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Activity Report

November 30 to December 9, 2010 (Vietnam and the Philippines)

CIMG0185.JPG(November 30 to December 9, 2010 Vietnam and the Philippines)
IRP piloted a training aimed at enhancing the capacity of government officials on post-disaster resilient recovery in Vietnam and the Philippines. The back to back training events enhanced the capacities of one hundred government officials.
The training in Hanoi, Vietnam was held from November 30 to December 3, 2010. Thirty eight officials from different government ministries participated. The training in Makati City, Philippines was held from December 6-9, 2010 with thirty eight government officials from different departments participating. The video conferencing facilities allowed participation of government officials from National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) in Indonesia and visiting researchers (from Governments of Myanmar, Indonesia, and Cambodia) of Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) in Japan.
The four-day training included site visit, case study presentations, and group discussions. "Guidance Notes on Recovery" of nine sectors developed by IRP and post-disaster scenarios were provided to all participants as the key training materials. Key lessons in recovery process were presented through the case studies. The cases provide a menu of options for different approaches to recovery based on global practices. Group discussions were structured to enable participants to develop pre-disaster recovery plans, primarily focused on the strategies and approaches for recovery.
Feedback on the training was drawn from participants' evaluation and through informal interactions between training staff and the government officials who jointly organized the events. Three general observations are important. Firstly, the training has attracted significant interest of governments and partners. Secondly, the approach and materials used in training addressed the knowledge gaps on recovery and reinforced recovery initiatives of the government. Finally, government ownership of the training was significant. There is a demand for further training for provincial and field level officials and a need to further develop an in-country critical mass of trained officials. The next training will be conducted for Pakistan and Sri Lanka in February 2011.

(2010/12/09 14:20) 

APRSAF-17.jpg 25 - 26 November (Melbourne, Australia)

ADRC participated in the 17th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) that was held from 23 to 26 November in Melbourne, Australia. The theme of the Forum was "The role of space technology and industry in addressing climate change." The APRSAF was established in 1993 to enhance space activities in the Asia-Pacific region. Attended by space agencies, governments, and international organizations such as the United Nations as well as companies, universities and research institutes, this Forum is the largest space-related conference in the Asia-Pacific region.

The participants of APRSAF share information about their activities and the future plans for their countries and regions. APRSAF also supports international projects designed to find solutions to common issues such as disaster management and environmental protection. The Sentinel Asia initiative is one such activity, and involves the use of space-based information in the form of satellite images for disaster management in the Asia-Pacific region. ADRC has been tasked with the responsibility of receiving emergency observation requests from ADRC member countries and Joint Project Team (JPT) members and, if appropriate, forwarding them on to four regional space agencies, namely, ISRO, GISTDA, KARI and JAXA.

ADRC gave a presentation on this year's requests for the use of space technologies in disaster management through Sentinel Asia. ADRC also emphasized the importance of human resource development to promote the more effective utilization of space technologies in disaster management, giving examples of successful as well as unsuccessful uses of the images provided. ADRC representatives also presented information about a human resource development program for promoting the use of satellite images in disaster management, which is currently being implemented using the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund.

(2010/11/26 19:20)

5-10 November, 2010 (West Sumatra, Indonesia)

The earthquake that struck off the Mnetawai Islands in the night of 25 October triggered a tsunami and left more than five hundred people killed or missing on North and South Pagai Islands.

Mr. Atsushi KORESAWA of ADRC participated in the Indonesia and Japan joint survey team organized by the "JICA-JST Indonesia Multi-disciplinary Hazard Reduction from Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia" project. In conducting a field survey, particular focus was put on such areas as disaster preparedness (awareness, education, training), emergency response (search and rescue, emergency supply, shelter) and early recovery (house and household recovery) as summarized in the attached presentation material: Mentawai Islands Tsunami Survey.pdf.  

 (2010/11/12 13:10)

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