13-19 February 2011 (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
Through many of natural disasters experiences, Japan has accumulated knowledge of dealing with disasters and developed its expertise together with advanced policies and technologies in the area of disaster risk reduction. This unique experience provides Japan with many valuable knowledge and expertise that it must now endeavor to share effectively with other members of the international community. From this point of view, this project is launched by the Cabinet Office of Japanese Government last year. Mongolia and Indonesia were selected as target countries of the FY2010 project.
Following the preliminary discussion for project implementation in Mongolia in December 2010 and the study tour in Japan for the official of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA): the implementing agency in January 2011, the workshops enhancing disaster risk reduction (DRR) capacities through transferring the measures and tools of Japan were conducted.
On 13-19 February 2011, the NEMA Mongolia in collaboration with the government of Japan and the ADRC conducted a series of workshops and trainings for strengthening the capacities for earthquake disaster education. They include trainings for the NEMA officials and school teachers, a workshop to learn Japanese DRR exercises utilized creative and innovative ideas, and lecture for school students, and DRR exercises in two target schools.
Through the above mentioned activities, the NEMA and the related organizations and schools learned various knowledge, techniques, and tools for enhancing and promoting earthquake disaster education in Mongolia. We believe this project became one of the major driving forces for further promotion of earthquake DRR in Mongolia.
Through many of natural disasters experiences, Japan has accumulated knowledge of dealing with disasters and developed its expertise together with advanced policies and technologies in the area of disaster risk reduction. This unique experience provides Japan with many valuable knowledge and expertise that it must now endeavor to share effectively with other members of the international community. From this point of view, this project is launched by the Cabinet Office of Japanese Government last year. Mongolia and Indonesia were selected as target countries of the FY2010 project.
Following the preliminary discussion for project implementation in Mongolia in December 2010 and the study tour in Japan for the official of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA): the implementing agency in January 2011, the workshops enhancing disaster risk reduction (DRR) capacities through transferring the measures and tools of Japan were conducted.
On 13-19 February 2011, the NEMA Mongolia in collaboration with the government of Japan and the ADRC conducted a series of workshops and trainings for strengthening the capacities for earthquake disaster education. They include trainings for the NEMA officials and school teachers, a workshop to learn Japanese DRR exercises utilized creative and innovative ideas, and lecture for school students, and DRR exercises in two target schools.
Through the above mentioned activities, the NEMA and the related organizations and schools learned various knowledge, techniques, and tools for enhancing and promoting earthquake disaster education in Mongolia. We believe this project became one of the major driving forces for further promotion of earthquake DRR in Mongolia.
(2011/02/20 10:40)