11 November 2020 (Online)
ADRC participated in the International Disaster Charter (IDC) Board Meeting on 11 November 2020, which was held in an online format. Space agencies from the IDC member countries participated and gave updates on the latest DRR activity in this virtual meeting. ADRC functions as a Regional Support Office (RSO) in the IDC framework. When ADRC receives an emergency observation request for Sentinel Asia, ADRC escalates that request to IDC if asked to do so by the agency making the request. Sentinel Asia targets Asian countries, but the IDC provides worldwide support in case of a more catastrophic disaster. ADRC has escalated 49 cases to IDC since 2011. At this conference, ADRC proposed that a more robust network be developed. ADRC would like to be a strong bridge between the space agencies and disaster management organizations.
(2020/11/25 15:00)