27 October 2011 (Jakarta, Indonesia)
The Conference "Disaster Management and the Impact of Climate Change" was organized by the Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare, Republic of Indonesia as part of "The Indonesian Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery, EXPO and Conference (IDEC)2011.
It was jointly organized by the JST-JICA Project "Multi-disciplinary Hazard Reduction from Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia. Hence, members of the JST-JICA Project participated in the Conference, Specifically, three members made presentations, focusing on recent disasters in Indonesia and in Japan, which included the presentation "Policy Response to 3.11 Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster" done by Mr. Atsushi Koresawa of the Center.
The joint coordination of the Conference demonstrated the importance and relevance of the activities that the JST-JICA Project were engaged in.
(2011/10/28 13:10)