21-23 May 2013 (Geneva, Switzerland)
Venue of 4th GP
(from UNISDR web site)
Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) and International Recovery Platform (IRP) participated on the 4th Global Platform for Disaster Reduction (GP), hosted by UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), from 21 to 23 May 2013, held at the International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland. The 4th GP brought together over 3,500 participants from 171 countries with participation from national and local governments, inter-governmental organizations, non-government organizations, business, academics and communities.
The aim of the 4th GP is to continue the momentum into a durable and sustained effort from all actors to take shared responsibility in reducing risks and reinforcing resilience in our communities. And the 4th GP will be an opportunities to progress of Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA) and to consult on the framework in the next term, so-called "HFA2".
The opening ceremony was opened 9:30 AM of 21 May at the main conference hall. Mr. Ueli Maurer, President of the Swiss Confederation, Mr. Jan Eliasson, UN Deputy Secretary-General, Deputy Prime minister of Namibia and Civil Defense Minister of New Zealand had the welcome speeches.
Thereafter, about 170 official events, such as the official statements by participant countries, the introduction of participant organizations on their activities were held.
On the same day afternoon, ADRC held a special meeting titled "Regional Mechanisms for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia: Building Resilience through Innovation and Partnerships" co-hosted with Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and Asian Disaster Rescue and Response Network (ADRRN). Three organizations introduced their characteristic activities for their missions. (ADRC was established as the hub of international cooperation between central governments of member countries, ADPC was founded based on the outreach center of the Asian Institute of Technology and ADRRN is a network of national and local civil society organizations concerning DDR.) And several participants stressed the importance of strong cooperation between Asian regional organizations such as ADRC, ADPC and ADRRN.
There were also meetings among participants during the conference period. On 22 May, the executive director of ADRC had an opportunity of meeting with the delegate of Iran, Mr. Ghadami, Deputy of the Minister Interior and Head of National Organization for Disaster Reduction (NDMO). As Iran had joined ADRC member countries in last December, Mr. Ghadami expressed their high hope for support by ADRC in order to strengthen their DRR capacity. Both sides reaffirmed their mutual interests in developing the cooperation between ADRC and NDMO. Later day this meeting was introduced in NDMO's web site.
Mr. Ghadami, Head of NDMO (left) and Mr. Natori, ED of ADRC
(from NDMO web site)
In 23 May, IRP hosted a forum on the lessons learned from the experiences of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Details are described in the next article.
At the closing ceremony, the chairperson, Mr. Dahinden, Director-General of the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, unveiled the draft of the Chair's Summary, and Ms. Wahlström extended her gratitude to the participants.Japan's Government delegate, Mr. Yoshitami Kameoka, Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Management, declared that the next the UN World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR) would be held on March 2015 in Sendai City in Japan.
Mr. Kameoka, Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Management, declared that the next WCDR would be held in Sendai City, Japan.
(2013/06/13 13:00)