20-22 March 2016 (Manila, Philippines)

The project adopted this year, the seventh year since the beginning, is a cooperative project titled "Nationwide Promotion of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction" undertaken by the government of Philippines in collaboration with ADRC.
The reviewer team visited Manila 20-22 March , examined the progress of the cooperative project and provided their advice on it.
The theme of the review in Philippines include drawing up of education materials and awareness raising activities. The purpose of the cooperative project under the review is effective awareness raising of the SFDRR targeting those responsible for disaster reduction in the national and sub-national governments and in the private sector.
For this purpose, ADRC requested two peer reviewers to visit Philippines : Dr. Satoru Nishikawa, Executive Director of Research, Japan Center for Area Development Research, Japan , former Executive Director of ADRC, who has been deeply involved in the development of SFDRR, Dr. Raditya DJati, Deputy Director for Disaster Prevention, National Disaster Management Authority BNPB, Indonesia. Mr. Kazuhito Ueda, ADRC Researcher joined the mission as well from ADRC.
The reviewer team, together with the Office of Civil Defense in Philippines as the counterpart, organized a workshop on 21st March in Manila, targeting officials from the relevant government organizations and shared and discussed lessons learnt from the disasters in Japan that had facilitated elaborating SFDRR, key elements for the effective promotion of dissemination, and disasters and challenges facing Indonesia and policies adapted to them to promote SFDRR.
Office of Civil Defense in Philippines presented their idea of designing the awareness raising material including brochure and poster, and the country report used as the background material, on which the reviewers gave their comments and advices.
This project aims to provide a mutual learning process among ADRC member countries so that peer reviewer countries as well as the reviewed country could learn with each other throughout the peer review process. The reviewer team will submit a report to the reviewed country and .Philippines will then provide a final report that will be shared with ADRC member countries.
ADRC would like to express its sincerest gratitude to all of those who have made important contributions to this project.
(2016/03/20 19:30)