6 June 2016 (Vienna, Austria)
In accordance with the cooperation agreement between the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) signed on June 2009 on the establishment of the ADRC UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office (RSO), said RSO has been established on the ADRC premises and is being operated by ADRC staff members as coordinators of the ADRC UN-SPIDER RSO. There are currently 20 regional support offices worldwide.
In its capacity as an RSO, ADRC participated in the 7th UN Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response RSO Meeting, which was held in conjunction with the UN-SPIDER+10 Anniversary Conference. Held from 6 June, the meeting was attended by more than 20 participants from RSOs around the world. During the meeting, the following topics were discussed:
1. Reports on activities of each RSO in 2015
2. Planning activities of each RSO in 2016
3. Discussion of the implementation of TAM recommendations
4. Regional breakout groups: work planning 2016-17
5. Feedback from breakout groups
6. Collaboration for the ongoing implementation of knowledge management
At this meeting, ADRC gave a presentation on its 2015 activities and accomplishments as well as its plans for 2016, and discussed many ideas with the secretariat and other RSOs.
(2016/6/20 18:30)