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Activity Report

24 December - 1 March 2013, TAJIKISTAN

Since 2009, ADRC has initiated a pilot project of DRR Policy Peer Review with the aim of developing DRR capacity of ADRC member countries by sharing information and strengthening the relationship among member countries.

This year, Flood Risk Reduction in Rudaki district of Tajikistan was selected as one of the target projects of the fourth year. After the submission of country report, reviewer team composed of Ph.D. Kenichiro Kobayashi (Associate Professor, Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University, Japan), Mr. Prasong Thammapala (Head of Department Operation Center, Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Thailand) and Mr. Junji Moriwaki (Researcher of ADRC) had visited Tajikistan to conduct interview surveys.

The team visited Main Department of Geology, Institute of Geology Seismic Engineering and other organizations involving in DRR activities to examine how they have been making efforts of developing DRR in Tajikistan. Then, the team conducted inspection of flood vulnerable site as Tajikabad and Ganjina in Rudaki district, and prepared a draft report of the survey result with all findings and recommendations. Also the workshop was held in Dushanbe for getting opinion and comments to finalize the report as well as introducing good practices for reducing flood risk activities in Japan and Thailand. It provided a very good opportunity for exchanging opinions each other.

This project aims at developing the mutual learning process among ADRC member countries instead of one-way learning. After the survey missions, reviewer team will compile survey reports and send them to target countries and then to ADRC member countries to enhance cross-fertilization.

ADRC would like to express its sincerest gratitude to all of those who have made precious contribution to this project.


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18-20 February 2013, Algiers

The International Recovery Platform and the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (IRP/ADRC) facilitated a Workshop on Disaster Recovery Planning

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held at Grand Hotel Mercure in Algiers, Algeria on 18-20 February 2013. The event was jointly organized by the Government of Algeria, UNISDR, European Commission (EC), and IRP/ADRC. Over 40 officials including representatives from ministries, city governments, and United Nations organizations in Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania, and Egypt participated in the workshop.  IRP/ADRC compiled the recommendations drawn from the workshop to be shared with concerned stakeholders to improve their recovery strategies and frameworks.

The outcomes of the workshop included: (i) key strategic recommendations for recovery plans along various sectors; (ii) plan for localizing the workshop module in the Arab States; (iii) commitment for continued information-sharing on disaster risk reduction and recovery among League of Arab States (LAS), UNISDR, and IRP/ADRC. Moreover, the partnership among organizers and country government will be strengthened for organizing similar events in the future. In particular, the sharing of new relevant case studies for the Arab States will be promoted and utilized in the forthcoming workshop to be organized in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in April 2013. 

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11-13 February 2013 (Vienna, Austria)

The Fifties Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN-COPUOS) were held at the United Nations Office in Vienna, Austria. At this session, the fourth United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) Regional Support Offices (RSO) Meeting was also organized. ADRC took part in this event. In the plenary session of COPUOS, participating countries were discussing in terms of many problems, such as "inter-regional cooperation and technical assistance," "their applications and space technology and space science" training "capacity building to developing countries". From 11 to 12 February, the meeting was attended by more than 30 from world's RSO. During the meeting, the following subtopics were eagerly discussed: 
1) Review of activities 2012
2) Proposed activities in 2013-2014
3) Detailed review of ongoing project
4) Discussion on emergency response imagery needs
5) Discussion of the technical support toward developing countries
6) Group discussion (future activities of flood, drought, and forest fire)

At the UN-SPIDER RSO Meeting, ADRC presented its activities and accomplishments as RSO as well as its future plans. The meeting provided an opportunity to exchange opinions, and explore measures of enhancing future activities of UN-SPIDER RSO.


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4-5 February 2013 (Bangladesh, Bhutan)

ADRC, conducting the research on the Asian and Pacific nations' needs to satellite data for the disaster management, visited Ministry of Disaster Management & Relief in Bangladesh on 4 February and Ministry of Home & Cultural Affairs in Bhutan on 5. In Bangladesh, experts for disaster management, satellite agency and mapping agency attended the meeting. In Bhutan, experts for disaster response attended the meeting. Due to the topographical condition and the lack of the adequate infrastructure, the two countries showed strong interests in the utilization of the satellite images for DRR including the emergency observation of the disaster area, such as flood, sediment disaster and Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF). Bangladesh has been active in collaboration with national space agency, In Bhutan, ADRC gave a status update on the Sentinel Asia Project and shared ideas about specific ways that satellite images can be (or are being) used in disaster mitigation activities.



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