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Activity Report

Punakha, Bjitan, 24-25 February, 2012

ADRC selected Bhutan as the site for a pilot project of GLOF, and had the workshop of public awareness on GLOF and earthquake in collaboration with Department of Disaster Management (DDM) at Punakha, Bhutan from 24 to 25 February 2012.

On 24 Feb., 20 students of KHURUTHANG INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING were participated with the disaster prevention class.
ADRC made following lectures with video and PowerPoint presentations. 
- Video of the Great East Earthquake
- Mechanism of Occurring Earthquake
- Mechanism of GLOF and preparation
- Early Warning System (EWS) by Utilizing River gauge
- Iza! Kaeru Caravan
The end of morning session, ADRC handed over the River Gauge Making Manual and "BOKOMI guide book" made by Kobe city government for further activities in this school.

The demonstration of "Iza! Kaeru Caravan" was held in the afternoon. On the next day, students became as facilitators for the workshop at the junior high school, approximately 250 students including primary school children participated.
DDM committed that they would like to conduct this activity not only Punakha area but all of Bhutan. ADRC and Plus arts gave most of materials to DDM, and asked further promotion of this activity and submission reports to for their implementations. ADRC hopes their active promotion on disaster education in Bhutan.
(2012/02/24 16:40)

Bangkok, Thailand, 20-24 February, 2012

The 8th Sentinel Asia System (SAS) Operation Training was organized by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) from 20 to 24 February 2012 at Kasetsart University in Bangkok Thailand. More than 20 people participated in the training from space agencies in the Asia-Pacific region as well as relevant agencies. ADRC participated as an instructor in this training.

The main contents of the training are as follows.
1) Introduction to Sentinel Asia and its system
2) How to use Sentinel Asia System
3) Introduction to Data Provider Nodes activities and these satellites
4) Introduction to Data Analysis Nodes activities and these satellite data utilization
5) Site visiting of Bangkok Flood 2011
6) Introduction of ADRC's role

ADRC gave a lecture entitled "Introduction of ADRC's role on Sentinel Asia Activities". ADRC made a lecture on the role of ADRC in the Sentinel Asia System as well as the introduction of the procedures and the considerations on the actual observation request.

(2012/02/24 13:40)

14-16 February 2012 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)


From 14 to 16 February 2012, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted workshop on DRM in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia targeting local government officials. Malaysia's National Security Council (NSC) and ADRC have been prepared for this training since 2009. Some 80 local officials in charge of DRM nationwide as well as NSC and line departments attended the workshop.

The officials from NSC, Malaysian Meteorological Department (MMD) and relevant agencies gave lectures in this training, followed by Training of Trainers in 2010. The attending local officials, who are expected to play a pivotal role in community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM), learned topics such as NSC Directive, flood management, early warning and recovery efforts from tsunami in Malaysia and Japan and had group discussion on CBDRM. The training program drew a lot of interest from the participants and invited active discussion.

The workshop put an end to the training program in Malaysia but it is hoped that capacity building activities of local officials and communities will extend leading to further strengthen disaster resilience of the country.

(2012/2/27 17:40)

13-17 February 2012 (Vienna, Austria)

Staff of IRP/ADRC had participated in a five-day Training of Trainers (TOT) on Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) which was jointly organized by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), the United Nations Development Group (UNDG), and the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI). During the training, participants were acquainted with the methodology for (i) assessing damages and losses, (ii) determining the needs for recovery and reconstruction, and (iii) ensuring improved resilience of communities and countries following recovery.

The training offered an opportunity to strengthen synergy among IRP/ADRC partners in promoting capacity building programs on post disaster recovery planning by linking with UN, EU, WB, and donor agencies in supporting disaster prone countries to reduce risk of future disasters. In addition, the training has enhanced the capacity of IRP/ADRC staff in conducting PDNA and providing related training for requesting countries or organizations.

The lectures, group exercises, and discussions at the training had specifically contributed in developing the capacities for improved recovery planning using information from PDNA. It particularly enhanced participants' competence in organizing PDNA, developing recovery framework, and following up post-PDNA measures.

(2012/02/29 14:20)

11-17 February 2012 (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)


Since 2009, ADRC has initiated a pilot project of DR Policy Peer Review with the aim of developing DRR capacity of ADRC member countries by sharing information and strengthening the relationship among member countries. This year Tajikistan was selected as target country for the review project of the third year. After the submission of country report, reviewer team had visited target countries to conduct interview surveys.

The ADRC reviewer team, composed of Prof. Hiroshi Fukuoka (Associate Professor, Research Center on Landslides Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Dr. Tai-Hoon Kim (Analyst, National Disaster Management Institute, Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Republic of Korea), Mr. R.M.S. Bandara (Head, Landslide Studies & Services Division, National Building Research Organisation, Ministry of Disaster Management, Sri Lanka) and Ms. Miki Kodama, senior researcher of the ADRC visited Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The team visited various ministries and institutions involving in landslide DRR activities, including Committee of Emergency Situation (ADRC's counterpart in Tajikistan), to examine how they have been making the efforts for reducing landslide disasters by government and non-governmental organizations in Tajikistan. Then, the team conducted field survey at the affected area by the 2009 large-scale landslide disaster in Khuroson district, and prepared a draft report of the survey result with all findings and recommendations. A workshop was held for getting opinion and comments to finalize the report as well as introducing good practices for landslide DRR in Japan, Republic of Korea, and Sri Lanka. It provided a very good opportunity for exchanging opinions each other.

This project aims at developing the mutual learning process among the ADRC member countries instead of one-way learning. After the survey missions, reviewer teams will compile survey reports and send them to target countries and then to ADRC member countries to enhance cross-fertilization.

ADRC would like to express its sincerest gratitude to all of those who have made precious contribution to this project this year.
(2012/02/13 10:40)

6-7 February 2012 (Vienna, Austria)

The Forty-Ninth Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN-COPUOS) were held at the United Nations Office in Vienna, Austria. At this session, the third United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) Regional Support Offices (RSO) Meeting was also organized. ADRC took part in this event.

From 6 to 7 February, the meeting was attended by more than 30 from world's RSO.
During the meeting, the following subtopics were eagerly discussed: 
1) Review of Activities 2011
2) Proposed activities in 2012-2013
3) Breakout sessions to discuss joint activities (Asia, Africa and Central and South America)
4) Knowledge Portal and Knowledge Management
5) Leveraging on Existing opportunities

At the UN-SPIDER RSO Meeting, ADRC presented its activities and accomplishments as RSO as well as its future plans. The meeting provided an opportunity to exchange opinions, and explore measures of enhancing future activities of UN-SPIDER RSO.

(2012/02/06 13:40)
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