3-5 November 2016 (Delhi, India)
ADRC co-organised a thematic event "Partnerships and Innovations for improving Disaster Loss Accounting" . Mr. S. Jegillos, Senior Advisor, UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub made an opening remark on the purpose of the event, and Professor Yuichi Ono,Tohoku University reported first about the Global Centre for Disaster Statistics, followed by a presentation on the use of drone for DRR by Ms. C. Briggert, Head of Stakeholder Relations, DJI, a report on innovation regarding DRR by the government of Maldives, and a presentation on disaster losses estimation focusing on that of private sector by Mr. A. Perwaiz, Head, Disaster Risk Management Systems, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC).
ADRC contributed to the event by the presentation titled "GLIDE, GLobal unique disaster IDEntifier number to Support Evidence Based Disaster Reduction Strategy at National & Local Levels -A Simple but Innovative Tool for Effective Disaster Information Sharing-",delivered by Dr.S. Nishikawa, former Executive Director of ADRC. Mr.Nishikawa raised the extensive potential contribution of GLIDE as basic tool to facilitate disaster information sharing at national and sub-national DRR organisations towards upgrading DRR activities including those against mega disasters beyond national borders. Many questions on the use of GLIDE were raised from the floor and after the event. In addition to the useful comments on GLIDE, AMCDRR provided us throughout the Conference period diverse opportunities of exchange with our counterparts from ADRC member countries, which has facilitated us reshaping GLIDE and redefining other activities more adapted to the future needs of Asia.
As the outcome of the AMCDRR, the New Delhi DeclIMG_0784.JPGaration was endorsed, and an "Asia Regional Plan for Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030"s was agreed as one of the main outcome documents. Prior to AMCDRR, a Special Session dedicated to the tsunami DRR was organised by UNISDR, while a commemoration event of the World Tsunami Awareness Day took place on 5th November at the Closing Ceremony. During the special session, many speakers referred to the good practices of Inamurano-hi, on which ADRC published brochures in more than 10 languages. (http://www.adrc.asia/publications/inamura/top.html)
(2016/11/3, 12:30)