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5 - 7 November 2024 (Quezon City, Philippines)


The 9th Joint Project Team Meeting was held from 5 to 7 November 2024 in Quezon City, Philippines. It was co-organized by the Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

ADRC participated in a training session held on 6 November, reporting on the status of Sentinel Asia fs emergency observation request (EOR) and end-user feedback on the various data provided. ADRC also introduced the Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) being developed in each Sentinel Asia member country and activities of the related workshops in each country.

ADRC will continue to actively participate in activities related to the utilization of space technology in the field of disaster prevention.

(2024/11/14 15:00)

14-18 October 2024 (Manila,Philippines)


QZSS, which stands for Quasi Zenith Satellite Systems, is referred to as "Japanese GPS" due to similarities of functions such as positioning and communication. Mr Gerry POTUTAN, senior researcher at ADRC, highlighted the contributions of QZSS in improving early warning systems (EWS) during his presentation in the partner event that ADRC co-organized with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and other regional and local partners at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR), 14-18 October 2024 in Manila.

Firstly, QZSS can transmit early warning message to mountainous and island areas that have limited access to Wi-Fi, internet, or cellular networks, thereby augmenting their early warning systems. Secondly, QZSS can serve as a back-up system for transmitting warning messages to communities-at-risk when ground telecommunication systems are damaged in a disaster. Since QZSS is also a positioning satellite system, warning messages can be transmitted specifically to disaster-affected communities. Details of the session are available at the following link:


ADRC also exhibited posters showcasing its activities on: 1) promoting satellite observation and messaging services for disaster risk management, 2) utilizing Information and Communications Technology for Community Based Disaster Risk Management (ICT for CBDRM), and 3) implementing capacity building programs for comprehensive disaster risk reduction.

On the last day of the conference, ADRC representatives joined a field visit to Marikina City and Pasig City to learn more about the JICA project "Pasig-Marikina River Channel Improvement," which includes river widening to further minimize the impact of flooding in Metro Manila.

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2 April 2020 (Asian Countries)

ADRC conducted a research on challenges in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in Asian countries in cooperation with the former visiting researchers. As a first report, the report of the observation in the Philippines and Japan is available on our website. (PDF, 1.8MB)

(2020/05/07 10:40)

Training_of_Trainers_Philippines.jpg14 March 2019 (Philippines, Makati) 

The Training of Trainers for "Promotion of Disaster Education of Schools" project was held in Makati city, Philippines, on 14th March 2019. It was organized in cooperation with SEEDS Asia, Department of Education, and Makati City Government. 9 trainers from Makati city from Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, League of Barangays, Information and Community Relations Department, Urban Development Department, and Department of Education Makati City Division attended this workshop. Japanese expert, Ms. Saki Arima from SEEDS Asia made a lectures using the hazard simulation models which present hazard mechanisms, impacts and protective measures. Also as a result of discussion, the next seminar will be held with targeting the school teacher of Grade 7-10. 
(Note: This project is part of the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund Projects and aimed to promote disaster education in ASEAN countries through such means as training of school teachers followed by school lessons facilitated by trained teachers.)
(2019/03/14 9:50)

Iriga City, Philippines (November 28-29, 2016)

Recognizing the risks from natural hazards (such as typhoons, floods, and landslides), governors, mayors, and their respective disaster risk reduction management (DRRM) officials of the local government units (LGUs) in the entire Bicol region gathered together in Iriga Convention Center, 28-29 November 2016, Iriga City to further explore local approaches and measures to manage and reduce risk. Bicol is the most typhoon-prone region in the Philippines prompting the LGUs to heighten their efforts in disaster risk reduction by localizing the implementation of the Sendai Framework.

The event was initiated and convened by Iriga City Mayor Madelaine Yorobe Alfelor who was inspired by the outcomes of the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) held in New Delhi, India - particularly on the crucial role of local leaders and mayors in implementing the Sendai Framework. During the event in Iriga City, Mayor Alfelor expressed two main reasons why there is a need to gather all local leaders and mayors in the region. One is to advocate for LGU readiness to face risks brought about by hazards, including typhoons, floods, volcanic eruption, and earthquake. The other is to draw commitment of the local chief executives to promote community resilience by adopting the Ten Essentials advanced by the Making Cities Resilient (MCR) campaign

About 85 mayors and over 120 officials from Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (DRRMO) of each local government participated in the workshop to learn and adopt the Ten Essentials through a two-day workshop facilitated by UNISDR-GETI and IRP. The Ten Essentials is a tool that local governments can apply to strengthen their DRRM plans. Two of the Ten Essentials (9 and 10) pertain to "build back better", and it is in this context that IRP/ADRC shared the global experiences and case studies. By learning from lessons of past experiences, local governments can identify and address their respective weaknesses in disaster risk management.

To forward the recommendations reached at the workshop, the DRRMO officials of the entire Bicol region plan to organize themselves into a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences. In their forthcoming meeting, the DRRMOs will discuss how to implement the identified priority actions they set forth at the workshop in Iriga City.

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Makati City, Philippines (November 25, 2016)

As follow-up activity to the Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan (PDRP) developed by the City Government of Makati in October 2013, the International Recovery Platform/Asian Disaster Reduction Center (IRP/ADRC) facilitated a Workshop on Continuity Planning for Local Governments at St. Giles Hotel, 25 November 2016, Makati City, Philippines.

Along with UNISDR-GETI, the IRP/ADRC introduced a continuity planning tool that will help: (i) ensure that local government can perform its essential functions under all conditions; (ii) reduce the loss of life and minimize property damage and loss; (iii) execute a successful order of succession with accompanying authorities in the event a disruption renders that organization's leadership unable, unavailable, or incapable of assuming and performing their authorities and responsibilities of office; (iv) reduce or mitigate disruptions to operations; and (v) ensure that there are facilities from where the city government can perform its essential functions.

About 75 personnel, representing various departments of the city government, participated in the workshop. To complement the continuity planning tool, sharing of business continuity planning (BCP) experiences from various local organizations in the Philippines were presented. The sharing included those from the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA), Nestle Philippines, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), San Juan City Government, Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF), and Business Continuity Managers Association of the Philippines (BCMAP).

After various inputs, participants identified the key priorities to be covered in the continuity plan for the Makati City Government. This includes setting up remote facility from where the city government's Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (DRRMO) can operate its essential functions in case the city will be severely impacted by disasters. The participants also gave priority in outlining a definitive procedure for executing a successful order of succession whenever the head is incapable.

To forward the recommendations reached at the workshop, the city's DRRMO officials along with the representatives of all departments of the city government will reconvene sometime in March 2017 to review its progress and to further discuss the finalization of the Makati City Continuity Plan. 

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November 17-18, 2016 (Manila, Philippines)

During the "Regional Knowledge Forum on Risk-informed Land Use Planning in the Context of Post-Disaster Recovery", which was organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on 17-18 November 2016 in Manila, the IRP Secretariat was invited to send one recovery expert to share global experiences. The forum was attended by over 100 decision-makers and specialists with expertise in land use management, disaster risk management, and post-disaster recovery. The key speakers were from Canada, Indonesia, Japan, Myanmar, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Thailand who discussed how disaster risk related issues can be addressed through land use/spatial planning in the context of post-disaster recovery.

The forum recognized that large-scale disasters often result in changing spatial structures due to corresponding large-scale reconstruction activities. Hence, the recovery process that follows provide opportunities to address both the pre-existing spatial development related challenges as well as the new ones. Some actions that may be introduced to address the issues associated with land use and housing in the post-disaster phase, may include: (i) introducing new land use strategies; (ii) regulating and providing incentives to rebuild away from hazard-prone areas; (iii) proposing new spatial growth models that factor in changing hazard patterns; (iv) addressing issues related to land title and rights; (v) adopting participatory approaches towards rebuilding thereby improving social cohesion; and (vi) undertaking a combination of structural and nonstructural investments to manage future disaster risk.

The forum covered three thematic sessions, where key messages and recommended actions were presented. The first session dealt with recovery policies, wherein policy actions may be focused on addressing the challenges related to the availability of land, risk information, local capacity, finances, and in meeting the speed required to implement activities on the ground. The second session dealt with the horizontal and vertical coordination issues, especially between national and local governments. The suggestion that came up from this session was to revisit and address the underlying causes of disaster risk. Adoption of a system-wide approach (such as focusing on watersheds) and design recovery measures that strengthens vertical and horizontal linkages may help contribute in addressing the issue. The final session dealt with good practices and innovative tools. It is in this session that IRP shared some of the international experiences. The recommendations from IRP included: reviewing past disaster experiences by specifically performing "failure analysis" and "build back better"; selecting from "menu of options" of strategies and actions from global experiences to address recovery issues and challenges - including land use and housing issues; and conducting pre-disaster recovery planning (pre-event research, pre-agreements) to help hasten the effectiveness of land use planning in post-disaster context (i.e. strengthening institutional arrangements, policies, laws, and programs).

   (2016/11/21 14:40)

16-17 November (Manila, Philippine)
The 23rd Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) was held from 15 to 18 November in Manila, Philippine. It was co-organized by the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development - Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines (DOST-PCIEERD), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
The APRSAF was established in 1993 to enhance space activities in the Asia-Pacific region. Attended by space agencies, governments, and international organizations such as the United Nations as well as companies, universities and research institutes, this Forum is the largest space-related conference in the Asia-Pacific region. Now APRSAF has 4 Working Groups; Space Applications Working Group (SAWG), Space Technology Working Group (STWG), Space Environment Utilization Working Group (SEUWG) and Space Education Working Group (SEWG). The participants of APRSAF share information about their activities and the future plans for their countries and regions in each working group APRSAF also supports international projects designed to find solutions to common issues such as disaster management and environmental protection.
ADRC joined Space Applications Working Group (SAWG) and reported activity of Sentinel Asia. The Sentinel Asia initiative is one such activity, and involves the use of space-based information in the form of satellite images for disaster management in the Asia-Pacific region. ADRC has been tasked with the responsibility of receiving emergency observation requests from ADRC member countries and Joint Project Team (JPT) members
Sentinel Asia marks 10 years anniversary in 2016. ADRC reported a trend of Emergency Observation Request in the past decade. It was highlighted that the number of EOR is increasing in the recent year. Also ADRC introduced two good practices in Vietnam and in Myanmar. Provided satellite images and product were utilized for DRR activity in both country. However it remains some points to be discussed such as data sharing in each country.

(2016/11/18 18:30)

24-26 October 2016 (Cebu City, Philippines)

WGDRR gorup Photo at 11th IWS for webup EN caption.jpgADRC participated in the 11th Integrated Workshop of Typhoon Committee (TC) which was jointly organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), World Meteorological Organization (WMO) TC Secretariat in collaboration with the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) and the Local Organizing Committee of Cebu at Waterfront Cebu Hotel on October 24-26, 2016.

ADRC represented by Mr. Kazuhito Ueda attended the workshop during its Breakout Session on Disaster Risk Reduction in the second day and presented the member's report in the morning and discussed on the progress of the Annual Operation Plan (AOP) by the Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (WGDRR) as well as its initiatives and budgets towards the following year.

The member's report covered the disaster overview focusing on typhoons in 2016, the progress of projects related Typhoon Committee and the initiatives on Disaster Reduction by 10 member-countries including the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, Japan, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Kingdom of Thailand, the Republic of Korea, the United States of America and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Mr. Ueda explained the characteristics of typhoons that landed Japan this year and reported on the enormous damage these had brought to areas that have not frequently been hit by typhoon such as Kanto, Tohoku regions and Hokkaido from the Pacific side. Further, he suggested on the need to accumulate the contents of these disasters' characteristics and damages as the analyzable dataset.

During the consultation about the AOP in the afternoon, a useful report was made regarding the 4th project of the year 2016 entitled, "Benefit Evaluation of Typhoon Disaster Prevention and Preparedness" of which China has become the implementing country. In the report, a Chinese Representative stressed that reducing typhoon track forecast error could lead to a reduction of considerable economic losses.

Although the stay was quite brief, the flow of the activities was unbelievably smooth and the travel was comfortable thanks to the support by the Local Organizing Committee. Finally, ADRC would like to express its sincere appreciation for everyone's effort which contributed to the success of this conference.
(2016/10/24 19:30)

Makati, Philippines (April 29, 2016)


Upon request of the Manila Observatory, and in collaboration with the SM Prime Property Company and the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF), the International Recovery Platform/Asian Disaster Reduction Center (IRP/ADRC) facilitated an orientation workshop on pre-disaster recovery planning (PDRP), 29 April 2016 at the Asian Institute of Management, Makati City, Philippines. The event gathered about 90 recovery decision-makers, planners, and implementers from public and private sectors, including civil society, scientific community, academe, media, and representatives of local communities to learn the essence of pre-disaster recovery planning. The composition of participants  was diverse to effectively simulate the PDRP exercise and to facilitate complementarity of recovery support functions.

The workshop explored various approaches of formulating a PDRP based on existing tools and experiences, including strategies, actions, and case studies from global experiences and highlighting Japan's pre-disaster recovery agreements as observed during the recovery from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 1995, the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011, and the Kumamoto Earthquake 2016. The importance of the PDRP was emphasized by prominent speakers, namely: Ms. Antonia Loyzaga of the Manila Observatory, Ms. Liza Silerio of the SM Prime, Mr. Guillermo Luz of the PDRF, Gen. Alexander Pama of the Office of Civil Defense, and Ms. Remedios Endencia of the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA). The speakers generally recognized that PDRP is essential because all governments and communities face similar organizational and policy issues in a disaster recovery (e.g. governance, financial management, effective operations, redevelopment standards, infrastructure, transportation, health, and livelihoods), so it pays to plan in advance. Firstly, it increases the "speed" of recovery when all stakeholders (i.e. multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary, and inter-ministerial/departmental) plan in advance. It facilitates coordinated planning and implementation that minimizes uncertainties, overlaps, and bottlenecks. Secondly, it builds stronger relationship among all stakeholders that limits poor decision taken under post-disaster stress. It prepares stakeholders' full participation in recovery - making it easy to engage and reach a risk-informed decision. Finally, it establishes beforehand the modalities for financing recovery process, including pre-agreements and contracting services.

Using the Metro Manila earthquake scenario shared by Dr. Renato Solidum of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs), the workshop came up with two main outputs. One was a Checklist for Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning and the other was  a Template on Pre-Agreement  for Disaster Recovery. As way forward, the participants agreed to scale up discussions on PDRP with National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) and explore the options for pre-agreements in disaster recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

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14-18 December 2015 (Bangkok, Thailand)

"Applying SBT and ICT to Strengthen Disaster Resilience" funded by ADB for 18 months in 4 countries has been launched with regional kick-off meeting on 14-18 December 2015 at AIT, Thailand. 

International and National consultants of the project participated in the OSM (Open Street Map) workshop to learn the OSM concept, how to use, good practices. Also participants joined OSM exercise in the field of AIT. On 16-17 December, national delegates also participated in the regional kick-off meeting. During the meeting, the project briefing was done by ADB, then contributions from each international consulting firm (AIT, ADRC, RESTEC, PASCO, Geo Things), current situations in each pilot project country (Armenia, Bangladesh, Fiji, Philippines) were explained, and project targets in each country were discussed. And the relations between the project and the Sentinel Asia program was explained.
The kick-off meeting at the national level will be held during February to April 2016. Dr. Ogawa, former Executive Director, and Mr. ARAKIDA, Senior Researcher will be in charge from ADRC.



22-23 September 2015 (Iloilo City, Philippines)

ADRC attended an APEC senior level meeting on disaster management, as a co-chair of EPWG. The meeting was hosted by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) and the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), Philippines. The Forum was attended by APEC economies, private sector, non-government organizations and so on. The meeting raised diverse topics on DRR and contributed to sharing of best practices of the various member-economies. From Japan, Mr.Y. HYOTANI, Deputy Director-General for Disaster Management Bureau, Cabinet Office, made a presentation titled " Protecting the Economic Interests from the Disasters" focusing mainly on the economic impacts by the Great East Japan earthquake and the recovery from it. As an output of the Forum, the 'APEC Disaster Risk Reduction Framework', a policy document to address disasters and the "new normal" to be faced with the member economies, was discussed, which was endorsed in mid-October, then in November endorsed by the Joint Ministerial Statement and adopted by APEC Economic Leaders.

(2015/09/22 12:30)

Manila, Philippines (19-21 August 2015)

The International Recovery Platform / Asian Disaster Reduction Center (IRP / ADRC) HAD supported the organization of the Workshop on "Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation into Development Policies and Planning", 19-21 August 2015 at the Discovery Suites, Pasig City, Philippines by dispatching a resource person. The workshop was spearheaded by the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) of the Philippines with support from the Global Education and Training Institute of the UNISDR (GETI), a member of IRP along with ADRC.

With the participation of 25 high-level government officials and representatives from local NGOs, the workshop was an occasion to review the draft indicators for monitoring the global progress of implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The workshop was also an opportune time for the Philippine Government to align its existing National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan 2011-2028 (NDRRMP) with the priorities for action of the Sendai Framework. To facilitate greater understanding of the priorities for action, IRP / ADRC provided case studies from around the globe. In particular, the case studies focused on: (a) policies and practices for disaster risk management along all dimensions of vulnerability, capacity, exposure of persons and assets, hazard characteristics, and environment priority; (b) disaster risk governance at the national, regional , and global levels; (c) public and private investment in disaster risk prevention and reduction through structural and non-structural measures to enhance economic, social, health, and cultural resilience; and (d) disaster preparedness for effective response and to build back better in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

Ou tputs of the Workshop included: (a) NDRRMC's recommendations to the Process of Developing the indicators to Monitor the Progress of Implementing the Sendai Framework, and (b) NDRRMC's Action Plan to align the current National disaster Risk Reduction Management plan with the priorities of the Sendai Framework. It was observed that the current indicators are focused on assessing policies and legislation. Hence, it was recommended that indicators should also capture existing program, schemes, and activities along the four priorities for action of the Sendai Framework. Additionally, the participants recommended that programs, funding, and activities for build back better in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction shall be integrated in the existing NDRRM Plan 2011-2028.

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(2015/08/24 14:40)
DRRMCEP2015.JPGAsian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) had participated in the JICA Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Capacity Enhancement Project in the Philippines from March 2012 to February 2015 (3 years) as a member of the Project team.
The "Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 (RA No. 10121)" was enacted in May 2010, creating the legal framework to implement a new approach to disaster management called Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM). Under the DRRM Act, a new highest decision-making body related to disaster management on the national level was established as the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC). The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) was appointed as the secretariat of the NDRRMC and expected to play a leading role for the DRRM activities in the Philippines. The Project was formulated with a goal of strengthening capacity on DRRM of the OCD.
The Project team proviced technical assistance to the activities of the OCD on DRRM planning, standardization of the DRRM information management, strengthening of the DRRM education and training system, and enhancement of the support system to Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (CBDRRM).
The ADRC contributed to strengthening DRRM education and training system of the Philippines including of the establishment of the "National DRRM Education and Training Plan" with the DRRM training modules for national and local government officers, and private sectors as priority training programs, and the "Civil Defense Education and Training Program" for the OCD staff members.
For more details, the final report of the project is available at:
(pdf, 3.64MB, JICA Library)
(2015/02/27 10:40)

25 February 2015 (Manila, Philippines)

"Preparatory Meeting for Resilience Conference on Earthquake", hosted by the Carlos P. Romulo Foundation for Peace and Development, co-hosted by the Zuellig Family Foundation and the Manila Observatory, was held in Manila, Philippines on 25 February 2015.  As a cooperation of this meeting, the ADRC sent one representative from IRP secretariat to attend. The meeting's over 90 participants included government officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, managers from private sector and experts from international organizations.

During his presentation titled "Reconstruction, Recovery and Preparedness: Lessons Learned from Japan's Experience--Towards Comprehensive Disaster Management in the Philippines and Japan--", Mr. Shingo Kouchi, ADRC Senior Expert as well as IRP Senior Recovery Expert, highly appreciated every effort made by both public and private sectors toward possible earthquakes in the Metro Manila. Similar to Japan's situation, it has been widely recognized in the Philippines that the Government and local enterprises need to promote the public-private partnership and multi-stakeholder approach towards effective regional disaster mitigation/prevention and reconstruction/recovery. Mr. Kouchi also stressed that  IRP have been working closely with many stakeholders in the Philippines, and ADRC/IRP will seek possibilities of providing technical assistance for the Philippines' preparation efforts towards future earthquakes.

With the concept of "Building Back Better than Before", IRP would like to make continuous efforts for realization of disaster-resilient society and communities in the Metro Manila region, by sharing Japanese technologies, experiences, and lessons learned from the past. For more information, please contact Kouchi (

(2015/2/27 14:50)


3-5 November 2014 (Manila, Philippines)

group photo_Philippines_BGC.jpg

Upon the request of the Bonifacio Estate Services Corporation (BESC), ADRC/IRP and UNISDR-GETI have jointly facilitated the initial development of the Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan (DRR-AP) for the Bonifacio Global City (BGC). During the three-day workshop ? held on November 3-5, 2014 at the Globe Tower, Bonifacio Global City in Taguig City, Philippines ? existing tools, guidance, and lessons on DRR and recovery were shared and explained.

Over 70 participants from six districts of BGC, representing the estates and establishments, shared their experiences and opinion on how to organize response and recovery operations in case of a disaster. At the end of the workshop all suggestions were put together to form the strategies and actions of the BGC DRR-AP. The essential next steps were also identified, namely:

The Bonifacio Estate Services Corporation (BESC) will take forward the initial outputs of the workshop by conducting further consultations/workshops with other stakeholders/experts, including: utility experts; medical experts; first-aid experts; local government officials (barangay and city); law enforcement agencies (e.g. police and armed forces); and other relevant agencies of the government. The objective of further consultation is to address sectors that might be overlooked (e.g. psychosocial, gender, and livelihoods). It was recommended that a drafting committee or consultant will assist in putting together proposed action points.

In entire process of formulating the BGC DRR Action Plan, ensure that it is integrated or linked with existing DRR & development plans/mechanisms in the barangay, city, BGC developers, MMDA, and NDRRMC framework. In this, the draft may be reviewed along with existing plans or share draft to proper authorities for comments and further guidance.

The BESC will seek endorsement of DRR Action Plan from the BGC Board of Directors. As regards participants to the workshop, the essential next step for them is to serve as focal points, inform their principals about direction of DRR AP formulation, and cascade the information down to the residents.

Within BESC, a formal structure may be created to coordinate and implement the DRR Action Plan. This structure may also perform the following functions: conduct proper risk assessments; dissemination of DRR information; simulation of action plan (e.g. drills); conduct security surveys, initiate pre-agreements with LGUs/agencies/private sector/NGOs; and adopt protocols for organizing emergency response and recovery.

To sustain the Action Plan the following are recommended: continuous monitoring and evaluation; conduct drills on regular basis; gather support from residents; pilot the DRR Action Plan; and conduct annual risk reduction summit.

   (2014/11/07 14:40)


14 August 2014 (Manila, Philippines)

The ASEAN High-Level Conference on Assistance for the Recovery of Yolanda-Affected Areas (ARYA), hosted by the Government of the Philippines, co-hosted by the ASEAN, was held in Manila, Philippines on 14 August 2014.  As a cooperation of this conference, the ADRC sent one representative from IRP secretariat to attend. The conference's over 200 participants included government officials from ASEAN member countries, disaster managers across the Philippines and experts from international organizations.
During his statement in plenary session titled "Role of Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) towards Recovery of Typhoon Yolanda -What we have done so far, and what we can do now and on", Mr. Shingo Kouchi, ADRC Senior Expert as well as IRP Senior Recovery Expert, highly appreciated every effort made by the Government and people of the Philippine since the occurrence of the disaster. Similar to Japan's situation, it has been widely recognized in the Philippines that Government and people need to promote multi-stakeholder approach towards effective disaster mitigation/prevention and reconstruction/recovery. Mr. Kouchi also stressed that ADRC and IRP have been working closely with the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) and many stakeholders in the Philippines, and ADRC/IRP will seek possibilities of providing technical assistance for the Philippines' recovery and rehabilitation efforts of Yolanda-affected communities to enhance current efforts of the government.
With the concept of "Building Back Better than Before", ADRC would like to make continuous efforts for realization of disaster-resilient society and communities across the Asian region, by sharing Japanese technologies, experiences, and lessons learned from the past. For more information, please contact Kouchi (

(2014/08/29 14:50)

16-17 June 2014 (Manila, Philippines)

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Hosted by SM Prime and led by UNISDR's Global Education Training Institute (GETI) and with the support of the International Recovery Platform (IRP), a two-day workshop on the "Business Case for Disaster Risk Reduction" was held at SMX Convention Center ? Mall of Asia, Manila Philippines, 16-17 June 2014.
The workshop was conceptualized in recognition of the rapid change in global economic and political arena, where there is an increasing interconnectedness of global trade, financial markets, and supply chains. In this context, the world of business is facing a more risky environment ? especially when a disaster strikes. For instance in 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake and the flooding in Bangkok have shown how the private sector was heavily impacted. Essentially, global players need to protect and ensure that businesses continue after a disaster. The business case for DRR implies: (i) strengthening private sectors' capacities and strategies for risk management; (ii) ensuring prudence and sustainability in investments through regulatory and voluntary actions to increase the visibility of all risks; and (iii) encouraging government to invest more heavily in DRR in partnership with the private sector.
With over 60 participants from the business enterprises, governments, and academia, the workshop included group discussions on what strategies and actions can be put forward to further build resilience in business. IRP/ADRC presented global case studies on small enterprises and DRR to provide guidance and wider options for participants in drafting their respective business continuity plans (BCPs). Local experiences were also presented by distinguished personalities in the Philippines including Mr. Hans Sy (President SM Prime), Mr. Alexander Pama (Executive Director NDRRMC), Mr. Renato Solidum (Director PHIVOLCS), Mr. Jose Cadiz (Vice Mayor Marikina City), and Mr. Alfredo Arquillano Jr. (Former Mayor San Francisco, Cebu Province).
The workshop came up with recommendations to address knowledge gaps on DRR and convince business owners to move beyond basic business continuity planning through partnerships and closer collaboration between public and private sector. Additionally, it was recommended that businesses shall also consider the opportunity to create value in markets with products that address disaster risk.

(2014/06/30 14:40)

4-6 June 2014 (Manila, Philippines)

The ASEM Manila Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management "Post-Haiyan/Yolanda -A Way Forward", hosted by the Philippines, co-hosted by Japan, the European Union (EU) and Switzerland, was held in Manila, Philippines on 4-6 June 2014.  As a cooperation of this conference, the ADRC sent one representative from IRP secretariat to attend. The seminar's over 280 participants included government officials from ADRC member countries, experts across the Philippines and delegates from EU countries.
During his presentation in Working Group titled "Role of Stakeholders -National and Local Governments, NGOs, the Local Community, Media and the Private Sector (Strengthening the Role of the State and other DRRM Stakeholders in Disaster Response and Coordination)", Mr. Shingo Kouchi, ADRC Senior Expert as well as IRP Senior Recovery Expert, positively evaluated the Philippine Government and peoples' high ability to promote multi-stakeholder approach towards effective disaster mitigation/prevention and reconstruction/recovery. Mr. Kouchi also noted that ADRC and IRP have long been working together closely with many stakeholders in the Philippines. When promoting reconstruction and recovery countermeasures after large-scale disasters like 2014 super typhoon "Yolanda" and 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, ADRC/IRP has put particular emphasis on the concept of "Building Back Better than Before".
The ADRC, together with the IRP, would like to make continuous efforts for realization of disaster-resilient society and communities across the Asian region, by sharing Japanese technologies, experiences, and lessons learned from the past. For more information, please contact Kouchi (

(2014/6/23 14:50)

19-21 February 2014 (Cebu City, Philippines)

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The International Recovery Platform (IRP) and Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) had facilitated a Workshop on Disaster Recovery Planning, 19-21 February 2014 at Crown Regency Hotel in Cebu City, Philippines. The main objective of the workshop was to provide technical assistance in formulating the recovery plans of local governments impacted by super typhoon Haiyan. With its experts in Cebu City, IRP/ADRC shared a collection of global experiences and lessons on disaster recovery, which served as reference in establishing a temporal link between preparedness, recovery, and sustainable development. The workshop was also aimed at strengthening the local capacities for integrating disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in disaster recovery planning and long-term development programming.

Over 50 local government officials from the Provincial Government of Cebu, Provincial Government Leyte, Provincial Government of Samar, City Government of Tacloban, Municipal Government of Palo (Leyte), and Municipal Government of Basey (Samar) participated in the workshop to explore strategies and actions on recovery and reconstruction from the super typhoon. Additionally, partners from UNISDR-GETI (South Korea), Office of Civil Defense (Philippines), and GIZ-Philippines also participated to further contribute in the discussions and make sure that partners' knowledge and experiences are shared with the impacted local governments. The acting administrator of OCD General Romeo F. Fajardo along with the administrator of the Province of Cebu Atty. Mark Tolentino and OCD-Region 7 director Ms. Dina Morante were present at the opening to grace occasion and inspire the participants to work collaboratively and effectively. During this event, the participants were exposed to various options to "build back better" after a disaster. A wide array of strategies and actions from the Guidance Notes on Recovery served as options in which the local governments can adopt, if suited to their respective contexts. The lessons on recovery, as compiled by IRP/ADRC from various experiences around the globe, provided an additional input to build on the existing initiatives of local governments. At the end of the workshop, each local government came up with an outline of Recovery Plan, including a list of strategies, actions, and responsible offices/organizations to implement the proposed actions.

As way forward, the local governments intend to further refine the recovery plans together with local stakeholders, specifically the community. They will form working groups to fine-tune the output from the workshop. The revised draft will then be shared to other departments for comments and suggestions. After gathering the comments, the working group of each local government will incorporate them in the draft. The final version of the recovery plan will be submitted to the local council for discussion and adoption by the local government. Once adopted, the plans will be submitted and discussed with the Philippine Reconstruction Czar General Panfilo Lacson, who is the Presidential Assistant for Reconstruction from Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) for further amendments and funding. 

(2014/03/03 14:40)


15-17 October 2013 (Makati City)

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  The Makati City Government requested IRP/ADRC to facilitate the city's initiative of developing a Disaster Recovery Framework through a workshop held on 15-17 October 2013 at the City Hall Conference Room, Makati City, Philippines. Since Makati is the location of central business, the mayor wants to ensure that Business Continuity Plans (amongst others) are put in place and specified in the City Recovery Framework.

About 50 city officials from different departments participated in the workshop to explore strategies and actions on recovery. In addition, officials from other local governments of Metro Manila also participated to make sure that local knowledge and experiences within the Metropolis are shared. The General Manager of the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) was also present at the workshop. During this event, the participants were exposed to various options to "build back better" after a disaster. A wide array of strategies and actions from the Guidance Notes on Recovery serve as options for the city to adopt, if suited to its context. The lessons on recovery, as compiled by IRP/ADRC from various experiences around the globe, provided an additional input to build on the existing initiatives. The key output of the workshop is a draft Recovery Framework of Makati City.

As a way forward, the Makati Government formed a Working Group on Disaster Recovery Framework to fine-tune the output from the workshop. The draft will be shared to other departments for comments and suggestions. The working group will then incorporate the comments, and revise the draft. The final version of the Framework will be submitted to the City Council for discussion and adoption by the City Government in December 2013. Once adopted, sources of funds will be identified for its implementation.

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3 May 2012 (Makati, Philippines)

United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) and Manila Observatory jointly hold the forum at Ateneo de Manila University on 3rd May 2012. The aim of the forum was to urge Manila's business community to reduce disaster risk and to develop business continuity plans which take account of the capital city's extreme exposure to earthquakes and typhoons. 
About 100 participants from research institute, private sector and government sector actively exchanged views and opinions on the issue of Business Continuity Planning in the Philippines.
ADRC made presentation regarding the current situation of Business Continuity Planning in Japan and other Asian countries after Great East Japan Earthquake and flooding in Thailand.

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9-10 May 2011 (Cambodia)

The ADRC attended the 22st meeting of sub-committee on space technology and applications (SCOSA) held from 9th  to 10th  May 2011 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Various organizations in ASEAN countries which are related to the space technology attended this meeting in order to discuss on-going and future projects by SCOSA and other relevant. .
For the last two year the ADRC has been implementing "Satellite Data Utilization for Disaster Risk Reduction and Response" funded by Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). Eight ASEAN countries, namely, Indonesia, Philippines, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Brunei Darussalam are the target countries of the project.
In this meeting, ADRC made a progress report on the project.
ADRC is currency producing materials to be used at planned seminars and trainings in each ASEAN country.
For more details of this project, please look at the following site;

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September - October 2010 (Cebu, Davao, and Manila, the Philippines)


From September to October 2010, the Philippines' Office of Civil Defense (OCD) / National Disaster Coordination Council (NDCC) and Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted workshops for capacity building of local government officials in Cebu, Davao and Manila.

These workshops are part of a project which OCD/NDCC and ADRC have been promoting since 2009. Prior to these, training of trainers (TOT) was conducted this March and the ten participants of the TOT then gave lectures at workshops this time.

The workshops in Cebu (16-17 September), Davao (27-28 September) and Manila (7-8 October), with participation of more than 120 officials, covered topics such as scope of newly approved Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Act, contingency planning, incident command system and disaster-specific management like earthquake and tsunami, and typhoon followed by hazard mapping as field activity.

The participants showed great interests in these topics, actively exchanging opinions during lectures. Through town watching in disaster-prone areas, they reassured the importance of raising awareness of local officials and communities.

It is hoped that the experience of this project will be utilized for the capacity development of local government officials in the country.

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11-20 August, Bangkok, Thailand
27 August-3 September, Manila, Philippines
10-17 September, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted the program "Capacity Building of Utilization of Satellite Image for Disaster Management" in Bangkok, Thailand from 11th to 20th Aug, Manila, Philippines from 27th Aug to 3rd Sep, and Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar from 10th to 17th Sep in cooperation with Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).
This program consists of one-day seminar and five- day training, both to promote the utilization of space based technology. It was held in collaboration with Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA), Thailand, Philippines Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), and Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Government of Myanmar, respectively.
This is one of the four capacity development programs in ASEAN countries that ADRC has been implementing since 2008, with other three including disaster education promotion, development of Web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database and capacity building of local government officials.
Satellite Images has been utilized to implement emergency activities in Thailand, Philippines and Myanmar. However, the experience of the engineers for utilization of the satellite data in these countries is insufficient. The capacity building of engineers in relevant fields is an urgent need.
ADRC will continue to cooperate with GISTDA, PHIVOLCS, MOST and other relevant agencies to further promote the utilization of satellite data in the field of disaster management. ADRC also plans to conduct this program in other ASEAN countries.
For more details of this project, please visit ADRC web site (

(2010/10/06 13:20)


Thailand and the Philippines
February - March 2010

From late February through early March 2010, the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted trainings for government officials in charge of disaster management with Thailand's Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM), and Philippines' Office of Civil Defense (OCD) and National Disaster Coordination Council (NDCC) in Bangkok and Manila respectively. (Photos: Thailand and the Philippines, from above)


thailand.JPGのサムネール画像The trainings are part of ASEAN cooperation project Capacity Building of Local Government Officials on Disaster Management. ASEAN's national disaster management organizations and the ADRC conduct training for trainers (TOT) and then the trainers give lectures at workshops for local government officials in each country.



philippines.JPGのサムネール画像During this TOT in Thailand and the Philippines, the participants took lectures on various DRR/DRM topics developed by experts from each country such as the institutional framework of DM system in their countries and disaster-specific issues including flood, tropical storm, earthquake and tsunami. The two trainings drew positive response from the attendants, resulting in active discussion among them over the covered topics and coming workshops. They will give lectures as trainers in subsequent workshops for local officials, which are scheduled in the middle of this year.

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1-3 December 2009 (Manila, Philippines)
The ADRC has been collaborating with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to promote a disaster reduction project using satellite imaging data in the Asian region.
On September 26, Typhoon Ketsana (Japan Meteorology Agency designation: No. 16) swept across the Central Luzon in the Philippines. The typhoon brought the extremely heavy rainfall to Metro Manila or the National Capital Region resulting in extensive flood damages..
Upon request from the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), ADRC coordinated the emergency observation by earth observation satellite agencies and then satellite data was provided to PHIVOLCS by Sentinel Asia.
The ADRC mission visited PHIVOLCS, Office of Civil Defense, National Disaster Management Center and Mines & Geosciences Bureau to conduct a follow-up survey on the use of the satellite data. The mission also conducted a on-site survey to compare the satellite image with actual situation in Metro Manila.  

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ndcc&ddpm.JPG22-23 April (Manila, Philippines), 27-28 April (Bangkok, Thailand)


The second year program of the ASEAN project was launched in the Philippines and Thailand in April 2009, which aims at capacity building of local government officials in disaster management in the region. The program covers Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand this year.
The ADRC held conducted kick-off meetings on 22-23 in Manila, and then on 27-28 April in Bangkok with the national disaster management organizations of Philippines' National Disaster Coordination Council (NDCC), and Thai Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDMP) respectively. The participants of the meetings identified the needs for training based on the disaster management systems and training experiences of the countries. Then discussed on the program were issues such as training topics, experts to give lectures, the details for training of trainers and subsequent training for local government officials, and development of training materials. Also the participants visited training facilities for disaster management in both countries, the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP) of the Philippines and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Academy (DPMA) of Thailand.

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22 March 2009 - 22 March 2010

ADRC has been implemented the project for the satellite Imagery Application to Disaster Reduction facilitated by Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).
Eight ASEAN member countries, namely, Indonesia, Philippines, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, has participated in this project.
ADRC in cooperation with the Asian Institute of Technology, AIT( will be organizing a seminar and training in each country to enhance their capacity of satellite imagery application to disaster reduction.
To this end, the first round of kick-off meetings, were held in each country as shown below.
Based on the results of those kick-off meeting, ADRC and AIT, will work together to produce relevant materials to be used at planned seminars and trainings in each country

・National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Indonesia, 22 March 2009
・Philippines Institute of Volcanic and Seismology, Philippines, 25 March 2009
・Remote Sensing Center, Lao PDR, 23 April 2009
・Ministry of Science and Technology, Myanmar, 12 May 2009
・Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, Thailand, 8 Jun 2009
・National remote Sensing Center, Vietnam, 10 July 2009
・Department of Geography, Cambodia, 27 July 2009
・Survey Department, Brunei Darussalam, 22 March 2010


(2010/03/30 13:20)

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