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Activity Report

31 May 2022 (Report of Survey Results)

ADRC held a DRR Lecture Series in March 2022 to support the VR (Visiting Researcher) research themes as outlined in previous issue of ADRC Highlights. A total of 722 people attended from ADRC partner organizations and eight VRs joined in this 8-part series. Here we present the results of the survey that ADRC conducted among the eight VRs after the DRR Lecture Series. All questions were rated on a 5-point scale.

The figures below show the results to several questions. First, they were asked, "Were the topics provided in the ADRC DRR Lecture Series appropriate?" All of VRs responded that they were either "Very good" or "Excellent." On the next question, "Did you get the information that you expected?" all of the VRs responded "Very good" or "Excellent." Finally, the respondents were asked, "Were you able to learn from the ADRC DRR Lecture Series something that you would be able to reflect to your DRR works?" The VRs rated the series to be either "Useful" or "Very useful."

ADRC will continue to strengthen its network of DRR experts and to disseminate information to ADRC member countries.

(2022/05/31 15:00)
24 May to 8 July 2022 (Online)

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program course entitled "Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction for Central and South American Countries" from 24 May to 8 July 2022, with the cooperation of JICA Kansai. It was attended by 18 participants from 10 countries: Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, and Peru. 

During the 7-week program, the participants attended lectures on disaster countermeasures and exercises around local DRR plans, and drafted plans for their target municipalities. They are expected to actively engage in DRR measures to reduce humanitarian and economic losses due to disasters. ADRC would like to express its sincerest gratitude to all the organizations and universities that contributed to the success of this course.

(2022/08/31 15:00)
23-28 May 2022 (Bali, Indonesia) 

ADRC sent representatives to the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP2022) that was held on 23 to 28 May 2022 in Bali, Indonesia. ADRC participated in many events, including the following: (1) Multi-Hazard Early Warning Conference, 23-24 May, where we learned new developments relating to impact-based forecasting, forecast-based financing, early warning/early action, anticipatory action, and the effectiveness of early warning; (2) World Reconstruction Conference, 23-24 May, which showed pathways to a greener and more resilient future as well as recovery models for a post-COVID-19 world; and 3) Midterm Reviews of the Sendai Framework Plenaries, 26-27 May, which offered insights on progress made in the fields of financing and governance (Plenary 1),  multi-hazards and the systemic nature of risk (Plenary 2), and the operating environment (Plenary 3). In the sidelines of the Global Platform, ADRC representatives also participated in separate meetings with officials from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), ASEAN Secretariat, Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Thailand, and the Office of Civil Defense of the Philippines, as well as with officials from Fiji and Cambodia. 
Moreover, ADRC Executive Director NAKAGAWA Masaaki delivered a statement expressing ADRC's commitment to improving regional partnerships to address transboundary risks in the Asia Pacific region. He highlighted two ongoing initiatives aimed at helping to strengthen preparedness, response, and recovery from transboundary disasters; namely, GLIDE and space-based technologies (e.g., Sentinel Asia and QZSS). His statement, in aiming to address one of the issues mentioned in the Co-Chairs' Summary: Bali Agenda for Resilience, noted that "Effective disaster risk management is often hindered by siloed and limited intersectoral and transboundary approaches." 

You can read the full statement here: 
(2022/06/30 15:00)

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