22 - 25 October 2012 (Jogjakarta, Indonesia)
ADRC participated in the 5th AMCDRR held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 22 - 25 October 2012. Many participants comprising ministers of disaster management from more than 50 Asia-Pacific nations, representatives from UN agencies, international organizations, and NGOs attended this conference.
The main theme of this conference is "Strengthening Local Capacity for Disaster Risk Reduction", and were discussed the various activities of disaster risk reduction at the local level. This conference was also discussed a new framework since 2015, the Hyogo Framework for Action has exited.
In this meeting, ADRC held co-organized side events, and served as a facilitator of pre-conference.
Pre Conference (PC3)
In the "Expert Meeting for the Disaster Risk Reduction Cooperation between Indonesia and Japan: To Enhance Local Capacity on DRR (Co-organized by BNPB and JICA)", ADRC's Executive director Natori served as the facilitator of the meeting.
Side Event (SE2)
A symposium titled "Mainstreaming DRR toward post-HFA and Lessons Learnt from Mega Disasters" was co-organized by JICA and ADRC. ADRC made a presentation entitled "Lessons Learn from Mega Disasters and Implications for Mainstreaming of DRR".
Side Event (SE27)
Organized by UN-SPIDER, a meeting named "Improve DRR practices based on the lessons learned from major disasters in Asia - A space technology intervention." was held. ADRC made a presentation entitled "Considerations for effective use of space based information to assess Tsunami impact - Lessons learned from recent Tsunami in Japan".
(2012/11/7 13:40)