27 August and 10 September 2020 (Online)

ADRC and the Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam held online seminars on the "Promotion of Disaster Education in Schools" project on 27 August and 10 September. As a Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund Project, this project aims to promote disaster education in ASEAN countries by training school teachers. The project was to be implemented in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital city of Brunei Darussalam, but ADRC and the Ministry of Education, Brunei decided to hold the seminar online due to the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19.
The two-day seminar was attended by more than 60 junior high school teachers from all six school districts as well as officials from the Ministry of Education.
Mr. Masaaki Nakagawa, Executive Director of ADRC, kicked off the seminar by summarizing its goals: to introduce participants to disaster education in Japan and provide useful teaching skills for effective disaster education in Brunei, all for the purpose of building disaster resilient communities.
Mr. Suwa, Specially Appointed Professor of Graduate School of Disaster Resilience and Governance at the University of Hyogo then proceeded to give a lecture on Disaster Management and Disaster Education. In his lecture, he discussed the curriculum for disaster education at junior high schools in Japan. For example, when studying science, students study the weather, rainfall, geological changes, and the mechanisms by which earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. In social studies, they learn about lifelines and disasters, disaster-related organizations, and past disasters in the community. After the lecture, participants attended an online group workshop on evacuations. Feedback from the teachers indicated strong interest Japanese disaster education and a desire to learn more in the future.
(2020/9/10 09:50)