7-9 August 2012 (Jogjakarta, Indonesia)
ADRC participated in the ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) meeting held on 7-9 August in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. The meeting was attended by more than 100 participants, including representatives from many countries in Asia as well as from international and inter-governmental organizations.
The meeting covered the following topic.
1 ) Update on preparations for the 5th AMCDRR
Reports were given on the status of preparations for the 5th Asian
Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction scheduled to be
held in Jogjakarta on 22 to 25 October this year.
2 ) Draft of the Jogjakarta Declaration and the Stakeholders'
Participants discussed a draft of the Jogjakarta Declaration and
the Stakeholders' Addendum for the 5th AMCDRR.
3 ) HFA review and monitoring
Based on the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Myanmar, Vietnam, and others reported their activities.
4 ) Post-HFA framework
Participants discussed a post-HFA framework based on the
challenges presented by the HFA.
Presentations were given by ADPC (DRR Project Portal Site),
UN-SPIDER (Disaster Management using Satellites) and others.
ADRC works to build disaster-resilient communities and to establish networks among countries through its ongoing participation in international conferences.
(2012/08/14 19:40)