5 October 2010 (Washington DC, USA)
ADRC attended the Global Dialogue on Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Planning, which was organized by the United Nations, the European Commission, and the World Bank in Washington DC. National governments, regional organizations, UN agencies, and other stakeholders participated in the dialogue. The use of PDNA(Post Disaster Needs Assessment) as a tool for reconstruction and sustainable development of disaster affected countries was mainly discussed. The presentations of PDNA experiences from 4 disaster affected countries highlighted the usefulness of PDNA as a tool. After the presentations, three subgroups discussed and reflected on PDNA as tool for (1) assessing socio-economic impacts of disaster, (2) recovery and reconstruction planning, and (3) mainstreaming resilience in longer term development strategies.
The PDNA workspace, hosted at the IRP Website, was also launched. The International Recovery Platform, with support of ADRC, presented the key features of PDNA workspace at the launching.
(2010/10/12 14:00)