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25-28 June 2024 (Seoul, Republic of Korea )

20240625.pngThis year's annual meeting of the Typhoon Committee's Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (WGDRR) was held on 25-28 June 2024 in Seoul, Republic of Korea on the theme "EW4All: Bridging Gaps for Effective Disaster Risk Reduction." ADRC participated in this event on behalf of the Cabinet Office Japan with the following contributions and outcomes:

1) Presented Japan's member report highlighting the milestones on disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities implemented by ADRC in 2023 (e.g., GLIDE, Sentinel Asia, QZSS, training, webinars, ACDR, website, and other information-sharing activities)
2) Announced the host, theme, dates, and venue of the next Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction (ACDR2024) to the members of the WGDRR
3) Noted the key technical presentations related to the theme of ACDR2024, particularly the "Urban inundation response technology using deep learning and sensor data" by the National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI)/Republic of Korea and the "Role of Impact-Based Forecasting in Early Warnings for All initiative" by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP)
4) Affirmed a continuing collaboration with WGDRR in information sharing through GLIDE, the website, and online databases to be reflected in the working group's Annual Operations Plans (AOPs)
5) Discussed with the participant from Vietnam regarding ADRC's engagement in the forthcoming APEC Vietnam Online Workshop on "Improving the Resilience of Vulnerable Coastal Communities to Climate Change," 24-25 July 2024.

The WGDRR is one of the working groups under the UN-ESCAP/World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Typhoon Committee, comprising 14 members (i.e., 12 countries and 2 regions) in Asia-Pacific region.

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27-29 May 2024 (Incheon, Republic of Korea)

20240527.pngADRC participated in the Inter-Regional Dialogue 2024, with the theme "Tools and Technologies for Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Early Warning: Sharing Experience among Countries in the Asia Pacific Region," held on 27-29 May 2024 in Incheon, Republic of Korea. This event was jointly organized by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Office for Northeast Asia & Global Education and Training Institute (UNDRR ONEA & GETI) in support of the Early Warnings for All initiative, which the UN Secretary-General launched in 2022 to ensure a universal coverage of early warning systems by 2027.

In this dialogue, participants from the trilateral cooperating countries China, Japan, and Korea (CJK) shared their respective experiences, tools, and technologies on multi-hazard early warning systems (MHEWS) with other countries in Asia-Pacific region, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, East Timor, and Viet Nam as well as Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Kazakhstan.

The common MHEWS issues in these countries are: 1) warning information is not targeted to specific communities-at-risk; 2) warning information dissemination is usually one-way communication, and there is no feedback on whether the communities-at-risk have successfully evacuated; and 3) different warning agencies maintain their own databases that need to be integrated to achieve reliable forecast and warning.

Japan made two presentations at the plenary. One concerned the "QZSS DC Report," an early warning message dissemination service of Japan using the "Michibiki" satellites system known as "Quasi-Zenith Satellites System," presented by Mr Gerry Potutan, senior researcher at ADRC. The other concerned the "Nankai Trough Earthquake Warning Information," delivered by Mr UMETSU Togo, Policy Office International Cooperation Division Disaster Management Bureau, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan.

This inter-regional dialogue facilitated greater regional collaboration in terms of: 1) available MHEWS tools and technologies; 2) effective practices for risk reduction among disaster-prone countries in relation to early warning; and 3) community-level capacity development in disaster risk reduction between Northeast Asia and other sub-regions of the Asia Pacific region.

(2024/06/03 15:00)

13-16 June 2023 (Ulsan, Republic of Korea)

As a member of the Typhoon Committee's Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (TC/WGDRR), ADRC participated in the 18th Annual Meeting held on 13-16 June 2023 at the Lotte Hotel in Ulsan, Republic of Korea. The National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI), chair of the WGDRR, hosted the meeting on the theme, "Future of the Disaster Risk Reduction: Leveraging Technology to Adapt Climate Change". 

Mr SUZUKI Koji, Project Director at ADRC, delivered a technical presentation entitled, "QZSS Technology Application to Early Warning Message Platform" and Dr Gerry Potutan, Senior Researcher at ADRC, presented on the ADRC activities in line with TC/WGDRR. Both presentations highlighted ADRC's contributions in achieving the TC/WGDRR objectives to reduce the number of deaths and minimize the economic impacts of typhoon disasters in the Asia-Pacific region. 

One of the recommendations brought up by this meeting was to explore the linkage between the Typhoon Committee's Disaster Information System (TC-DIS) and the ADRC's GLobal Unique Disaster IDEntifier number (GLIDE) system. Under this proposed linkage, ADRC may be requested to provide an orientation to the 14 TC/WGDRR member countries on how to input the disaster information to the GLIDE system, focusing on tropical cyclone, storm surge, flood, and landslide. The progress of this potential linkage will be reported at the 18th Integrated Workshops (18th IWS) of the Typhoon Committee to be held on 27-30 November 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. 
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16-17 December 2019 (Incheon, Republic of Korea)  

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) participated in the Northeast Asia Forum on Technological Capacity Development for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), on 16-17 December 2019 in Incheon, Republic of Korea. The forum was organized by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat and the UNDRR. The public forum participants came from disaster management organizations and research institutions in all three countries. ADRC and the Geoinformatics Center at the Asian Institute of Technology presented information on the Visiting Researcher (VR) Program, Town-Watching Programs, and Sentinel Asia in a session on international disaster risk reduction. In this session, ADRC proposed that information on the status of hazard map development be shared among the three countries and highlighted the importance of collaboration between China, Japan, and Korea on DRR. 

Ulsan, Republic of Korea (18-21 June 2019)  

ADRC participated in the 14th annual meeting of the Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction focused on "Disseminating and Sharing Data on Disaster Risk Reduction." This event, organized by the UNESCAP/WMO Typhoon  Committee and the National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI), was held in Ulsan, Republic of Korea from 18 June to 21 June 2019. The main objective of the meeting was to allow members to share information on their typhoon-related technologies and policies. Some 30 participants from member countries and relevant organizations, including ADRC, reported on their recent technologies and policies. The WMO and NDMI gave presentations on their DRR information systems as well. ADRC gave a presentation on the typhoons that struck Japan in 2018.     

26 March 2019(Seoul, Republic of Korea)

The Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), National Disaster Management Center of China (NDRCC), Chinese Ministry of Emergency Management, UN office for Disaster Risk Reduction Office for Northeast Asia and Global Education & Training Institute for DRR (UNISDR ONEA-GETI), and South Korean Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) participated in the joint meeting of Three Education and Training Institutes of Disaster Management held on 26 March in Seoul. The meeting was chaired by Dr. KO Kwang-deok, Director, Department of Political Affairs, Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat TCS. The three education and training institutes on disaster management, that is, ADRC, NDRCC, and UNISDR ONEA-GETI, introduced their plans for possible collaboration. Based on those presentations, the participants further discussed feasible joint projects that could be developed to follow up on the Joint Statement of the 5th Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management in September 2017.  ADRC's Executive Director Koji Suzuki gave a presentation on ongoing capacity development programs supported by JICA and possible capacity development programs for space-based technology applications in Sentinel Asia platform, describing these as feasible projects under the trilateral cooperation framework. The participating organizations and TCS agreed to further discuss possible opportunities for substantive collaboration. The next Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management will be held in Korea in autumn 2019.

30 Oct. - 3 Nov. 2017 (Jeju, Rep. of Korea)

The ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee 12th Integrated Workshop "Tropical cyclone related forecast, warning and DRR in the era of big data and social media: challenges and opportunities"was held from 30 October to 3rd November, in Jeju, Republic of Korea. From Japan, JMA, MLIT, ICHARM and ADRC attended the meeting. The workshop was opened by Director General,Korea Meteorological Administration, Dr.CHO hyoseob, Han River Flood Control Office, Republic of Korea, Mr.Yu Jixin-Typhoon Committee Secretary,Typhoon Committee Secretariat, Mr.Taoyong Peng,Chief of TCP Programme,World Meteorological Organization and Representative of ESCAP. Dr. NAM Jaecheol, Administrator of Korea meteorological Administration made an opening address by video.  

In the following plenary session,a seriese of keynote lectures were given on the main theme of "Tropical cyclone related forecast including one by Dr.Muroi, JMA on "Tropical cyclone forecast improvements at JMA-challenges and opportunities with the Bog data".
On day 2, three parallel sessions took place and participants attended individual working groups: JMA for working group for metheorology, MLIT for working group for hydrology and ADRC for working group for DRR.

The WGDRR Parallel Meeting started with attended by 20 participants from nine members including China, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Lao PDR, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, USA and Vietnam, and the representatives from TCS and WMO. First, participants presented their report on the activities on DRR in 2017 and typhoons.

ADRC first summarized four typhoons that landed Japan in 2017 by October including no.3, no.5, no.18 and no.21, and reported about recent use of GLIDE by stressing the effectiveness of GLIDE for sharing information on disasters affecting many countries beyond borders, in particular, those on typhoons. ADRC also informed about some cases of infrastructure BBB studied in the APEC project by highlighting the BBB cases, in which relevant authorities in the affected region successfully overcame the effects of typhoon at the stage of infrastructure recovery works. Finally, ADRC shared its member countries' DRR priorities of climate change and climate induced disasters, and stressed the importance of learning the past experiences such as the great Hanshin Awaji flood in 1938.
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12 October 2017 (Seoul, Republic of Korea)

This meeting, hosted by SEJONG Institute (Republic of Korea) and Institute of Developing Economies (Japan), aims at continuing the discussion about possibility of building a community or networks on cooperation on the environmental issues, one of the themes dealt at the Hiroshima International Conference (as Track 1.5) entitled "Northeast Asia Peace Cooperation Initiative" held on September 13, last year. 

Accordingly, the final goal is to build the networks of individual fields of non-traditional security including cyberspace, environment, nuclear safety and disaster risk reduction, which will contribute to build a traditional security in north-eastern Asian region by taking into consideration of North Korea,  and search for feasibility of peaceful cooperation in north-eastern Asian region, by highlighting three policy priorities: (1) traditional and non-traditional security, (2) economic cooperation with North Korea, Russia and Mongolia, and (3) economic cooperation with the southern Asia and ASEAN. Especially, the international cooperation on the environmental field has very long history and a considerable outcome of studies by the academic circles in North Eastern Asian Region and the important agreements in the Trilateral Environmental Ministerial Meeting (TEMM) have been achieved. Nevertheless, a consensus has not yet been well built on the effective policy agenda.
Based on those situations, this meeting was held as the "Track 2 conference" in order to explore future prospects about networking in the field of environment by learning also from efforts made in the fields of nuclear safety, disaster risk reduction and others.

The first session in morning, titled "Experiences and prospects of multi-lateral networking on non-traditional security issues in East Asia" discussed these current situation and future based on three key note speeches.
    In the Presentation regarding the Ulaanbaatar Dialogue by Mr. DORJSUREN Nanjin, Senior Researcher, Institute for Strategic Studies of Mongolia, National Security Council, that dialogue was a Track 1.5 meeting attended by also Russia and North Korea and drawn attention as an opportunity of positive opinion exchange for formulating their consensus. And based on that discussion, Dr. Lee, Vice President, the Sejong Institute said "We hope that this meeting also formulates an architecture of multi-lateral cooperation within four - five years" and this session was concluded by his remark.

The second session in afternoon was titled "Sharing Experiences of Regional Cooperation on Environment Issues" and 12 experiences were reported. The speeches besides environmental issues in this meeting include; "Assessment on environment and health by the One Belt and One Road initiative promoted by China by Ms. Hyoung-Mi KIM, Senior Expert, China Office of Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) , American NGO; "Experiences of regional cooperation in Nuclear Safety" presented by Dr. Young-Geun KIM, Director of Social Disaster and Security Research Center, Korea University; "Challenges for transnational networking on nuclear safety in Asia" presented by Mr. Hiedyuki BAN, No Nukes Asia Forum Japan which is Japanese NGO; and "The role of ADRC in trilateral cooperation on disaster prevention and reduction: focusing on the nexus of environment and disaster" presented by Mr.Ueda, researcher , ADRC.
(2017/10/12 19:30)
30-31 May 2017 (Ulsan, Republic of Korea) 

ADRC participated in the 12th annual meeting of the Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction on "Future Strategic Plan of WGDRR after Sendai Framework" was organized by UNESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee and the National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI) in Ulsan, Republic Korea on 30 -31 May 2017. 

The main objective of the meeting was to share the information of members' typhoon-related public education and training. Some 30 participants from member countries and relevant organizations, including ADRC reported on their recent public awareness and education activities as well as updates on WMO and NDMI's DRR information system tools.

After the meeting, Advisory Working Group meeting followed to discuss future strategy of Typhoon Committee operation on 1-2 June 2017.

(2017/06/08 17:40)

29-30 May 2013 Seoul, KOREA


ADRC participated in the 8th Meeting of Typhoon Committee Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction which was jointly organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Typhoon Committee Secretariat, and the National Emergency Management Agency of the Republic of Korea in Seoul on 29-30 May 2013.
The about 30 participants who attended the meeting included representatives from China, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Viet Nam, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, as well as representatives from the organizing institutions and so on.
During the meeting, participants discussed future activities of the working group, such as "Synergized Standard Operating Procedures for Coastal Multi-hazards Early Warning System (SSOP)" project which cooperates with ADRC, and strengthening international cooperation, etc.
The Typhoon Committee has two other working groups on meteorology and hydrology, in addition to the working group on disaster risk reduction.

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19 -21 September 2012 (Incheon, Republic of Korea)

ADRC and IRP participated in the Workshop on Stock-taking and Ways Forward in Capacity Development for Making Cities Resilient in Incheon, Republic of Korea on 19-21 September 2012, which was organized by UNISDR. Over fifty Resilient Cities Capacity Development (RCCD) partners, especially the capacity development service providers, came together to take a strategic look at approaches to implement programs that encourage sharing of experiences and discussion of options for addressing challenges. Outcomes of the workshop included recommendations for scaling up capacity building programs for resilient cities such as promoting city-to-city learning as well as strengthening the networks of service providers to facilitate wider access to cities. Both ADRC and IRP will be included in the list of service providers, which cities and other related stakeholders can collaborate for potential capacity building activities in the future.  

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12 March 2012 (Seoul, Korea)

The ADRC participated in the International Conference on "Lessons from Japan: Is Japan Korea's Future?" held on 12 March 2012 jointly organized by Asian Development Bank Institute and North East Asian Research(NEAR) Foundation of Korea Rep.

ADRC made presentation regarding the current situation of recovery, reconstruction and lessons on the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster.

Around 100 participants attended the conference including experts and officials from nuclear, disaster management, economics and security fields and actively exchanged views and opinions on the broad issues such as aging society, social welfare, disaster risk management, nuclear power plant and security.

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10 November 2011 (Incheon, Korea)

The ADRC was invited to the International Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction Legislation and Policy as part of the Asian Forum of Legislative Information Affairs (AFOLIA). The Conference was organized by the Ministry of Government Legislation in cooperation with the National emergency Management Agency.

2011_11_14 002.jpgSpecifically, the ADRC made a presentation on "Disaster risk reduction legislation and policy in Japan" at Part I "Disaster risk reduction legislation and policy in Korea, China and Japan and cooperative measures" of the Conference. Other participants include representatives from Chinese government, UN and various organizations and universities The Forum was the first of its kind organized by the Ministry of Government Legislation and encompassed many areas, not only disaster risk reduction but many other fields as well. It manifested a strong initiative being taken by Korean Government within Asia.

While an interest in a post HFA (Hyogo Framework for Action) 2005-2015 and a need to establish international disaster response laws (IDRL) were growing, discussion on disaster legislations at the Conference was indeed significant and meaning attempt.

(2011/11/12 13:10)

25-28 October 2010, Incheon, Republic of Korea

P1060974.JPGADRC participated in the 4AMCDRR held in Incheon, Republic of Korea from 25 - 28 October 2010. More than 900 participants comprising ministers of disaster management from 53 Asia-Pacific and European nations, representatives from UN agencies, international organizations, and NGOs attended the conference. The Prime Ministers of Republic of Korea and Kingdom of Bhutan were among the high level participants.

Under the theme "Disaster Risk Reduction through Climate Change Adaptation" (DRR through CCA), the conference was organized into three sessions: Session 1 "Raising awareness and building capacity for DRR & CCA", Session 2 "Developing and sharing information, technology, sound practices, and lessons learned in climate & disaster risk management", and Session 3 "Promoting integration of DRR & CCA into development for green growth". ADRC chaired Technical Session 1 and co-chaired the High Level Round Table of Session 1 (HLRT1) with the Maldives and Bhutan. 

The outcomes of the technical session emphasized two key concerns. One is the need for training for both government officials and civil society organizations. The other is the need to learn from local and indigenous peoples on how they manage risk and the need to support their efforts in raising awareness. In this regard, it was suggested that DRR and CCA should be framed within local and national development planning. At the HLRT1, the ministers expressed problems of their countries, including issues on raising awareness and building capacity. HLRT1 recognized that problems vary from country to country, and that solutions need to be localized. HLRT1 had drawn commitments from delegates to work together and share technical knowledge. Recommendations from Technical Session and HLRT1 were reflected into the conference outcome documents: Incheon Declaration, Incheon Regional Roadmap or REMAP, and Incheon Action Plan aimed at establishing climate resilient disaster risk management systems by 2015 that will contribute to sustainable development at the regional, national and community levels.

ADRC also co-organized various side events at 4AMCDRR including "Incorporating space-based information and technologies into DRR and CCA" with UNOOSA, "Asian Film Festival on Disaster Management" with GFDR and ADPC, and "A tool for Better Recovery: Introduction to Guidance Notes on Climate Change Adaptation and Recovery" with IRP. The next AMCDRR will be held in Indonesia in 2012 and the progress of REMAP will be reviewed accordingly.

For more information on ADRC's activities during the 4th AMCDRR, please see the ADRC Highlights to be issued shortly.

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13 August 2010 (Incheon, Republic of Korea)

Steering Committee for the fiscal year 2010 of Asian Disaster Reduction Center was held in Incheon City, Korea on August 13. Representatives of 19 member countries attended.
Mr.Tomoya Nagai, the new Director for Disaster Preparedness, Public Relations and International Cooperation, Cabinet Office of Japan, chaired the steering committee meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, he expressed sympathy to victims of recent disasters in Pakistan, China, and India and also expressed strong support to the affected governments on behalf of ADRC. The chair formally announced the Republic of Maldives as the 29th member country of ADRC, which officially joined in May 2010.
After the presentation of ADRC activities for fiscal year 2010, the member countries discussed on how to further promote ADRC activities.

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11-14 August 2009 (Incheon, Republic of Korea)


ADRC participated in this year's second meeting of the ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) held in Incheon Metropolitan City, the Republic of Korea on 13-14 August 2009. The meeting discussed the follow-up action to the Second Session of the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), which was held 16-19 June 2009, the finalisation of the Kuala Lumpur Action Plan on DRR, and preparations for the Fourth Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR), which will be held in Incheon Metropolitan City on 25-28 October 2010.

Dr. Yeon-Soo Park, Vice Administrator, the National Emergency Management Agency, the Republic of Korea, put forward his comprehensive proposal for the fourth AMCDRR in a very positive manner. He also detailed preparatory steps to be taken by various partners, i.e. member state governments, international organisations and other institutions.

Furthermore, participating organisations shared information on their recent attempts to follow up on the HFA midterm review, Kuala Lumpur Action Plan, etc. ADRC Executive Director Mr. Atsushi KORESAWA presented some of the ADRC's ongoing and future activities by putting a stress on the Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction 2010 (ACDR 2010) to be held in Kobe city, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan from 17-19 January 2010, back to back with other relevant meetings such as the IRP Recovery Forum. He also informed the participants that details of such events would be provided in due course on the website of ADRC.

In addition, ADRC had a chance to participate in the opening ceremony of the UNISDR Education and Training Institute for Urban Risk reduction and the UNISDR Northeast Asia Office, which was held on 11 August and the conference on "Building a Local governance Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction" jointly hosted by UNSIDR and Incheon Metropolitan City.


(2009/08/25 17:40)

4thTCDPP.JPG28-29 April 2009 Seoul, KOREA


The ADRC participated in the 4th meeting of the Working-Group on Disaster Prevention and Preparedness which was jointly organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Typhoon Committee Secretariat, and the National Emergency Management Agency of the Republic of Korea in Seoul on 8-29 April 2009.

The 22 participants who attended the meeting included representatives from China, Japan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, USA, Viet Nam, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, as well as representatives from the three organizing institutions.

During the meeting, participants discussed future activities of the working group, such as upgrade of the Typhoon Committee Disaster Information System (TCDIS), which is expected to be a useful typhoon- related disaster database for Asia. The ADRC gave a presentation on the role of GLIDE numbers, which are to be assigned to disasters contained in the individual databases of different organizations, and on the ADRC's contributions to the working group this year. The next meeting scheduled is the Integrated Workshop of the Typhoon Committee, to be held in the third week of September in the Philippines.

The Typhoon Committee has two other working groups on meteorology and hydrology, in addition to the working group on disaster prevention and preparedness.

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