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Activity Report

 6-9 November 2018

ADRC participated in the 25th Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) co-organized by the Singapore Space Technology Association (SSTA), Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). It was held in Singapore from 6 to 9 November 2018, and was attended by many stakeholders from Asia-Pacific space agencies, governmental bodies, international organizations, development aid agencies, private companies, universities, and research institutions from more than 40 countries and regions. APRSAF consisted of four working groups (WG), addressing space applications, space technology, space environment utilization, and space education), a small satellite development workshop, a workshop promoting the use of the Japanese experiment module "Kibo" on the International Space Station (ISS), and a plenary session. ADRC participated in the space application WG and reported on the operational status of Sentinel Asia. ADRC also gave a report at the plenary session on Sentinel Asia's past development, the strategic plan formulated by the Steering Committee of Sentinel Asia, and its endorsement at the JPTM held on Awaji Island in Hyogo, Japan last week. On the final day, the Chairman made recommended implementing the Sentinel-Asia Strategic Plan. ADRC continues to work on the promotion of Sentinel Asia while strengthening cooperation with related organizations.

(2018/11/31 18:30)
5-9 November 2018

The ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee 13th Integrated Workshop "Technological innovation for typhoon related forecasting ad disaster risk reduction" was held from 5 November to 9 November, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. From Japan, JMA, MLIT, ICHARM and ADRC attended the meeting. The workshop was opened by Mr. Suphachai Iamsuwan, Governor of Chiang Mai Province, Thailand, Mr.CHO hyoseob, Han River Flood Control Office, Republic of Korea, Mr.Yu Jixin-Typhoon Committee Secretary,Typhoon Committee Secretariat, Mr.Taoyong Peng,Chief of TCP Programme, World Meteorological Organization, Ms. Yuki Mitsuka, Associate Economic Affairs Officer, Disaster Risk Reduction(IDD), Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(ESCAP), Dr.Phuwieng Prakhammintar, Deputy-Director General, Thai Meteological Department(TMD). 
In the following plenary session, a series of keynote lectures were given on the main theme of "Technical innovation for typhoon related forecasting ad disaster risk reduction" . One is "Advanced risk-based information leading to enhanced local disaster risk reduction through cross-cutting cooperation between Working Groups" by Mr.Eito, Head of RSMC Tokyo and Ms. Igarashi, JMA .
On day 2and 3, three parallel sessions took place and participants attended individual working groups: JMA for working group for meteorology, MLIT for working group for hydrology and ADRC for working group for DRR.
The WGDRR Parallel Meeting started with attended by 20 participants from nine members including China, Hong Kong, DPR of Korea, Lao PDR, Macao, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Vietnam, USA, Thailand, Malaysia and Japan. Participants presented their report on the activities on DRR in 2018 and typhoons.
On day 4, In the plenary session, chairs of each working groups was reported and discussion on Cross-cutting Projects between working groups was done. 

1-2 November 2018

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) participated in the Sixth Joint Project Team Meeting for Sentinel Asia, which was organized by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and ADRC from 1 to 2 November 2018 in Awaji, Japan. The meeting was attended by about 40 participants including representatives of satellite agencies, disaster management organizations, and academic institutions in Japan. The 
meeting primarily covered the following topics:

  Session 1: Overview
  Session 2: New Membership and Working Group Activities
  Session 3: Users' Session
  Session 4: Local Host's Session
  Session 5: Project Management
  Session 6: Sentinel Asia System
  Session 7: Strategic Plan for Sentinel Asia (under the leadership of the 
       Steering Committee)
  Session 8: Special Session - Contributions of Sentinel Asia to Achieving the
        Global Agenda
  Session 9: Closing session

The ADRC member countries of Myanmar, Lao PDR, and Malaysia also joined this meeting and gave presentations on disaster management in their 
respective countries. ADRC presented information on the activation of emergency observations in 2017 and activities related to the Sentinel Asia Strategic Plan. Mr. Suzuki, ADRC Executive Director and co-chair of the event, gave closing 

(2018/11/25 18:30)
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