7 November 2024 (Banda Aceh, Indonesia)
In line with the 20th Commemoration of the Aceh Tsunami, ADRC collaborated with the Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) in organizing the International Seminar on Tsunami Disaster Mitigation (https://tdmrc.usk.ac.id/international-seminar-on-tsunami-mitigation/), 7 November 2024 in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Dr Gerry Potutan (Senior Researcher, ADRC) and Dr MIFUNE Yasumichi (Visiting Researcher, ADRC) were the keynote speakers. In his speech, Dr Potutan showed examples on how to prepare to escape from tsunami (e.g., transmitting alert message via space satellites) as well as how to mitigate the impacts of tsunami on properties (e.g., installing automated water gates) using cases from Japan. Dr MIFUNE
shared insights on recovery from tsunami in the context of the Great East Japan Earthquake, highlighting the importance of: 1) resilient development - e.g., adopting a multi-faceted defense system; 2) land re-adjustments - e.g., relocating residential areas to higher ground; and 3) emotional recovery - e.g., promoting social activities at community centers. USK shared the report (https://tdmrc.usk.ac.id/20th-years-aceh-tsunami/2024/11/07/commemorating-two-decades-since-the-aceh-tsunami-international-seminar-on-tsunami-disaster-mitigation-2024/) on this event.
Aside from co-organizing the international seminar, ADRC also organized field visits to tsunami impacted areas, conducted interviews (https://museumtsunami.acehprov.go.id/berita/kategori/berita/peneliti-adrc-asal-jepang-sambangi-museum-tsunami-aceh), and collaborated with BAPPEDA Aceh in organizing an international seminar on disaster risk reduction
(2024/11/17 15:00)