13-17 February 2012 (Vienna, Austria)
Staff of IRP/ADRC had participated in a five-day Training of Trainers (TOT) on Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) which was jointly organized by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), the United Nations Development Group (UNDG), and the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI). During the training, participants were acquainted with the methodology for (i) assessing damages and losses, (ii) determining the needs for recovery and reconstruction, and (iii) ensuring improved resilience of communities and countries following recovery.
The training offered an opportunity to strengthen synergy among IRP/ADRC partners in promoting capacity building programs on post disaster recovery planning by linking with UN, EU, WB, and donor agencies in supporting disaster prone countries to reduce risk of future disasters. In addition, the training has enhanced the capacity of IRP/ADRC staff in conducting PDNA and providing related training for requesting countries or organizations.
The lectures, group exercises, and discussions at the training had specifically contributed in developing the capacities for improved recovery planning using information from PDNA. It particularly enhanced participants' competence in organizing PDNA, developing recovery framework, and following up post-PDNA measures.
(2012/02/29 14:20)