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Activity Report

ADRC Peer Review Project

5-10 December 2010 (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
12-16 December 2010 (Dhaka and Noakhali, Bangladesh)

Since 2009, ADRC has initiated a pilot project of ADRC Peer Review with the aim of developing DRR capacity of ADRC member countries by sharing information and strengthening the relationship among member countries. This year Mongolia and Bangladesh were selected as target countries among applications from ADRC member countries. After the submission of country reports by the two target countries, reviewer teams, which consist of two officers from member countries, one expert from Japan and one or two from ADRC per a target country, have visited target countries to conduct interview surveys.

IMG_0104.JPGOn 5-10 December 2010, the ADRC reviewer team, composed of Prof. Masato Motosaka (Earthquake Disaster Research Laboratory, Disaster Control Research Center, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University), Mr. Tshering Kezang (Governor, Dzongkhag Administration, Lhuentse, Bhutan), Mr. Vizesh Rana (Deputy Commandant, Ministry of Home Affairs, India) and two ADRC staff members visited Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. During the four day survey, the team visited various ministries and institutions related to DRR activities, including NEMA: National Emergency Management Agency (ADRC's counterpart in Mongolia), to examine how they have been making the efforts for earthquake disaster education and capacity development by government and non-governmental organizations in Mongolia. Then, the team conducted on-site review of the building condition, and prepared a draft report of the survey result with all findings and recommendations. On the last day of the survey, a workshop was held for getting opinion and comments to finalize the report and attended by about 30 NEMA officials. The representative from Bhutan and India also made presentations on their efforts for earthquake disaster reduction in the workshop. It provided a very good opportunity for exchanging opinions each other.


photo 016.jpgAnother reviewer team composed of Dr. Taiichi Hayashi of Research Center for Fluvial and Coastal Disasters of Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University, Mr. San Kung from Myanmar's Relief and Resettlement Department, Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, Ms. Crispina B. Abat of Philippines' Office of Civil Defense, and Ms. Yumi Shiomi of ADRC visited Bangladesh on 12-16 December 2010 to conduct a survey for learning about their ongoing efforts for Cyclone Preparedness in the country. The survey began with visiting relevant organizations in Dhaka such as Disaster Management and Relief Division of Ministry of Food and Disaster Management (ADRC's counterpart in Bangladesh), its Disaster Management Bureau, Bangladesh Meteorological Department, Bangladesh Water Development Board, Institute of Water Modeling and Bangladesh Red Crescent Society. Then the team moved to cyclone-prone Noakhali District in the coastal region to learn the situations through interviewing local DRM officials, volunteers and residents, and visiting cyclone shelters and embankments. The team members with cyclone expertise and experiences of severe storm countermeasures in their countries actively shared opinions during the survey.

This project aims at developing the mutual learning process among the ADRC member countries instead of one-way learning. After the survey missions, reviewer teams will compile survey reports and send them to target countries and then to ADRC member countries to enhance cross-fertilization.

ADRC would like to express its sincerest gratitude to all of those who have made precious contribution to this project this year.

(2010/12/21 17:40)

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