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Activity Report: Area & Country >> Kazakhstan

18-19 September 2014, (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)


ADRC participated in the Second Regional Ministerial Conference of Disaster Management Authorities in Central Asia under the "Central Asia plus Japan" Dialogue held in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic on 18-19 September 2014. This conference, organized by the government of Japan, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, and UNDP Kyrgyzstan, aimed to discuss the possible creation of a high level forum for disaster management authorities involved in DRR under the "Central Asia plus Japan" Dialogue. The participants included representatives of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, as well as the Embassy of Japan in the Kyrgyz Republic, JICA, and other international organizations.
     During the conference, participants discussed the most urgent DRR issues facing the region as well as future opportunities for cooperation. ADRC presented information on the outcomes of DRR programs conducted in various Central Asian countries, and identified needs and areas for future DRR cooperation in the region.
     At the end of the two-day conference, the participants agreed to establish and regularly convene a forum for the heads of the disaster management authorities in Central Asia for discussing efforts to strengthen regional cooperation in reducing, preventing, and responding to disaster risks. In addition, an expert level working group of disaster management authorities in Central Asia will be established to support this forum.

(2014/09/18 16:50)


IMG_2585.JPGのサムネール画像のサムネール画像4-5 June 2014 (Gabala, Azerbaijan)

ADRC has participated in the 7th ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization) International Conference on Disaster Risk Management held in Gabala, Azerbaijan on 4-5 June 2014. This conference was organized by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan, together with ECO Secretariat. This conference provided the delegates of ECO Member States and experts from UN agencies, international organizations and academic and scientific institutions to discuss and share experiences on disaster risk reduction for better cooperation in the ECO region. In the ECO Member States, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan are the ADRC's member countries.

Following the presentations and speeches from the heads of delegations, various organizations such as UNOCHA, UNESCAP, GIZ, Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) and ADPC, etc. introduced their efforts for disaster risk reduction in the region. ADRC made a presentation on its roles in Asia, as well as the programs that member countries from Central and Caucasus can be benefitted, namely the Visiting Researcher Program, the JICA training for Central Asia and Caucasus, and the Peer Review Project.

At the end of the conference, all the participants confirmed that a holistic approach combining policy, operational and scientific levels would contribute to more effective and efficient disaster risk management in the region. ADRC believes that this is crucial not only in this region, but also in other part of Asia.

(2014/06/17 16:50)

14-15 August 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The ADRC joined the JICA Follow-Up Seminar "Comprehensive Disaster Management" held at the Center of Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction (CESDRR) in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 14-15 August 2013. This seminar was held to follow up the efforts of JICA training course "Comprehensive Disaster Management for Central Asia and the Caucasus" that ADRC has been conducting together with JICA Kansai. In addition, for further transferring Japan's experience and expertise regarding disaster risk management, it focused on a few themes, namely "Seismic Safety of Buildings," "Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM)" and "Operation of regional disaster management center," which Kazakh Government is interested in. Approximately 40 participants including the Vice Mayor of Almaty City, national and local government officials of Ministry of Emergency Situations and Almaty City, and researchers from KazNIISA (Agency for Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and other institutions.

In the seminar, the ADRC introduced the efforts for CBDRM taken place in Japan, including voluntary organizations for disaster prevention, disaster education and awareness raising activities. Furthermore, the ADRC shared the information on its activities since its establishment in 1998, as well as the management of a regional center as a humble guide for operating the new CESDRR which was agreed with the establishment between the governments of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in May 2013.

Seminar participants might have a difficulty to understand Japanese disaster management system, however we believe that they understand well the importance of retrofitting of buildings, as well as the concept of "Self Help," "Mutual Help" and "Public Help." The ADRC also learnt a lot from the Kazakh experiences on DRR through this seminar. We are looking forward to further working with JICA and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan, as well as CESDRR in the near future.

(2013/09/05 16:50)

15-16 April 2009 (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Central_Asia.JPGADRC participated in the 2nd Consultative Meeting on Establishment of Regional Disaster Preparedness and Response Coordination Centre in Central Asia which was organized by Kazakhstan government and UN OCHA in Almaty Kazakhstan on 15-16 April 2009.

In the meeting, the participants including representatives from Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, and Republic of Tajikistan discussed specific conditions and definition towards establishing of the Coordination Centre which has been agreed through several meetings on mutual cooperation for disaster risk reduction in the Central Asia.

The delegates from the Central Asian countries were actively involved in the discussion. The documents for establishment of the Centre were gone through one article by one article for reaching consensus. Further, through the discussion, the Centre's name has been changed as "the Central Asia Coordination Centre on Disaster Response and Risk Reduction" in consideration of the aspect that the Centre would also play important role for disaster risk reduction in the area.

(2009/04/20 10:40)

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