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Activity Report

28 February-5 March, Hanoi, Vietnam
14-19 March, Jakarta, Indonesia

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) conducted the program "Capacity Building of Utilization of Satellite Image for Disaster Management" in Hanoi, Vietnam from 28th Feb to 5th March, Jakarta and Indonesia from 14th to 19th March in cooperation with Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).
This program consists of one-day seminar and five- day training to promote the utilization of space based technology. It was held in collaboration with Remote Sensing Center, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Vietnam and Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN).
This is one of four capacity development programs in ASEAN countries that ADRC has been implementing since 2008,with other three including disaster education promotion, development of Web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database and capacity building of local government officials.
Satellite Images has been utilized to implement emergency activities in Vietnam and Indonesia. However, the experience of the engineers for utilization of the satellite data in these countries is insufficient. The capacity building of engineers in relevant field is in urgent need.
In Vietnam, the theme of case study is Flood. The satellite images before and after the flood were compared, which defined the flooding area.
In Indonesia, the theme of the case study is Tsunami. The struck area of the tsunami has been extracted from the simulation result of the tsunami.
ADRC will continue to cooperate with MONRE, LAPAN and other relevant agencies to further promote the utilization of satellite data in the field of disaster management. ADRC also plans to conduct the series of program in other ASEAN countries.
For more details of this project, please visit ADRC web site (

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22-25 February 2011, Indonesia

indonesia1-thumb-200x150-937-thumb-200x150-938-thumb-200x150-943-thumb-200x150-945.jpgのサムネール画像のサムネール画像IRP/ ADRC team visited Indonesia to strengthen partnerships in recovery, including consultation and review of Aceh Post-Tsunami Recovery both at Banda, Aceh with TDMRC and Jakarta with BRR Institute.

The recovery status report on Aceh Tsunami focuses on the learning's along sectors of livelihoods, shelter, infrastructure, and governance. Challenges and lessons were highlighted to inform other governments and relevant stakeholders of unique experience and initiatives. The IRP/ADRC team provided comments, and took advantage of the presence of key actors on Aceh Recovery by providing brief orientation on Disaster Recovery Planning as well as presentation of IRP/ADRC knowledge products and services.

indonesia2-thumb-200x150-940-thumb-200x150-941.jpgIn Jakarta, IRP/ADRC team participated in the BRR Institute Workshop "Governance of Recovery: Lessons from Housing, Settlement and Infrastructure". IRP/ADRC introduced the platform and the lessons from recovery focusing on identified themes. The event attracted high level participation, including vice ministerial levels and heads of development organizations in Indonesia totaling to about 40 delegates. Some were from central government bodies, local governments, universities and research centers. IRP/ADRC publications were circulated and some displayed at the workshop. IRP /ADRC symbolically provided one set of guidance notes on recovery to BRR Institute to promote partnership. Some copies of guidance notes were also given to ministries and representatives of local governments. Among the key outcomes that relate to IRP/ADRC were: (i) potential transfer of IRP training module to BRR Institute, including training of trainers; (ii) closer partnership in the knowledge management function of recovery; and (iii) membership of Government of Indonesia in the IRP Steering Committee.

The IRP/ADRC team also visited AHA Centre facility, President's Delivery Unit Office for Development Monitoring and Oversight, BNPB, and Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction (AIFDR) to strengthen partnerships in recovery.

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18-19 February  2011 (Malacca, Malaysia)

The National Disaster Awareness Day 2011 was held in Malacca, Malaysia on 18 and 19 February 2011. The event was organized by the National Security Council (NSC) of Malaysia. The Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) was invited to participate.
More than a thousand representatives from international organizations, the ASEAN countries, national and local governments attended the event. On Day One, ADRC, at the request by the organizer, gave a presentation on "Total Disaster Risk Management" in the plenary session. Under the theme "Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Development Policy, Planning and Implementation", the seminar was organized into four sessions: Session 2A "Role of Local Authorities in DRR", Session 2B "ASEAN Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Mainstreaming DRR in Education", Session 2C "Hospital Safe from Disasters" and Session 2D "National Disaster Management Mechanism."

On Day Two, in conjunction with this event, the ceremony on National Launching of UNISDR World Disaster Reduction Campaign was held with Y.A.B. Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Mohd Yassin, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, in attendance.  
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13-19 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

Through many of natural disasters experiences, Japan has accumulated knowledge of dealing with disasters and developed its expertise together with advanced policies and technologies in the area of disaster risk reduction. This unique experience provides Japan with many valuable knowledge and expertise that it must now endeavor to share effectively with other members of the international community. From this point of view, this project is launched by the Cabinet Office of Japanese Government last year. Mongolia and Indonesia were selected as target countries of the FY2010 project.

Following the preliminary discussion for project implementation in Mongolia in December 2010 and the study tour in Japan for the official of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA): the implementing agency in January 2011, the workshops enhancing disaster risk reduction (DRR) capacities through transferring the measures and tools of Japan were conducted.

On 13-19 February 2011, the NEMA Mongolia in collaboration with the government of Japan and the ADRC conducted a series of workshops and trainings for strengthening the capacities for earthquake disaster education. They include trainings for the NEMA officials and school teachers, a workshop to learn Japanese DRR exercises utilized creative and innovative ideas, and lecture for school students, and DRR exercises in two target schools.


Through the above mentioned activities, the NEMA and the related organizations and schools learned various knowledge, techniques, and tools for enhancing and promoting earthquake disaster education in Mongolia. We believe this project became one of the major driving forces for further promotion of earthquake DRR in Mongolia.
(2011/02/20 10:40)

8-9 February 2011, Pakistan and Sri Lanka


ADRC, TDLC, DMC Sri Lanka, NDMA Pakistan, and IRP jointly organized the training on disaster recovery planning for two SAARC member states. Over 40 high level government officials, who are engaged in long term post disaster recovery, participated in the event. It created a critical mass of government officials sensitized in concepts, principles, and tools of post disaster resilient recovery both at policy and field levels.
The training was linked to other countries through video conferencing. It included lecture, discussion, reflection, simulation through scenario, and presentation of group recommendations at the plenary. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences and lessons with other countries for improved understanding and abilities in recovery. Comments for improving recovery plans were facilitated by IRP trainers with comments from ADRC Executive Director and other experts at different VC sites.
Majority of the participants were decision-makers (Directors and Generals) indicating that the training attracted the interest of governments. It was clearly expressed that demand for training is at provincial and district levels. The use of case studies for training was highly appreciated by most participants, as it presented actual experiences. Suggestions to include more case studies from both Pakistan and Sri Lanka were strongly made.
Additionally, adjustments in the training module will be made, such reducing the length of lectures and adding more photos to the presentations to better describe the key recovery messages. Encouraging governments to own the training activities will be further promoted by transferring the training module. This arrangement will be strengthened in future training activities to reach out local government officials. (2011/02/09 14:20)

7-10 February 2011 (Vienna, Austria)

RSO_Meeting.jpgThe Forty-Eighth Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN-COPUOS)was held at the United Nations Office in Vienna, Austria. At this session, the second United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) Regional Support Offices (RSO) Meeting was also organized.
ADRC took part in this event. At the technical subcommittee of COPUOS, the activities of ADRC as focal point for Sentinel Asia's emergency observations in the event of disasters was introduced its accomplishments. At the UN-SPIDER RSO Meeting, ADRC presented its activities and accomplishments as RSO as well as its future plans. The RSO meeting provided an opportunity to exchange opinions, and explore measures of enhancing future activities of UN-SPIDER RSO.

(2010/02/14 19:20)

1-2 February 2011 (Bangkok, Thailand)

The Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) held the first regional workshop of the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund Project on "Capacity Building in the Utilization of Satellite Images for Disaster Management" from 1 to 2 February 2011.
This workshop was organized in cooperation with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and was held at the AIT Conference Center in Bangkok, Thailand.
This is one of the four capacity development programs in ASEAN countries that ADRC has been implementing since 2008, with other three including disaster education promotion, development of Web-based GLIDE-associated disaster database and capacity building of local government officials.
The purpose of the workshop was to allow relevant personnel to share information from the Report from the Seminar and Training for the Utilization of Satellite Images for Disaster Management, as well as other information regarding the use of satellite image for disaster management. The 27 participants, who represented the ASEAN countries, the ASEAN secretariat, the Japanese Embassy in Thailand, and UN agency, discussed efforts to promote the use of satellite images for disaster management activities.
The key points discussed were as follows:
  1) Close ties between space organizations and disaster management organizations
  2) Effective use of satellite information and the development of expertise and technologies
  3) Use of ICTs other than satellite technologies to strengthen disaster management capacity
  4) Mutual learning among countries though regional mechanisms
ADRC will continue to cooperate with relevant agencies to further promote the utilization of satellite data in the field of disaster management in ASEAN region.
For more details of this project and the result of this workshop, please visit ADRC web site (

2011/02/21 13:20



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