30 January 2024
On Monday, 1 January 2024, at 16:10 (Japan Standard Time), a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was observed over a wide area on the Sea of Japan side, with a maximum intensity of 7 (JMA seismic intensity) on the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture (GLIDE No. EQ-2024-000001-JPN). The earthquake also caused tsunamis of various sizes that was observed over a wide area from Hokkaido to Kyushu, mainly in coastal areas close to the epicentre. The earthquake and tsunami caused many casualties, collapse of houses and buildings, fires and landslides.
ADRC has been collecting information on this disaster from immediately after the disaster and is disseminating a wide range of information in English (as well as in Japanese) on its website. For more information on the event, please visit the following websites.
Summary information on the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake (in English only)
* On the page of Large-scale Disaster Reports, updated as necessary
Latest Disaster Information (updated regularly):
(2024/01/30 15:00)