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Activity Report

27-29 November 2013 (Bangkok, Thailand)  

The third session of the Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction, organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), was held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand, from 27 to 29 November 2013.

As a cooperation of this committee, the ADRC sent one representative from IRP secretariat to attend. The forum's many participants included officials from UNESCAP member countries, and experts from intergovernmental organizations.

During the session titled "Item 4: Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development", Mr. Shingo Kouchi, ADRC Senior Expert as well as IRP Senior Recovery Expert, valued the Government and people of UNESCAP member countries' high ability to promote recovery and reconstruction efforts following each large-scale disasters. Mr. Kouchi also noted that ADRC and IRP have long been in help to ADRC member countries' efforts to utilize Japanese technologies, experiences, and lessons related to disaster risk reduction. Among those is three month-long Visiting Researcher (VR) Program, a capacity building program which ADRC offers government officials, and we are pleased to observe many former VRs are now playing a central role at their ministries in charge of disaster management.

Mr. Kouch also emphasized the importance of everyday preparedness by citizens, in addition to the government efforts, when a massive disaster strikes. In this connection, the two big events; ADRC's "Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction" to be held in Tokyo, Japan in 4-6 March 2014, and IRP's "International Recovery Forum" to be held in Kobe, Japan in 21 January 2014, will show the evidence of progress of disaster reduction and preparedness toward the next UN World Conference on Disaster Reduction in 2015.










(2013/12/12 14:30)

27-29 November 2013 (Bangkok, Thailand)

The 1st Sentinel Asia* Joint Project Meeting Step-3 (JPTM) was held on 27-29 November 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. It was organized jointly by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) of the Thailand.

Under the Sentinel Asia framework, ADRC functions as a single gateway for processing emergency observation requests, screening and then forwarding approved requests to the relevant space agencies. At the meeting, ADRC reported on the status of the emergency observations that were implemented and presented the suggestions for improvement of the questionnaire that are sent after emergency observation. 

The topics discussed at this meeting were as follows:
 - Status Report (Overview of Sentinel Asia Status, Introduction of New Members, Overview of Emergency Observation, DPN/DAN** Report)
 - Project Management (Sentinel Asia Evolution, DATA SHARING/DISSEMINATION, Plan of UNWCDRR in Tohoku in 2015
 - Mitigation and Preparation (Sentinel Asia Success Story in Philippines and so on)
 - Working Group Activities (Flood WG, Wildfire WG, GLOF WG)
 - Emergency Response (Face book, Enforcement of DAN's activity, PM role at the Escalation to the Charter, PM training)
 - Recovery (The success story using the space data and the issues of Recovery phase)
- Multiple Use of Satellite (Winds*** and other assets and services of JAXA, QZSS)


* 'Sentinel Asia' is an international project in order to establish a disaster risk management system in Asia, using earth satellites.
** DPN (stands for Data Provider Node) is Space Agencies to get satellite images, and DAN (stands for Data Analysis Node) is universities and other research institutes to analyze satellite images.
*** WINDS (KIZUNA) is a satellite to perform ultra-high-speed Internet access service via the satellite.
(2013/12/3 13:40)

23 November - 2 December 2013 (Chile)

ADRC has involved in a project, named "Enhancement of Technology to Develop Tsunami-resilient Community -Collaboration with Chile to Prevent Future Tsunami Tragedies-" which was started in 2011. ADRC is one of member of Working Group 4 to research disaster education and disaster awareness of residents.
In 2010, large scale of earthquake and tsunami hit Talcahuano where it is a port city and commune in the Biobío Region of Chile. In addition, researchers are apprehensive that a strong earthquake and tsunami might occur in the near future in Chile. ADRC had meeting with counter parsons to discuss specific activity in these cities.

(2013/12/10 18:30)

14-15 November 2013 (Vientiane, Laos)

The seminar and pilot lesson for "Promotion of Disaster Education of Schools" project was held in Vientiane, Laos, from 14th to 15th November 2013. It was organized jointly by the "Ministry of Education and Sports" and the "Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC)". More than thirty teachers and sixty students from primary school and junior high school attended this two-day workshop.

On 14th November, participants including teachers, experts and the ADRC confirmed latest situation of natural disaster and disaster education program in Laos. Also the contents of lesson for next day at school were discussed. On 15th, teachers had a lecture "Basic Knowledge about Natural Disaster" for student based on yesterday's activity. Teacher as lecturer were focused on flood, landslide and fire which are main natural disasters in Laos. Students could have impressed these topics deeply. As conclusion, teachers proposed that lessons for students at their own school will be conducted continually.

ADRC hopes that the outcome of this project will be shared in other schools on disaster education throughout Laos.

Note: This project is part of the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund Projects and aimed to promote disaster education in ASEAN countries through such means as training of school teachers followed by school lessons facilitated by trained teachers.

(2013/11/19 18:30)

5-7 November 2013 (Bagan, Myanmar)

Upon the request of ASEAN Secretariat, IRP/ADRC participated in the ASEAN Workshop on Recovery Planning, 5-7 November 2013 at Aye Yar River View Resort in Bagan, Myanmar. The event was aimed at reviewing the progress as well as identifying the gaps/challenges of the Recovery Component of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Program. The ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) formed a Working Group on Recovery comprising Myanmar and Indonesia as co-chairs and Brunei and Philippines as members. One of the functions of the Working Group is to develop a Toolbox on Recovery to be used by member states in recovery planning.

The toolbox is envisioned as (i) repository of practices and experiences on recovery of ASEAN Member States; (ii) compilation of best practices and other related resources; (iii) recovery guidelines; (iv) capacity building tools and activities; and (v) mechanisms for coordination and resource mobilization. To contribute in achieving this vision, IRP/ADRC shared tools and guidance as well as relevant materials on recovery planning, including guidance notes, recovery planning module, and case studies from around the globe.

As a way forward, IRP/ADRC committed to provide technical assistance to the ACDM's Working Group on Recovery, if needed.

(2013/11/11 14:40)

5-7 Nov, 2013 (Bangkok, Thailand)

The 2nd ISDR Asia Partnership meeting for the year 2013 was held on 05-07 November 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The main focus of this IAP was discussion on the substantive preparation of the 6th Asia Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR); engagement processes for stakeholder groups and partners in the AMCDRR and World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR); and the HFA2 (Future DRR framework) consultation and background preparation for the HFA2 input from the region.

At the meeting, ADRC expressed its contribution to the substantive in the "key area" such as "reducing exposure/underlying risk factors" and "incentive for private sector in DRR", and to the consultation process through "the Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction".

(2013/11/15 13:00)

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