Indonesia, 13-16 July, 2010
ADRC and Bandan National Penanggulangan Bencana (National Disaster Management Agency, BNPB) have lunched "the Project on Capacity Building of Local Government Officials on Disaster Management."
This project is one of four capacity development projects for the ASEAN member countries that ADRC has been conducting since 2008 and Indonesia is belonging the 3rd year Group composed of Singapore and Myanmar.
Geographically Indonesia is an archipelago situated at a juncture of four tectonic plates where seismic and volcanic activities occur constantly. They make for a high potential and proneness to disasters, including earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Also, because of topographical and hydro-metrological conditions, the country is subject to disaster such as floods, landslides, forest fires and drought, too. There is thus an urgent need to further strengthen the capacity building of local government officials in charge of disaster management, as they play a critical role in every phase of the disaster management cycle.
On 13-16 July 2010, ADRC and BNPB held a kick off meeting on the project targeting local government officials.
ADRC and BNPB will work together on the implementation of the 20-manth project form 2010 to 2011, starting with the creation of an expert team tasked with the development of training materials.
(2010/07/20 17:30)