27 April 2010 Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central Asia is a region vulnerable to multiple natural disasters including devastating earthquakes, floods, landslides/mud-slides, avalanches that have caused economic and human losses across the region. The Central Asia nations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan agreed on the need for stronger regional cooperation on issues of disaster risk management and agreed to start a dialogue on the regional centre for disaster preparedness and response. Eventually, a working group was formed to start consultation on the establishment of a regional disaster preparedness and response coordination centre.
Against this background, the Third Consultative Meeting on the Establishment of a Regional Disaster Preparedness and Response Coordination Centre was organised, jointly by Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Sub-regional Office for Central Asia, on 27th April in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) has been supportive of this initiative since January 2005 when the establishment of a centre was first proposed at the UN World Conference on Disaster Reduction held in Kobe, Japan. ADRC attended the third meeting along with the governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, various UN bodies (UNDP, UNISDR, UNHCR), GTZ and IFRC.
During discussion, the participants discussed some specific issues relevant to the draft agreement and regulation but agreed upon a urgent need to establish the centre. Consequently, they have agreed to set up a working-level standing committee sometime this year to solve particular problems.
ADRC plans to provide relevant information based on its own experience as an organisation to promote multinational cooperation for disaster reduction across countries in Asia and explore ways to cooperate with the Centre once in such fields as training and human resource development.
(2010/05/10 13:10)