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21 August 2023 (Singapore)

ADRC participated in the first ASEAN Interregional Dialogue on Disaster Resilience (AIDDR) held on 21 August 2023 in Singapore. Adopting the theme, "Regional Perspectives on Building Resilience from Transboundary Risks," AIDDR convened regional organizations in Asia-Pacific region to explore strategies and current approaches to understanding, managing, and reducing transboundary disaster risks and their impacts on other emerging disaster risk issues. AIDDR aimed at achieving two key objectives: 

1) explore potential avenues for fostering collaborative efforts between regional organizations on DRM, and 
2) lay the groundwork for establishing interregional partnerships and collaboration with a specific focus on knowledge exchange and capacity building. 

Speaking on behalf of ADRC, Dr Potutan mentioned that one of the challenges in managing transboundary disasters is that the disaster risk management (DRM) systems of impacted countries usually differ, such as protocols and logistical approaches. In this context, ADRC facilitated cooperation among its 31-member countries by providing a common platform for: 

1) information-sharing on transboundary risks, such as assigning a universal identification of transboundary disasters using the GLIDE number system; and 
2) early warning of transboundary risks using satellites, particularly through the Quasi Zenith Satellites System (QZSS) and Sentinel Asia.

Based on the discussions at the AIDDR, the ASEAN Secretariat indicated to facilitate the following next steps: 

1) continue the inter-regional dialogue among regional organizations to strengthen collaboration;
2) conduct capacity mapping of regional organizations to inform initiatives for greater cooperation and synergy; and
3) pursue proposal for collaboration in the areas of data sharing, early warning, and knowledge exchange.
(2023/08/28 15:00)
 6-9 November 2018

ADRC participated in the 25th Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) co-organized by the Singapore Space Technology Association (SSTA), Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). It was held in Singapore from 6 to 9 November 2018, and was attended by many stakeholders from Asia-Pacific space agencies, governmental bodies, international organizations, development aid agencies, private companies, universities, and research institutions from more than 40 countries and regions. APRSAF consisted of four working groups (WG), addressing space applications, space technology, space environment utilization, and space education), a small satellite development workshop, a workshop promoting the use of the Japanese experiment module "Kibo" on the International Space Station (ISS), and a plenary session. ADRC participated in the space application WG and reported on the operational status of Sentinel Asia. ADRC also gave a report at the plenary session on Sentinel Asia's past development, the strategic plan formulated by the Steering Committee of Sentinel Asia, and its endorsement at the JPTM held on Awaji Island in Hyogo, Japan last week. On the final day, the Chairman made recommended implementing the Sentinel-Asia Strategic Plan. ADRC continues to work on the promotion of Sentinel Asia while strengthening cooperation with related organizations.

(2018/11/31 18:30)
30 June - 1 July, 2015 (Singapore)

The Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) participated in the meeting named above from 30 June to 1 July 2015 in Singapore. The meeting was attended by approximately 12 participants including representatives of satellite agencies in Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam. The meeting primarily consisted of establishment of Steering Committee Sentinel Asia. ADRC gave a presentation, covering the activation of emergency observations and the satisfaction of system users based on a questionnaire survey conducted on Sentinel Asia.

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14-15 May 2012 (Singapore)

Harvard Kennedy School and National University of Singapore jointly hosted Asia Public policy Forum at Lee Kuan Yew School in Singapore on 14-15 May 2012.
bout 80 participants from research institute, private sector and government sector actively exchanged views and opinions on the issue of public policy on disaster management in Asia region.
ADRC played a role as a moderator in a session on Business Continuity Management and shared good practices on private public partnership policy frameworks among participants.

(2012/5/17 11:30)
5 December 2011 (Singapore)

The 18th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-18), under the main theme entitled "A regional collaboration for tomorrow's environment" was organized by Singapore Space and Technology Association (SSTA), Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, National University of Singapore (CRISP), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) from 5 to 9 December 2011 in Singapore. More than 200 people participated in the forum from space agencies in the Asia-Pacific region as well as relevant agencies, business and academic institutions. 

For the first three days, four working groups, "Earth Observation", "Communication Satellite Applications," "Space Education and Awareness" and "Space Environment Utilization" were held followed by plenary session for the remaining two days. In the special session, Japanese astronaut, Mr. Soichi Noguchi made a presentation "the Earth View from Space by Astronauts".

At the plenary session, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) presented on  "Activities of ADRC in the Sentinel Asia" and "The Damages by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Contribution by Space Technology", outlining  its efforts in Sentinel Asia, and lessons learned from the preparedness and response to the Great East Earthquake and utilization of satellite and communications satellites.

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9-10 May 2011 (Cambodia)

The ADRC attended the 22st meeting of sub-committee on space technology and applications (SCOSA) held from 9th  to 10th  May 2011 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Various organizations in ASEAN countries which are related to the space technology attended this meeting in order to discuss on-going and future projects by SCOSA and other relevant. .
For the last two year the ADRC has been implementing "Satellite Data Utilization for Disaster Risk Reduction and Response" funded by Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). Eight ASEAN countries, namely, Indonesia, Philippines, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Brunei Darussalam are the target countries of the project.
In this meeting, ADRC made a progress report on the project.
ADRC is currency producing materials to be used at planned seminars and trainings in each ASEAN country.
For more details of this project, please look at the following site;

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11-12 March 2010 (Singapore)

acdm meeting.JPG

As a partner organization, ADRC participated in the 15th Meeting of ACDM and 4th ACDM+3 Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) in Singapore.

One of the highlights of ACDM meeting, 11 March 2010, was the turnover of chairmanship from Myanmar to the Philippines. Under the new chair, ACDM aims to achieve two major objectives for 2010: (i) the implementation of AADMER Work Programme for 2010-2015 and (ii) the establishment and operationalization of AHA Centre.

During ACDM+3SOM, 12 March 2010, representatives from Government of Japan re-announced its assistance to ASEAN's efforts in Disaster Reduction under the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) which focus on (i) enhancing ASEAN's capacity for emergency response to large-scale disaster based on the AADMER, (ii) supporting the improvement of the disaster prevention ability of AHA Centre and construction of the disaster information and communication system that allows the utilization of satellite, and (iii) implementing the following four (4) projects through the activities of ADRC:

 • Promotion of Disaster Education in Schools
 • Capacity Building of Local Government Officials on Disaster Management
 • Utilization of Satellite Image on Disaster Management, and
 • Development of Web-based GLIDE Associated Disaster Event Databases for ASEAN

In the ACMD+SOM, ADRC made a presentation on the progress of above four (4) on-going ASEAN Cooperation Projects implemented by ADRC and expressed continuous support for the iplementation of the cited JAIF projects.

(2010/03/23 17:30) 

27-28 October 2009 (Singapore)


 The International Workshop on "Disaster Management Response & Recovery 2009" was held in Singapore on 27 and 28 October.  Mr. Onishi, Senior Administrative Manager of Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) was invited to discuss the "Role of Knowledge Management in Disaster Management from the Perspectives of ADRC".

Around 100 delegates from Asian countries, including government officials and security managers at the private sector, participated in the work shop.

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19-20 August 2009 (Singapore)

The ADRC participated in the ACDM Working Group Meeting on Risk Assessment, Monitoring and Early Warning which was organized by the ASEAN-US Technical Assistance and Training Facility at the Singapore Civil Defense Force in Singapore on 19-20 August 2009.

In the meeting, the participants including representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat, the ASEAN-US Technical Assistance and Training Facility, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Pacific Disaster Center (PDC),  the Republic of Singapore, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Indonesia, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam discussed the framework for risk assessment, monitoring and early warning across the ASEAN countries.

The ADRC made a joint presentation with the UNDP and the PDC on the importance of Disaster Inventories for Disaster Risk Reduction. The ADRC will actively participate in the future meetings so that the advanced experience and know-how of Japan in this field can be transferred to the ASEAN countries.
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1 July 2009 (Hanoi, Viet Nam)
8 July 2009 (Singapore)
9 July 2009 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

ADRC has been implementing web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database development project in ASEAN countries since 2008 with the financial support by Japan ASEAN Integration Fund.

The objective of this project is to facilitate all 10 ASEAN countries to develop their own national disaster databases with GLIDE numbers incorporated. In 2008 ADRC invited 3 government officials in charge of disaster information from Lao PDR, Philippines and Thailand to Kobe  and gave them two month training on  GLIDE.

In 2009 the training program is scheduled from 5 October to 11 December with government officials from Indonesia, Singapore and Viet Nam.  ADRC held kick-off meetings in 3 countries and discussed about this year's project.
(2009/7/14 11:30)

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