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Activity Report: Area & Country >> Sri Lanka

19-21 January (Colombo, Sri Lanka)

ADRC participated in the meeting named above, which was organized by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Disaster Management Center (DMC) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) from 19 to 21 January 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The meeting was attended by 70 participants including representatives of satellite agencies, disaster management organizations and academic institutions in Japan. The meeting primarily consisted of the following.

・Situation report of Sentinel Asia
・Sentinel Asia Step 3 Evolution Progress Report
・Local Hosts' Special Session
・Emergency Observation Activity (EoR) Activities in 2015
・Project Management Report
・Mitigation and Preparation Report
・Working Group
・Emergency Response Report
・Implementation Plan 2016

ADRC gave two presentations, covering the activation of emergency observations and the satisfaction of system users based on a questionnaire survey, and new emergency observation request format conducted on Sentinel Asia.
(2016/1/21 18:30)

2 December - 5 December (Colombo, Sri Lanka)

ADRC representative recently visited Sri Lanka to explore the possibility of further strengthening collaboration between Sri Lanka and ADRC, especially focusing on the next Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction (ACDR) to be held in Sri Lanka sometime next year. 2010.12.09 103.JPGSri Lank, similar to many other Asian countries, is susceptible to various types of disasters. The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, already six years ago, killed more than thirty thousand people, injured more than twenty thousand and affected more than 1 million populations in Sri Lanka, the sheer scale of which is second only to Indonesia. Flood and land/mud slides frequently cause extensive human and physical damages in many parts of the country, but one of the most recent ones was the flash flood occurred in the capital Colombo affecting a large number of residents.

During the stay there, we visited several disaster stricken sites. One of the most intriguing sites was the Tsunami Photo Museum located nearby the site of a passenger train washed away by Tsunami killing over a 1,000 people in Galle district, southern part of Sri Lanka. This museum, privately owned, contains precious photos and messages of Tsunami, but in a small hut.

(2010/12/7 13:10)

18-19 February 2010 (Kandy, Sri Lanka)

srilanka_20100218.jpgThe ADRC joined the "Workshop on Transfer of Japanese Disaster Management Measures to Enhance Self/Mutual-help Capacity in Community of Sri Lanka" held in Kandy, Sri Lanka from 18-19 February 2010. The workshop was organised by the Cabinet Office of Japan, Disaster Management Centre (DMC) of Sri Lanka and Tokio Marine & Nichido Risk Consulting Co., Ltd.
In the workshop, the ADRC made a presentation on disaster risk assessment and its efforts in Japan and also conducted a town watching program on both days.     The target area for the town watching has been considered as a high risk area of flooding to be caused by dam break in the near future. DMC has been preparing for the expected disaster through the awareness raising of local government officials and community people in the area, as well as developing hazard maps. The workshop offered a good opportunity to enhance understanding and recognition of risks in the area among high level officials in the concerned local government and agencies.
(2010/02/26 16:50)

28-30 September 2009  (Colombo, Sri Lanka)

The ADRC mission visited the Ministry of Disaster Management and Human Rights and Disaster Management Center to discuss the monitoring of nature disaster through space utilization and to further promote cooperation in that field. We also visited the Department of Meteorology, Survey Department, Coast Conservation Department and National Building Research Organization, to discuss the role of the utilization of the Space Technology for monitoring of nature disasters. 

(2009/10/06  17:30)

October 2006 - March 2009 (Sri Lanka)

img01.JPGAsian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) has participated in the Comprehensive Study on Disaster Management in Sri Lanka (Study Period: Oct. 2006 - Mar. 2009) organized by JICA as members of the Study Team. In March 2009, all the Study activities were completed with submission of the final report of the Study to the government of Sri Lanka. ADRC had been in charge of the Study areas of Administration of Disaster Management and Community based Disaster Management (CBDM) and made recommendations to enhance the capacities of those areas.
As final activity of the Study on CBDM, a seminar on CBDM was conducted in Colombo on 5 December 2008 with around 100 participants in charge of disaster management in District Disaster Management Coordinating Unit, Divisonal Secretariat Office, and NGOs. In the seminar, discussion on enhancing CBDM through review of draft of disaster educational material, and practical training of community hazard mapping and a game for disaster awareness.
Further information on the Study, please visit the following website of Disaster Management Center of Sri Lanka:

(2009/03/10 10:40)

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