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1-2 December 2020 (Online)

ADRC participated in the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Asia-Pacific Partnership for Disaster Risk Reduction Forum, which was held online on 1-2 December 2020. The meeting was held online considering the spread of the new coronavirus, however, on both the first and second days, more than 150 representatives of government organizations and related organizations from Asian countries participated and actively exchanged opinions.

At the begining of the Forum on 1 December, Ms. Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, expressed her expectations for this forum. In addition, although each country got quite huge impact of COVID-19, just as the 2004 tsunami strengthened the DRR system in Asia, she called for to use this experience as an opportunity to further strengthen disaster resilience. Next, the representative of Australia, the host country of the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on DRR (APMCDRR) scheduled to be held next year, explained that they are coordinating to hold the extended Conference sometime between April to June. Also she mentioned their efforts to enhance the DRR system in Australia in response to the large-scale bush fire last year. Then, it was followed by speech of the Minister of Ministry of Health and Medical Service of Fiji on their cyclone response activity under the COVID-19 pandemic.
Subsequently, UNDRR reported on the recent trend of disaster occurence in Asia and the results of monitoring of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR). It was stated that in order to respond to unexpected disasters and simultaneous disasters, a mutual cooperation system among more parties concerned should be established. Further they informed the situation of collection and analysis of disaster damage data is still insufficient.
In the Panel Discussion, the director of the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience acted as a moderator, and discussions were held on the theme of risk governance in national and local governments, which have become more aware of their importance following the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Representatives from the Government of India, the Philippine local government, the Vanuatu Disability Support Group, and a researcher in the medical field made presentations from their respective standpoints. Based on the experience of responding to COVID-19, they commonly touched upon the cooperation and partnership system of various stakeholders, the establishment of a permanent cooperation and collaboration system between the health sector and the DRR sector, and the advance planning for the preparation of simultaneous disasters as important points.

At the meeting on 2 December 2, Mr. Hiroko Oura of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave a keynote speech on financial risk management, which is one of the themes of APMCDRR. She presented the financial risk that COVID-19 poses to the world is unprecedented, and due to various uncertainties in understanding the risk of unprecedented disasters and predicting climate change, analyzing risks is difficult. She mentioned, on the other hand, it is necessary to carry out risk management based on such a premise. In addition, although the global restriction of social activities by COVID-19 contributed to the reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, it was only temporary, rather it led to the decline in corporate environmental activities due to the deterioration of corporate financial conditions.
Next, the Australian Government explained the composition of APMDRR to be implemented next year and called for the active involvement of many stakeholders.
In the latter half of the meeting, representatives from 22 countries and organizations mentioned their efforts and future prospects, such as improvement of the system to promote the implementation of SFDRR, coordination and adjustments of the system to respond to simultaneous disasters based on the experience of COVID-19.

Finally, UNDRR explained the preparatory process for APMDRR, including of thematic discussions and regional discussion with relevant stakeholders. The Asian Disaster Reduction Center will also be actively involved in this process.
(2020/12/07 10:40)
20-22 October 2020 (Online)

ADRC organized Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction 2020 by the format of Papers Display and On-line Conference on 20-22 October 2020. 

14-17 November 2017 (Bengaluru, India)

The 24th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) was held from 14 to 17 November in Bengaluru, India. It was co-organized by the Department of Space (DOS), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
APRSAF was established in 1993 to enhance space activities in the Asia-Pacific region. Attended by space agencies, governments, and international organizations such as the United Nations as well as companies, universities and research institutes, this forum is the largest space-related conference in the Asia-Pacific region. APRSAF has four Working Groups: the (1) Space Applications Working Group (SAWG), (2) Space Technology Working Group (STWG), (3) Space Environment Utilization Working Group (SEUWG), and (4) Space Education Working Group (SEWG). APRSAF participants share information about their activities and the future plans for their countries and regions in each working group. APRSAF also supports international projects designed to find solutions to common issues such as disaster management and environmental protection.
The Sentinel Asia initiative is one such activity, and involves the use of space-based information in the form of satellite images for disaster management in the Asia-Pacific region. ADRC has been tasked with the responsibility of receiving emergency observation requests from ADRC member countries and Joint Project Team (JPT) members. ADRC joined the Space Applications Working Group (SAWG) and reported on Trends in Emergency Observation Requests of Sentinel Asia.
Sentinel Asia marked its 10th anniversary in 2016 and its continued development is expected in 2017 and beyond. ADRC is planning to strengthen its network with disaster management organizations and to develop standard operating procedures for Sentinel Asia.

(2017/12/10 18:30)
19-21 January (Colombo, Sri Lanka)

ADRC participated in the meeting named above, which was organized by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the Disaster Management Center (DMC) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) from 19 to 21 January 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The meeting was attended by 70 participants including representatives of satellite agencies, disaster management organizations and academic institutions in Japan. The meeting primarily consisted of the following.

・Situation report of Sentinel Asia
・Sentinel Asia Step 3 Evolution Progress Report
・Local Hosts' Special Session
・Emergency Observation Activity (EoR) Activities in 2015
・Project Management Report
・Mitigation and Preparation Report
・Working Group
・Emergency Response Report
・Implementation Plan 2016

ADRC gave two presentations, covering the activation of emergency observations and the satisfaction of system users based on a questionnaire survey, and new emergency observation request format conducted on Sentinel Asia.
(2016/1/21 18:30)

IMG_0013.JPG13-21 December 2014 (Bhutan)

Since 2009, ADRC has been conducting DRR Policy Peer Reviews to help develop the DRR capacity of ADRC-member countries through the promotion of information sharing and the strengthening of relationships among member countries. The target project selected for review this year, the sixth since the Peer Review process was launched, is a project titled "Integrating Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Reduction (Disaster Preparedness and Sensitization Training program on Dzong (Fortress) Safety at Dagana)". After the country report was submitted, a reviewer team comprised of the following two individuals visited Bhutan to conduct interviews: Ms. Yuko Nakagawa (Executive Director, NPO SEEDS Asia), and Mr. Junji Moriwaki (ADRC Researcher).

The team visited the Ministry of Home & Culture Affairs Department of Disaster Management (DDM) and so on, which is involved in DRR activities, to examine its DRR development efforts in Bhutan. The team also conducted inspections of Dagana District, where is a place of DRR drills were carried out, after which it prepared a draft report of its survey results highlighting its specific findings (e.g., "5 days training increased the awareness and knowledge on fire safety and DRR to monks and administrative officers in Dagana Dzong which was not there.", "Good coordination among relevant agencies such as  DDM, fire division, and district administration made smooth implementation." and "Well understanding of the Governor and Disaster Focal person of the district office for the need of DRR and willingness for their continuous efforts.") and recommendations (e.g., "Fire is not the only hazard in Dagana. Training and raising awareness on multi hazard, especially on earthquake should be sought." and "Collaboration between school and community on DRR drills can be sought."). A workshop was also held to gather opinions and comments used in finalizing the report as well as to introduce the importance of community involvements and education in schools for enhancing the DRR, with local participants. This proved to be a very good opportunity for participants to share information and ideas with one another.

After its survey mission ends, the reviewer team compiles a survey report, which it sends to the countries examined as well as to other ADRC member countries, so as to enhance cross-fertilization.

ADRC would like to express its sincerest gratitude to all of those who have made such important contributions to this project.

(2014/12/22 19:40)

23 - 29 December 2013, Maldives

IMG_6501.JPGSince 2009, ADRC has initiated a pilot project of DRR Policy Peer Review with the aim of developing DRR capacity of ADRC member countries by sharing information and strengthening the relationship among member countries.

This year, "Developing a National Framework on Managing Internally Displaced Populations (IDPs) during emergencies" was selected as one of the target projects of the fifth year. After the submission of country report, reviewer team composed of Ph.D. Anawat Suppasri (Associate Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, Japan), Ms. Nwet Yin Aye (Deputy Director, The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, Myanmar) and Mr. Junji Moriwaki (Researcher of ADRC) had visited Maldives to conduct interview surveys.

The team visited relevant organizations involving in DRR activities to examine how they have been making efforts of developing DRR in Maldives. Then, the team conducted inspection and interview at 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami affected area, and prepared a draft report of the survey result with all findings and recommendations (such as the development of DRR at community level, through capability and legislation building). Also the workshop was held in Male for getting opinion and comments to finalize the report, as well as introducing good practices for reducing tsunami risk and IDPs management activities in Japan and Myanmar. It provided a very good opportunity for exchanging opinions each other.

This project aims at developing the mutual learning process among ADRC member countries instead of one-way learning. After the survey missions, reviewer team will compile survey reports and send them to target countries and then to ADRC member countries to enhance cross-fertilization.

ADRC would like to express its sincerest gratitude to all of those who have made precious contribution to this project.

(2013/12/23 19:40)

4-5 February 2013 (Bangladesh, Bhutan)

ADRC, conducting the research on the Asian and Pacific nations' needs to satellite data for the disaster management, visited Ministry of Disaster Management & Relief in Bangladesh on 4 February and Ministry of Home & Cultural Affairs in Bhutan on 5. In Bangladesh, experts for disaster management, satellite agency and mapping agency attended the meeting. In Bhutan, experts for disaster response attended the meeting. Due to the topographical condition and the lack of the adequate infrastructure, the two countries showed strong interests in the utilization of the satellite images for DRR including the emergency observation of the disaster area, such as flood, sediment disaster and Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF). Bangladesh has been active in collaboration with national space agency, In Bhutan, ADRC gave a status update on the Sentinel Asia Project and shared ideas about specific ways that satellite images can be (or are being) used in disaster mitigation activities.



(2013/2/18 13:40)
18-19 December 2012 (India, Nepal)

ADRC, conducting the research on the Asian and Pacific nations' needs to satellite data for the disaster management, visited to Disaster Management Section, which is part of Ministry of Home Affairs in India and Nepal. In India, the Director and Officer of satellite agency attended the meeting. In Nepal, experts for disaster response and planning departments attended the meeting. ADRC gave a status update on the Sentinel Asia Project and shared ideas about specific ways that satellite images can be (or are being) used in disaster mitigation activities in each country. 

(2013/1/8 13:40)

19th and 20th March, 2012 (India, Vanarasi)

International Seminar on "Disaster and Environmental Management" was held by Institute of Management Studies, Mahatoma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith University from 19-20 March 2012 in Vanarasi, India.

The ADRC made a presentation about the current situation of recovery and reconstruction on Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in the Technical Session "Institutional and policy Framework for Disaster Management."

About 100 researchers, experts and students participated in the seminar and actively exchanged views and opinions on the issue of disaster and environmental mangement.

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Punakha, Bjitan, 24-25 February, 2012

ADRC selected Bhutan as the site for a pilot project of GLOF, and had the workshop of public awareness on GLOF and earthquake in collaboration with Department of Disaster Management (DDM) at Punakha, Bhutan from 24 to 25 February 2012.

On 24 Feb., 20 students of KHURUTHANG INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING were participated with the disaster prevention class.
ADRC made following lectures with video and PowerPoint presentations. 
- Video of the Great East Earthquake
- Mechanism of Occurring Earthquake
- Mechanism of GLOF and preparation
- Early Warning System (EWS) by Utilizing River gauge
- Iza! Kaeru Caravan
The end of morning session, ADRC handed over the River Gauge Making Manual and "BOKOMI guide book" made by Kobe city government for further activities in this school.

The demonstration of "Iza! Kaeru Caravan" was held in the afternoon. On the next day, students became as facilitators for the workshop at the junior high school, approximately 250 students including primary school children participated.
DDM committed that they would like to conduct this activity not only Punakha area but all of Bhutan. ADRC and Plus arts gave most of materials to DDM, and asked further promotion of this activity and submission reports to for their implementations. ADRC hopes their active promotion on disaster education in Bhutan.
(2012/02/24 16:40)

28-30 November 2011 (Islamabad, Pakistan)


Over thirty nine government officials and representatives from civil society organizations, who are engaged in long-term recovery, participated in the discussions on recovery planning organized by the Government of Pakistan, UNISDR, and UNDP with IRP contributing the key resource persons. The three-day event was held at Hotel Best Western, Islamabad, Pakistan from 28-30 November 2011.

The discussions facilitated the sharing of knowledge and experience on recovery planning with the intention to further enhance capacities and enrich the recovery planning process before and after large scale disaster. Additionally, the discussions were organized to provide an avenue for participants to discuss different recovery issues and reflect on wide array of options and examples from global experiences. Towards the end of the event, recommendations drawn from the group discussions were fine-tuned through comments from other participants and experts from IRP member organizations.

As way forward, NDMA Pakistan, UNDP, and UNISDR are exploring the best way to forward this type of learning event down to the district and village levels. NDMA, in partnership with other development organizations, can serve as focal for dissemination of training on recovery planning at national and local governments as well as other relevant organizations. IRP welcomes opportunity to assist NDMA in this endeavor.

(2012/01/17 14:00)

6-8 September 2011 (Pattaya, Thailand)
The ADRC participated in the ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) meeting held on 6-8 September in Pattaya, Thailand. Around 70 participants attended the meeting including representatives from many countries in Asia as well as from the international and inter-governmental organizations. As part of the follow-up to the 4th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction(AMCDRR) held in October last year, the participants shared information on progresses made for the Incheon Action Plan and explored ways to further promote it. They also examined the concept and expected outcomes of the 5th AMCDRR scheduled to be held in October 2012 in Yogyakarta, Republic of Indonesia. Information was also shared among the participants about planned events for the forthcoming International Day for Disaster Reduction (13 October ). 

Following the IAP meeting, the 18th ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) was held at the same venue on 9 September. The Committee reviewed progresses and challenges of each project and activity under ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) and discussed the issues relevant to the further implementation of AADMER in cooperation with strategic partners.

(2011/09/16 11:30)

1-4 March 2011 (Islamabad, Pakistan)

The objective of this Workshop, which is organized jointly by UNESCAP, Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) at SUPARCO, Islamabad, Pakistan, is to develop the capacity to build better resilience to water related disasters as well as for more effective adaptation to climate change through the applications of space technology and flood risk management in Pakistan.

IMG_1852.JPG Space-based technologies increasingly play an important role in disaster risk management as demonstrated by floods in Pakistan and in Thailand. ADRC was invited as an expert by the organizers and made two presentations on "Enhancing the use of space-based technologies for disaster risk management" focusing on Sentinel Asia and "Community-based disaster risk management" respectively. Participants especially from Pakistan showed great interest in Sentinel Asia and other space-technology related programmes. Also, some participants underscored the importance of community-based disaster risk reduction activities in Pakistan. Space-technologies have been becoming more relevant to and useful for disaster risk management.

ADRC as a focal point for emergency observations of Sentinel Asia and a regional support office of UNSPIDER will continue to contribute to this objective.

(2011/03/04 13:10)

8-9 February 2011, Pakistan and Sri Lanka


ADRC, TDLC, DMC Sri Lanka, NDMA Pakistan, and IRP jointly organized the training on disaster recovery planning for two SAARC member states. Over 40 high level government officials, who are engaged in long term post disaster recovery, participated in the event. It created a critical mass of government officials sensitized in concepts, principles, and tools of post disaster resilient recovery both at policy and field levels.
The training was linked to other countries through video conferencing. It included lecture, discussion, reflection, simulation through scenario, and presentation of group recommendations at the plenary. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences and lessons with other countries for improved understanding and abilities in recovery. Comments for improving recovery plans were facilitated by IRP trainers with comments from ADRC Executive Director and other experts at different VC sites.
Majority of the participants were decision-makers (Directors and Generals) indicating that the training attracted the interest of governments. It was clearly expressed that demand for training is at provincial and district levels. The use of case studies for training was highly appreciated by most participants, as it presented actual experiences. Suggestions to include more case studies from both Pakistan and Sri Lanka were strongly made.
Additionally, adjustments in the training module will be made, such reducing the length of lectures and adding more photos to the presentations to better describe the key recovery messages. Encouraging governments to own the training activities will be further promoted by transferring the training module. This arrangement will be strengthened in future training activities to reach out local government officials. (2011/02/09 14:20)

17-22 January 2011 (Jeju, Republic of Korea)

The ADRC participated in the 43rd Session of Typhoon Committee organizend by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(UNESCAP), the World Meteorological Organization(WMO) Typhoon Committee in Jeju on 17-22 January 2011.
The 43rd Session was hosted by Republic of Korea and around 100 participants attended the meeting included representatives from China, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, USA, Viet Nam, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, as well as representatives from the organizing institutions.
The Committee consists of three working groups, namely, WG on Meteorology(WGM), WG on Hydrology(WGH), and WG on Disaster Risk Reduction(WGDRR), among which ADRC has joined WGDRR.
The Committee as well as its WGs addressed issues related to the impact of climate change on tropical cyclone frequency and intensity, growing risks of urban flooding, among others. The ADRC gave a presentation on the recent activities introducing the framework of Sentinel Asia using GLIDE numbers for effective disaster response.
For more details, please refer to:

(2011/1/28 11:30)

 12-14 December 2010 (Thimphu, Bhutan)

DSC02094 (2).JPG The International Conference on Disaster Management and Cultural Heritage "Living in Harmony with the Four Elements" was held on 12-14 December 2010 in Thimphu, Bhutan. This was the first large-scale international conference to be held in Bhutan; it attracted 55 international participants from 23 countries, as well as 98 participants from around Bhutan, including His Excellency the Prime Minister Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley, and Ms. Margarita Wahlstrom, the United Nations' Assistant Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Special Representative of the Secretary General for the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action. This conference was organized by the Department of Disaster Management and the Department of Culture, Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, Bhutan, and was supported by UN/ISDR, UNESCO, UNDP, GFDRR, and the World Bank. During this conference, participants discussed the following five themes. The results are reported in the Thimphu Document. a. Policy and Institutional Framework for Disaster Management b. Technical Aspects of Disaster Management c. Traditional Practices for Disaster Risk Reduction d. Post-Disaster Recovery of Cultural Heritage e. Capacity Building and Networking This document will be reported to the next Global Platform in Geneva on 8-13 May 2011, and the Climate Summit for a Living Himalayas Bhutan 2011. The ADRC dispatched Mr. Masaru Arakida, Senior Researcher, to introduce historical disaster management techniques and community-based early warning systems, and to propose an implementation strategy for Bhutan.

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After the conference, he visited Punakha and paid a courtesy call on the provincial governor, investigated damages caused by flooding in 2009, and visited candidate sites for rain gauges along the upstream areas of the Mo-chu River. ADRC will hold a workshop on disaster education and disaster drills for residents, including students and monks, in the Mo-chu area, and also will hold a class to teach people how to make rain and river gauges that can be managed by the local community.

 (2010/12/15 16:40)

2 December - 5 December (Colombo, Sri Lanka)

ADRC representative recently visited Sri Lanka to explore the possibility of further strengthening collaboration between Sri Lanka and ADRC, especially focusing on the next Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction (ACDR) to be held in Sri Lanka sometime next year. 2010.12.09 103.JPGSri Lank, similar to many other Asian countries, is susceptible to various types of disasters. The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, already six years ago, killed more than thirty thousand people, injured more than twenty thousand and affected more than 1 million populations in Sri Lanka, the sheer scale of which is second only to Indonesia. Flood and land/mud slides frequently cause extensive human and physical damages in many parts of the country, but one of the most recent ones was the flash flood occurred in the capital Colombo affecting a large number of residents.

During the stay there, we visited several disaster stricken sites. One of the most intriguing sites was the Tsunami Photo Museum located nearby the site of a passenger train washed away by Tsunami killing over a 1,000 people in Galle district, southern part of Sri Lanka. This museum, privately owned, contains precious photos and messages of Tsunami, but in a small hut.

(2010/12/7 13:10)

1-9, 18-22, December, 2010

Through many of natural disasters experiences, Japan has accumulated knowledge of dealing with disasters and developed its expertise together with advanced policies and technologies in the area of disaster risk reduction. This unique experience provides Japan with many valuable knowledge and expertise that it must now endeavor to share effectively with other members of the international community. From this point of view, this project is launched by the Cabinet Office of Japanese Government last year. Mongolia and Indonesia were selected as target countries of the FY2010 project. The ADRC dispatched mission teams to those two countries to discuss the details of the project activities, including determination of the work schedule.

 On 1-9 December 2010, the ADRC team visited Mongolia and conducted preliminary survey for the proposed project activities on earthquake disaster education. The team visited National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), two target schools to conduct disaster drill, and other related organizations. Through discussion, the ADRC and NEMA agreed to have pre-training course in Japan at the end of January 2011, and to have workshop of earthquake disaster education in the middle of February 2011. 

On 19-22 December 2010, the ADRC team visited Indonesia to learn detailed ideas on the promotion of disaster education to mass media, the project theme proposed by Indonesia. They concerns mass media casualties caused by pyroclastic flows of Mt. Merapi eruption, and inadequate Tsunami early warning information distribution. The team visited the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) and The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), and interviewed some mass media. Through the discussion, the ADRC and BNPB agreed to have training course in Japan and workshop in Jakarta in February or March 2011. Also, we agreed to conduct survey on mass media's awareness on natural disaster before the workshop.

25-28 October 2010, Incheon, Republic of Korea

P1060974.JPGADRC participated in the 4AMCDRR held in Incheon, Republic of Korea from 25 - 28 October 2010. More than 900 participants comprising ministers of disaster management from 53 Asia-Pacific and European nations, representatives from UN agencies, international organizations, and NGOs attended the conference. The Prime Ministers of Republic of Korea and Kingdom of Bhutan were among the high level participants.

Under the theme "Disaster Risk Reduction through Climate Change Adaptation" (DRR through CCA), the conference was organized into three sessions: Session 1 "Raising awareness and building capacity for DRR & CCA", Session 2 "Developing and sharing information, technology, sound practices, and lessons learned in climate & disaster risk management", and Session 3 "Promoting integration of DRR & CCA into development for green growth". ADRC chaired Technical Session 1 and co-chaired the High Level Round Table of Session 1 (HLRT1) with the Maldives and Bhutan. 

The outcomes of the technical session emphasized two key concerns. One is the need for training for both government officials and civil society organizations. The other is the need to learn from local and indigenous peoples on how they manage risk and the need to support their efforts in raising awareness. In this regard, it was suggested that DRR and CCA should be framed within local and national development planning. At the HLRT1, the ministers expressed problems of their countries, including issues on raising awareness and building capacity. HLRT1 recognized that problems vary from country to country, and that solutions need to be localized. HLRT1 had drawn commitments from delegates to work together and share technical knowledge. Recommendations from Technical Session and HLRT1 were reflected into the conference outcome documents: Incheon Declaration, Incheon Regional Roadmap or REMAP, and Incheon Action Plan aimed at establishing climate resilient disaster risk management systems by 2015 that will contribute to sustainable development at the regional, national and community levels.

ADRC also co-organized various side events at 4AMCDRR including "Incorporating space-based information and technologies into DRR and CCA" with UNOOSA, "Asian Film Festival on Disaster Management" with GFDR and ADPC, and "A tool for Better Recovery: Introduction to Guidance Notes on Climate Change Adaptation and Recovery" with IRP. The next AMCDRR will be held in Indonesia in 2012 and the progress of REMAP will be reviewed accordingly.

For more information on ADRC's activities during the 4th AMCDRR, please see the ADRC Highlights to be issued shortly.

(2010/10/25 16:50)

16 September 2010 (Nanjing, China)

The ADRC attended the Preparatory Meeting for the High-level Expert Group Meeting towards Developing a Roadmap to Reduce Flood Disaster Risks in Pakistan held on 16 September 2010 in Nanjing, China. The Preparatory Meeting was organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

The meeting was opened jointly with the Stakeholder Meeting on the Regional Cooperative Mechanism on Disaster Monitoring and Early Warning, Particularly Drought in the same venue, and was started with a moment of silence for the victims of the Pakistan Floods and China landslides that happed in July/August 2010. Dr.Xuan Zengpei, Director of the Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division (IDD) of ESCAP, delivered a statement of Dr. Noeleen Heyzer, Executive Secretary of ESCAP.

Following the opening session and setting the scene, Mr. Ahmed Amjad Ali, Deputy Head of Mission and Alternate Permanent Representative of Pakistan to ESCAP made presentation briefly on the current situations of flooding damage of Pakistan. He stressed that unprecedented floods affected the entire length of Pakistan, causing maximum damage in province of Khyber Pakhtunkwa (KPK), Punjab and Sindh. The number of affected people by the floods is more than 20 million and is larger than the Pakistan Earthquake 2005, the Hurricane Katrina 2005, the Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004, the Cyclone Nargis in 2008 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 all put together.

Each and all participants made presentations and brainstormed on how they could provide potential assistance to reduce flood disaster risk in Pakistan.

The High-level Expert Group Meeting will be held in Pakistan in early November 2010.

For more details, please visit the following web site.

(2010/09/16 17:30)


5-8 July 2010, Manila, Philippines

Sentinel ASIA Joint Project Meeting(JPTM) was held in Manila, the Philippines on 5-8 July 2010. It was organized jointly by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and Department of Science Technology (DOST), Gov. of the Philippines. 71 people from 22 countries (36 organizations) and 5 international organizations participated in the meeting.
ADRC functions as a single window to receive emergency observation request for their screening and onward transmission to space agencies in the framework of Sentinel ASIA. At the meeting, ADRC reported the status of the emergency observations that were implemented in the last ○○ months, the results of survey on how provided satellite data was utilized in each country, and the current situation of the ADRC GLOF project. The themes of discussion in this meeting are as follows:

    Progress of Sentinel Asia step2
    Current situation of each JPT member
    Activities of Forest fire Working Group
    Activities of Flood Working Group
    Activities of Glacier Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) Working Group
    Collaboration with Sentinel Asia and International Disaster Charter

ADRC will continue to promote the use of satellite data utilization for disaster reduction in Asia in cooperation with Sentinel Asia secretariat. For more details of this meeting, please refer to the Sentinel ASIA web site.

(2010/08/02 13:20)

17-18 June 2010 (Bangkok, Thailand)

The ADRCADPC.JPG participated in the "Orientation Training on the Use of DRR Project Portal" developed under the IAP initiative on Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR interventions, held in Bangkok, Thailand on 17-18 June 2010. The training was organized by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) in partnership with UNISDR and with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Approximately 30 officers from IAP members and other organizations in Asia and the Pacific joined the training.

In the training, participants learnt about the DRR Project Portal, including its usage, and also discussed on possible ways to increase the use of the DRR Project Portal and challenges in updating information. This portal is expected to contribute to promoting coordination and collaboration among DRR practitioners in Asia and the Pacific, avoiding duplications of activities, and better planning and programming in Asia and the Pacific.

The ADRC would like to provide support to the portal and contribute to further promoting it among DRR practitioners in Asia and the Pacific.

(2010/06/30 16:50)

5-6 May, Singapore

The roundtable on Asian Regionalism was organized by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, Centre on Asia and Globalization (CAG) at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on 5-6 may at the LKY School in Singapore. Many experts in the fields of energy security, climate change and natural disaster response attended the roundtable from across Asia.

IMG_0934.jpgThe Asian Disaster Reduction Center had been involved in the preparatory process to some extent, but the organizers invited Mr. Atsushi KORESAWA of the ADRC as one of the discussants in the session "Response to Natural Disasters." He presented why ADRC was established and how ADRC has been conducting its activities as one example of many regional/sub-regional organizations in Asia, especially focusing on its comparative advantages. The head of SAARC Disaster Management Centre in New Delhi and the executive director of the Pacific Disaster Center in Hawaii also participated in the session as discussants.

CSIS will produce a report by reflecting discussions at this forum. It has become certain hat disaster management has been gaining its importance in the context of the non-traditional security areas. However, it has been recognized that there are many disaster management related activities conducted by many different organizations which have some similarities or commonalities and thus some rationalization is required to make them more effective and useful.
ADRC will continue to conduct its activities in good collaboration with other organizations and focus on areas which ADRC has comparative advantages.


CAG:  Centre on Asia and Globalisation, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy,   National University of Singapore
CSIS:  Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington

(2010/05/12 13:10)

20 March 2010 (Gandinagar, Gujarat, India)

gsdma_consultation1.JPGIRP participated in the State-Level Consultation on Gujarat Recovery Status Report, 20 March 2010 held at Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA) Conference Room, Gandinagar City, India. The event, which was jointly organized by Global Forum for Disaster Reduction (GFDR) and Delhi University (DU) in close coordination with GSDMA, brought together over 20 representatives from various organizations in India, including national and local governments, local and international NGOs, development agencies, and academia.

During the consultation, IRP presented the rationale for developing a series of recovery status reports and emphasized the importance of highlighting innovative practices and experience in recovery to advance knowledge build-up. In particular, the Recovery Status Report on Gujarat Earthquake will help inform the development of Guidance Notes for Recovery to be used by national and local governments to ensure "build back better". The consultation resulted in (i) threshing out of issues and gaps in recovery process, (ii) sharing of experiences, good practices, and lessons, and (iii) deliberating the key messages drawn from Gujarat's unique recovery experience from the earthquake of 2001. The report will soon be uploaded in the IRP Website (

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15-19 March 2010 (New Delhi, India)


guidance note march.JPGThe second phase of national consultations on the development of "Guidance Notes for Recovery" to be used by national governments to ensure "build back better" was held in India Habitat Centre, 15-19 March 2010. The event was jointly organized by IRP and UNDP India to draw lessons, experiences, and stories of post-disaster recovery. Over fifty Indian experts in the fields of infrastructure, shelter, climate change adaptation, health, and psycho-social aspects participated in the consultation. Case studies, good practices, and stories on various aspects of recovery from the wealth of experience in India were drawn from the week-long consultations. The Guidance Notes offer "Menu of Options" for enhancing recovery operations, wherein policymakers and practitioners determine the contextual relevance of those options. Each sector-specific guidance note is evidenced-based highlighting relevant case studies. The Guidance Note is continually updating to generate new options. As follow through to the consultations, IRP will organize a writeshop in Kobe as well as facilitate peer reviews in April 2010.



(2010/03/31 14:40)

8 March 2010 (Bangkok, Thailand)

The new web system that been produced as part of Sentinel Asia Step 2 for the last two years will start its operation from April 2010.
The Sentinel Asia Secretariat, ADRC and other relevant agencies held a meeting at Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, GISTDA, in Bangkok, Thailand, to share information on the new web system.
The new web site is located at;

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18-19 February 2010 (Kandy, Sri Lanka)

srilanka_20100218.jpgThe ADRC joined the "Workshop on Transfer of Japanese Disaster Management Measures to Enhance Self/Mutual-help Capacity in Community of Sri Lanka" held in Kandy, Sri Lanka from 18-19 February 2010. The workshop was organised by the Cabinet Office of Japan, Disaster Management Centre (DMC) of Sri Lanka and Tokio Marine & Nichido Risk Consulting Co., Ltd.
In the workshop, the ADRC made a presentation on disaster risk assessment and its efforts in Japan and also conducted a town watching program on both days.     The target area for the town watching has been considered as a high risk area of flooding to be caused by dam break in the near future. DMC has been preparing for the expected disaster through the awareness raising of local government officials and community people in the area, as well as developing hazard maps. The workshop offered a good opportunity to enhance understanding and recognition of risks in the area among high level officials in the concerned local government and agencies.
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15-19 February 2010 (New Delhi, India)


IRP and UNDP India jointly organized the first phase of national consultations on the development of "Guidance Notes for Recovery" to be used by national governments to ensure "build back better". The Guidance Notes shall highlight lessons learned and good practices from global recovery operations, covering the sectors: Livelihood, Environment, Gender, Governance, Public Infrastructure, Shelter, Health, Psycho-social Aspects, and Climate Change Adaptation.


The national consuconsultation.JPGltations (Phase I) were held at UNDP Conference Room, New Delhi, 15-19 February 2010. Over 50 Indian experts in the fields of livelihood, gender, environment, and governance participated in the consultations. Case studies, good practices, and stories on various aspects of recovery from the wealth of experience in recovery from disasters were drawn from the consultations. The Guidance Notes will offer "Menu of Options" for enhancing recovery operations, wherein practitioner determines the contextual relevance of those options. It is evidenced-based that highlights case studies and it is continually updating to generate new options. 


(2010/03/02 14:40)

7-12 December 2009 (Dhaka, Bangladesh)

errp200912_1.jpgThe 4th ERRP Regional Workshop was held in Dhaka on 10-12 Decmber 2009. The participants from each ERRP country exchanged of their opinions actively in the general workshop and also group formation/ discussions in parallel sessions concerning about the technical / financing/ monitoring and evaluation. On the last day of the Workshop, we visited Mirpur Training Center, Fire Service and Civil Defense and observed the fire drill at earthquake time. Flood disaster prevention is the major disaster management in Bangladesh, but felt enthusiasm to wrestle with earthquake disaster prevention more positively. At the end, it is requested from ADRC to make the best use of the results of last 2 years' ERRP activities in each member country and to develop ERRP further at each country level continuously in future.

errp200912_2.jpgIn addition, ADRC carried out the guidance of the technical assistance service on 7-8 December 2009 at Rangamati Municipality ( from Chittagong to north-east for about three hours by car). We conducted the training about "Earthquake safe construction of Masonry Building" and "Quality Management of Reinforced Concrete Building" to the thirty local engineers stationed in Rangamati Municipality, then we visited several construction sites to observe the defects and also the counter measures with exchanging the technical opinions between us. This technical assistance service had been successfully completed.
(2009/12/15 19:10)

30 October - 5 November 2009 (Kathmandu, Nepal)

errp200911.jpgADRC conducted the second pull down test of a retrofitted building in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 2-3 November to compare with the first pull down test of a non-retrofitted building on 15 October as one of activities of Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Programme (ERRP).
The non-retrofitted building used for the first pull down test completely fell down by intensity 13.5 ton, whereas  the retrofitted building used for the second test did not even crack when intensity reached as much as 25 ton.
The comparison clearly demonstrates that earthquake-resistance of a building can be strengthened by applying the proposed retrofitting method (steel wire mesh plus mortal coating).
We will further examine the test results and produce a poster to promote the use of the proposed retrofitting method to masonry buildings as a very useful and cost-effective tool to enhance earthquake resistance.
(2009/11/09 19:10)

10-18 October 2009 (Kathmandu, Nepal)

The Asian Disaster Reduction Center has been carefully planned and prepared "Pull Down Test" for the last one year as a big event of "Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Program for the South Asian Region".  The first "Pull Down Test" of the existing non-retrofitted  building was conducted on 15 October in Katmandu, Nepal.
This time, a 30-years old existing building was pulled until falling. The main purposes of the experiment are to enhance awareness of the threat of earthquake by observing actual situation how the building is collapsed when a big earthquake occurs, and also to examine the strength of an old house. Further, we will conduct the second "Pull Down Test" on 2 November for the purpose of verifying the effectiveness of the retrofitting by the JAKETTING method.
Many participants from Nepal government, United Nations, the ERRP member countries, and local communities observed the result of the experiment with particular interst. As the tensility was carefully enlarged, the cracks on the wall of the house became bigger, and finally the house was collapsed in a moment. The participants could realize well the vulnerability of the existing buildings to the big earthquakes. Further, local newspapers covered the event giving a great deal of space, which contributed to raiging people's awareness of disasters.

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5-8 October 2009 (Dhaka, Bangladesh )

    The fourth Workshop on Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Programme (ERRP) will be held in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 10th  to 12th December. Through the workshop the relevant countries will present their outcomes on ERRP while experts will make presentations or give lectures on topics like retrofitting, risk assessment, hazard mapping, area disaster prevention plan, and contingency plan.  On 5th to 8th October, ADRC sent its staff to Bangladesh to consult with Ministry of Food and Disaster Management and UNDP Bangladesh on the holding of the Workshop and exchange views concerning participation of Japanese experts and other issues.  Detailed programme will be announced through ADRC Website once it is set.

(2009/10/19 14:00)

1-4 August 2009 (India)

relocation site.JPGInternational Recovery Platform (IRP) Secretariat visited Gujarat State, India to survey recovery status on Gujarat Earthquake (Jan. 2001) . The survey includes observing Relocation Sites and collecting fruitful information through meeting with local government officials and NGOs which are implementing recovery programs.

Further information about the survey shall be uploaded in the IRP website. (
 (2009/08/01 14:20)
29-31 July 2009 (New Delhi, India)

The International Recovery Platform (IRP), UNDP-India, ADRC, NDMA-India, and SDMC jointly organized the Regional Conference on Earthquake Risk Reduction held at India International Centre, New Delhi, India on July 29-31, 2009. Over 200 participants, including representatives from Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Programme (ERRP) country teams, technical experts, practitioners, and relevant stakeholders, gathered during the three-day to discuss experiences, share knowledge, and facilitate technical cooperation.
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15-25 July 2009 (Pokhara, Nepal)

Meetings with focal point persons in Katmandu who are responsible for "Pull down Test of an existing house in Katmandu, Nepal" that has been planned as a part of Regional Technical Assistance of ERRP, and 4-day Training of Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings/Retrofitting and Recovery Preparedness for Municipal Engineers in Nepal" as a part of the country activity of ERRP Nepal were conducted in 15-25 July 2009. More details, please see the following mission report.
Mission Report
(2009/7/14 11:30)

28 February - 19 March 2009 (Dhaka, Bangladesh)

JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) started the survey to formulate the comprehensive support program for Bangladesh where it has suffered many natural hazards. The program may include some yes-loan-financed projects. The survey focuses on water management including flood and cyclone and earthquake management as a sub-sector. Based on the survey, some projects which require urgent implementations would be considered and formulated when necessarily. The duration of the survey mission in Bangladesh is from 28th Feb to 19th March. Koji Suzuki, Executive Director of Asian Disaster Reduction Center participated in the survey mission. The mission visited the Ministry of Food and Disaster Management that is the Bangladesh counterpart government organization of Asian Disaster Reduction Center and Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Center that Asian Disaster Reduction Center has long been working with. The mission had meetings at Ministry of Water Resource, Dhaka Geophysical Observatory, Dhaka Fire Brigade, BRAC University, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, UNDP and ADB. It also made some filed surveys on construction sites in Dhaka guided by Public Works Department and some river sites.

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October 2006 - March 2009 (Sri Lanka)

img01.JPGAsian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) has participated in the Comprehensive Study on Disaster Management in Sri Lanka (Study Period: Oct. 2006 - Mar. 2009) organized by JICA as members of the Study Team. In March 2009, all the Study activities were completed with submission of the final report of the Study to the government of Sri Lanka. ADRC had been in charge of the Study areas of Administration of Disaster Management and Community based Disaster Management (CBDM) and made recommendations to enhance the capacities of those areas.
As final activity of the Study on CBDM, a seminar on CBDM was conducted in Colombo on 5 December 2008 with around 100 participants in charge of disaster management in District Disaster Management Coordinating Unit, Divisonal Secretariat Office, and NGOs. In the seminar, discussion on enhancing CBDM through review of draft of disaster educational material, and practical training of community hazard mapping and a game for disaster awareness.
Further information on the Study, please visit the following website of Disaster Management Center of Sri Lanka:

(2009/03/10 10:40)

3-5 November 2008 (Kathmandu, Nepal)

adrrn_meeting.jpgThe annual meeting of the Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN) 2008 was held in Kathmandu, Nepal on 3-5 November 2008. In the meeting, titled Learning through and from the Network, approximately 40 participants from NGOs and international organizations as well as the ADRC had active discussions in order to further reinforce the activities of their organizations and ADRRN toward DRR.

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29-31 July 2008 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

The ADRC, with support from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), conducted the second year of the "NGO Training for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia" Project from 29 to 31 July 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

P1010467.JPGThe second year program consisted of a three-day workshop during which first-year participants had a chance to share their experiences in their own countries and the knowledge they gained from the first year program with other Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN) members. It was attended by six first-year participants, six new participants, and three resource persons from ADRRN members, an officer from the ADRRN Secretariat, and two researchers from the ADRC. During the workshop, participants discussed and shared their opinions on various topics including community-based disaster risk management, disaster risk reduction tools (town watching), climate change, and gender issues.

For more information, please visit the ADRC website (

(2009/03/16 16:50)

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