13-16 June 2023 (Ulsan, Republic of Korea)
As a member of the Typhoon Committee's Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (TC/WGDRR), ADRC participated in the 18th Annual Meeting held on 13-16 June 2023 at the Lotte Hotel in Ulsan, Republic of Korea. The National Disaster Management Research Institute (NDMI), chair of the WGDRR, hosted the meeting on the theme, "Future of the Disaster Risk Reduction: Leveraging Technology to Adapt Climate Change".
Mr SUZUKI Koji, Project Director at ADRC, delivered a technical presentation entitled, "QZSS Technology Application to Early Warning Message Platform" and Dr Gerry Potutan, Senior Researcher at ADRC, presented on the ADRC activities in line with TC/WGDRR. Both presentations highlighted ADRC's contributions in achieving the TC/WGDRR objectives to reduce the number of deaths and minimize the economic impacts of typhoon disasters in the Asia-Pacific region.
One of the recommendations brought up by this meeting was to explore the linkage between the Typhoon Committee's Disaster Information System (TC-DIS) and the ADRC's GLobal Unique Disaster IDEntifier number (GLIDE) system. Under this proposed linkage, ADRC may be requested to provide an orientation to the 14 TC/WGDRR member countries on how to input the disaster information to the GLIDE system, focusing on tropical cyclone, storm surge, flood, and landslide. The progress of this potential linkage will be reported at the 18th Integrated Workshops (18th IWS) of the Typhoon Committee to be held on 27-30 November 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.
2023/06/20 15:00