42nd ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee
25-29 January 2010 (Singapore)
ADRC participated in the 42nd Session of ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee that was held from 25th to 29th January in Singapore. The Committee consists of three working groups, namely, WG on Meteorology (WGM), WG on Hydrology (WGH), and WG on Disaster Prevention and Preparedness (WGDPP), among which. ADRC has been a member of WGDPP.
The Committee as well as its WGs addressed issues related to the impact of climate change on tropical cyclone frequency and intensity, growing risks of urban flooding, among others. For more details, please refer to: http://www.typhooncommittee.org/tc.htm.
16th Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum
26-29 January 2010 (Bangkok, Thailand)
ADRC also participated in the 16th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum that was held from 26 to 29th January in Bangkok, Thailand. ADRC has been tasked as a focal point to receive an emergency observation request from ADRC member countries and JPT (Joint Project Team) members and, if appropriate, forward it to four space agencies, namely, .ISRO, GISTDA, KARI and JAXA. In addition, ADRC in cooperation with JPT Secretariat conducts follow-up surveys on the use of provided satellite images in individual countries as well as capacity building to enhance the use of satellite data for disaster management objectives.
ADRC made a presentation on the situation and trends of natural disasters worldwide, progresses made in implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 - a global blueprint for disaster risk reduction efforts -, and the application of space technologies to disaster management with Sentinel Asia and UNSPIDER as an example. It is followed by emergency observations reports by Vietnam and the Philippines. For more details, please refer to http://www.aprsaf.org/text/ap16_info.html.
(2010/02/01 13:10)