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Activity Report

31 October -1 November (Jakarta, Indonesia)

This two-day symposium was organized jointly by Government of Indonesia, the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and Harvard University. Under the main theme of "Moving ASEAN Community Forward into 2015 and Beyond", the symposium discussed various issues on the fulfillment of the ASEAN Economic Community that is due on 2015 and the future challenges beyond the date.

Among three substantive sessions organized, the ADRC participated in 2011_11_04 018.jpgthe Session 2: Moving the ASEAN Community Forward through Strengthening of Regional Corporation: Engendering a Resilient and Harmonious ASEAN whereby making a presentation "Strengthening regional cooperation in times of disaster".

In the outcome document titled"Jakarta Framework on Moving ASEAN Community Forward into 2015 and Beyond", it is mentioned that "the issues of resiliency, especially food security and energy security, as well as disaster management, have been identified as important challenges to be tackled" and "ASEAN's increasing demand for food and energy is even more challenging given the risks of natural disasters, for the fact that Asia is the most disaster prone region in the world."

(2011/11/02 13:10) 

31 Oct - 2 Nov 2011 (Beijing, China)

ADRC participated in the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) 2011 conference which was held from 31 October to 2 November 2011 in Beijing, China organized by the IRDR International Programme Office and the China Association for Science and Technology. The conference was attended by approximately 300 experts, political figures, and other stakeholders from around 40 countries and regions. IRDR is co-sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC), and UNISDR and promotes a global, multi-disciplinary approach to dealing with the challenges posed by natural disasters, including efforts to mitigate their impacts and improve related policy-making mechanisms. 
The IRDR conference concluded with the announcement of the 2011 Beijing Declaration for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, which covers key areas identified at the conference and in previous forums; namely, integration, research, collaboration, global standards, raising awareness, education, and fund raising.
(2011/11/02 11:30)

Beijing, China, 27-28 October, 2011

"The Symposium on China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Cooperation on Disaster Prevention and Relief" is held on 27-28 October 2011 at China Institute of International Studies, Beijing, China.

This is one of the side event of "the Japan-China-Korea Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on. Disaster Management".

Approxmately 30 experts from three countries participated and discussed on the current situations and future problems of the cooperation on disaster prevention and relief.
The symposium consists following four sessions;
 1) National Disaster Management System in each country
 2) Current situation and future plan of trirateral cooperation on disaster prevention and relief
 3) Nuclear plant safety and trirateral cooperation
 4) Mass medias contribution on trirateral cooperation on disaster prevention and relief

The ADRC made presentation at the second session. Mr. Arakida introduced the histry of international cooperation on disaster management in the world, previous trirateral cooperations at the past disaster, ADRC contributions for Asian disaster management cooperation, current problems for immediate relief, and the future possible options for more effective coraborations.
The active presentations and disscussions made by professor, government official, mass media, etc., are very useful for future contribution for collaboration on disaster management. ADRC would like to support this kinds of effort.
(2011/10/27 16:40)

27-28 October 2011 (Shanghai, China)


The Shanghai Forum on Disaster Prevention, Post-Disaster Reconstruction and International Cooperation: Learning from both Japanese and Chinese Experiences was organized by Osaka University from 27 to 28 October 2011 at Hotel Nikko in Shanghai, China.
The forum was attended by researchers from Japanese and Chinese universities as well as experts from international organizations. Invited by Osaka University, IRP/ADRC also participated in the Forum.
The Forum addressed: a) The role of civil society and social capital on post-disaster reconstruction and disaster prevention; b) Advanced technologies to reduce earthquake damage of structures; c) Earthquake damage and countermeasures of civil engineering structures; d) Disaster assistance network across the border; e) Nuclear energy: Safety, risk and human resources education, including a panel discussion on disaster prevention, post-disaster reconstruction and international cooperation.
IRP/ADRC presented the significance of social capital in disaster reduction and recovery based on the analysis of community-level recovery cases throughout the world. The presentation drew a lot of attention from both Japanese and Chinese researchers.

(2011/11/15 14:00)

27 October 2011 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

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The Conference "Disaster Management and the Impact of Climate Change" was organized by the Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, Republic of Indonesia as part of "The Indonesian Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery, EXPO and Conference (IDEC)2011.

It  was jointly organized by the JST-JICA Project "Multi-disciplinary Hazard Reduction from Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia. 2011_10_27 008.jpgHence, members of the JST-JICA Project participated in the Conference, Specifically, three members made presentations, focusing on recent disasters in Indonesia and in Japan, which included the presentation "Policy Response to 3.11 Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster" done by Mr. Atsushi Koresawa of the Center.

The joint coordination of the Conference demonstrated the importance and relevance of the activities that the JST-JICA Project were engaged in.

(2011/10/28 13:10)

27-28 October 2011 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

ADRC has been involved in a project to promote the "Multi-disciplinary Hazard Reduction from Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia" since 2009. As part of the project, many universities and research institutions in Japan and Indonesia have conducted research on disaster mitigation. And the international conference that served as the final meeting of this project was held on 27-29 Oct 2011 in Jakarta, Indonesia. At this meeting, participants reported on all their research and results. ADRC presented a "Guidebook for Teachers" as the outcome document of its exploration of ways to promote disaster education and raise disaster awareness, and to promote partnerships between Indonesian and Japanese government agencies and research institutions.

(2011/11/01 18:30)

18 October -21 October 2011 (Beijing, China)

ADRC participated in the Seminar on East-Asia Earthquakes Studies - Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanoes in Northeast Asia: International Collaboration and Regional Capacity Building for the Forecast, Preparedness and Early Warning.

2011_10_24 004.jpgのサムネール画像のサムネール画像The Seminar was organized jointly by the China Earthquake Administration (CEA), the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), and the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). It was a first attempt of this kind.

The Seminar addressed key scientific and technological issues in need of special consideration for forecast, preparedness and early-warning of earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, especially for Northeast Asia. Experts from not only China, Korea and Japan but also from other countries in Asia and other regions participated and examined relevant issues based on their experiences, most notably the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in China and the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.. Mr. Atsushi Koresawa of the ADRC presented "Policy Response to Great East Japan Earthquake" in the "Communicating with the Public" session.

The Seminar was successfully closed by reaching a consensus that collaborate need to be continued and strengthened among China, Korea and Japan and with other countries in Asia to further enhance scientific knowledge and relevant technologies against seismic hazards.

(2011/10/22 13:10)


Taipei, Taiwan, 3-7 October, 2011

The ACRS2011 was held at Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taipei, Taiwan from October 3 to 7 in 2011. The conference was organized by the Chinese (Taipei) Society Of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (CSPRS), and the Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research (CSRSR), National Central University, in conjunction with the Asian Association on Remote Sensing (AARS).
854 persons from 28 countries/regions participated in this conference,
ADRC made a presentation with the title of "The Damages by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Contributions by Space Technology", it included contributions of the Sentinel Asia initiative and further research plan.
Participants had a strong interest in the Great East Japan Earthquake, especially, one of speaker from Taiwan made a video presentation of their reliefs to Japanese victims after the event.
(2011/10/03 16:40)

3 - 21 October 2011 (Papua New Guinea, Samoa)


In October 2011, the Asian Disaster Reduction Center visited the Pacific countries, Papua New Guinea and Samoa in order to make interviews at NDMOs and relevant organizations and affected areas of past disasters over their DRM systems and activities. Faced with various disaster risks such as volcano, earthquake and tsunami, and cyclone, both countries have taken proactive measures especially in risk assessment, early warning and public awareness.


On 11 October, International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction was observed in Papua New Guinea, hosted by ADRC counterpart, National Disaster Center (NDC), ISDR and UNDP. The event, supported by related agencies and NGOs, turned out to be successful attracting some 500 participants including school children. Also in Samoa, public awareness efforts have been extended in the wake of 2009 tsunami catastrophe.

(2011/12/15 17:40)

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