhancement of post-disaster recovery operations by supporting governments in recovery planning. In this context, a workshop on resilient recovery planning was organized on 7-9 May 2012 at Maya Hotel in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
There were over 40 participants from both governments and development organizations, including Minister of Disaster Prevention, El Salvador and Mayor of Santa Tecla, El Salvador. Among the participants, there were six other municipal mayors who actively engaged in the workshop. The organizers were the Honduras Standing Commission of Contingencies (COPECO), the Coordinating Center for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC), the Central America Integration System for Regional Disaster Risk Management (SICA), the UNISDR, the UNDP, the European Commission, and the IRP/ADRC.
 After the workshop, the participants expressed gaining more knowledge of integrating pre-disaster recovery planning into the DRR plans, UNDAF, and other planning instruments at either national government or development organization. As way forward, there are initiating discussions to scale up the training on recovery planning to other sectors of the government. The workshop had television coverage and reported in radio and newspapers in Honduras.

(2012/05/29 14:40)

3 May 2012 (Makati, Philippines)

United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) and Manila Observatory jointly hold the forum at Ateneo de Manila University on 3rd May 2012. The aim of the forum was to urge Manila's business community to reduce disaster risk and to develop business continuity plans which take account of the capital city's extreme exposure to earthquakes and typhoons. 
About 100 participants from research institute, private sector and government sector actively exchanged views and opinions on the issue of Business Continuity Planning in the Philippines.
ADRC made presentation regarding the current situation of Business Continuity Planning in Japan and other Asian countries after Great East Japan Earthquake and flooding in Thailand.

(2012/05/08 11:30)
2 May 2012 (Kobe, Japan)
Mr. Masaharu Nagagawa, Minister of State for Disaster Management, visited offices of international institutions located in HAT Kobe on May 2. Executive Director of Asian Disaster Reduction Center, Senior Recovery Expert of International Recovery Platform, Head of United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Hyogo office and Head of UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Kobe office welcomed the minister, introduced outlines of their activities. The minister expressed his expectation of disseminating globally the experiences of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake by these institutions.
(2012/05/09 18:30)
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