3 to 9 March 2024
From 3 to 9 March 2024, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) coordinated the Study Visit to Japan for the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre) Executive Leadership in Emergency Management Programme (ACE-LEDMP) Middle Level. The ACE-LEDMP Middle Level is a programme to develop human resources that are capable of leading ASEAN disaster management efforts and is composed of a one-month online course, a one-month on-site course in Indonesia and a week-long study visit in Japan. A total of 20 middle level managers from nine ASEAN member states (AMS), each with more than five year of experience working in disaster management organizations in their country, participated in the Study Visit along with 4 staff members from the AHA Centre.
They received lectures from the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan, Hyogo Prefecture, Sumida City Office in Tokyo, the International Recovery Platform (IRP) and ADRC. They also visited Koshigaya Lake Town and the Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution (DRI) to deepen their understanding of Japan's disaster management policies.
During the concluding session of the visit, the participants
discussed the future promotion of further disaster reduction measures in the ASEAN region, drawing insights from the lessons learned in Japan. The participants returned to Indonesia for further training and to continue to review these experiences.
(2024/03/16 15:00)