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Activity Report

29-31 July 2009 (New Delhi, India)

The International Recovery Platform (IRP), UNDP-India, ADRC, NDMA-India, and SDMC jointly organized the Regional Conference on Earthquake Risk Reduction held at India International Centre, New Delhi, India on July 29-31, 2009. Over 200 participants, including representatives from Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Programme (ERRP) country teams, technical experts, practitioners, and relevant stakeholders, gathered during the three-day to discuss experiences, share knowledge, and facilitate technical cooperation.
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15-25 July 2009 (Pokhara, Nepal)

Meetings with focal point persons in Katmandu who are responsible for "Pull down Test of an existing house in Katmandu, Nepal" that has been planned as a part of Regional Technical Assistance of ERRP, and 4-day Training of Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings/Retrofitting and Recovery Preparedness for Municipal Engineers in Nepal" as a part of the country activity of ERRP Nepal were conducted in 15-25 July 2009. More details, please see the following mission report.
Mission Report
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15-17 July 2009 (Bali, Indonesia)

P7150285.jpgSentinel Asia Project was established to build a disaster management system by using a satellite image in Asia region. The international conference, Joint Project Meeting for Sentinel Asia, has been held to share the latest activities every year. In this year, this conference was held in Bali, Indonesia and attended by 117 participants from 43 organizations including ADRC.
The objectives of the JPTM2009 were to introduce the progress concerning utilization of satellite and make discussion implementation of a new program for Sentinel Asia.
ADRC reported the several activities about the Emergency Observation Request in this year and the installation of the regional support office of UNSPIDER. In addition, ADRC proposed the Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Working as a new project with Keio University and ICIMOD, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development.

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1 July 2009 (Hanoi, Viet Nam)
8 July 2009 (Singapore)
9 July 2009 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

ADRC has been implementing web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database development project in ASEAN countries since 2008 with the financial support by Japan ASEAN Integration Fund.

The objective of this project is to facilitate all 10 ASEAN countries to develop their own national disaster databases with GLIDE numbers incorporated. In 2008 ADRC invited 3 government officials in charge of disaster information from Lao PDR, Philippines and Thailand to Kobe  and gave them two month training on  GLIDE.

In 2009 the training program is scheduled from 5 October to 11 December with government officials from Indonesia, Singapore and Viet Nam.  ADRC held kick-off meetings in 3 countries and discussed about this year's project.
(2009/7/14 11:30)

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