15-17 July 2009 (Bali, Indonesia)
Sentinel Asia Project was established to build a disaster management system by using a satellite image in Asia region. The international conference, Joint Project Meeting for Sentinel Asia, has been held to share the latest activities every year. In this year, this conference was held in Bali, Indonesia and attended by 117 participants from 43 organizations including ADRC.
The objectives of the JPTM2009 were to introduce the progress concerning utilization of satellite and make discussion implementation of a new program for Sentinel Asia.
ADRC reported the several activities about the Emergency Observation Request in this year and the installation of the regional support office of UNSPIDER. In addition, ADRC proposed the Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Working as a new project with Keio University and ICIMOD, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development.
(2009/07/27 18:30)