ADRC workshop in BOSAI KOKUTAI 2022

From the standpoint of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), many foreign residents in Japan, especially in Kobe, have been engaging in some ways in ADRC programs and activities. These individuals include visiting researchers from Asian countries, foreign students, training participants, interns, friends, and acquaintances of ADRC staffers who recognize that the disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) practices in Japan are different from their respective home countries. Considering this, it may be challenging for local governments in Japan to communicate DRRM practices to foreign residents. Against this backdrop, ADRC takes the opportunity of organizing this workshop as a side event at the “BOSAI KOKUTAI 2022” to promote sharing and utilization of disaster information.
The workshop aims to achieve the following objectives:1) To share information on how foreign residents in Japan can participate in various local disaster prevention activities
2) To share experiences of foreign residents in Japan on disaster preparedness and its actual application during a disaster event
3) To present and discuss the outcomes of ADRC online survey among past and present foreign residents in Japan that looks into the differences in DRRM practices, and explore greater cooperation by understanding the differences
- 15:30-15:35 Opening Remarks and Background
- 15:35-15:45 Presentaiton 1: Disaster Preparedness and Experience in Japan: From the Perspective of a Foreign Student
(pdf, 1.3MB)
by Khaerun Nisa, PhD, University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia - 15:45-15:55 Presentation 2: Hyogo International Associations Support for Foreigners During Disasters
(pdf, 6.6MB)
by Mr NAGANO Koichi, Hyogo International Association (HIA) - 15:55-16:05 Presentaiton 3: Kusatsu City Fire Brigade Functional Membership System
(pdf, 1.4MB)
by Mr MAMIYA Keita, Officer, Risk Management Section, Policy Department, Kusatsu city, Shiga Prefecture - 16:05-16:25 Survey Outcomes & Discussions
(pdf, 1.8MB)
by Gerald Potutan, PhD, Senior Researcher, Research Department, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) - 16:25-16:30 Way Forward & Closing
Followings are useful links by HIA.
- Multilingual Pointing Board 避難所で使う多言語指さしボード
- Disaster Preparedness Guide for Children and Parents 子どもと親の防災ガイドブック
- Guide for Dealing with Foreign Residents in Times of Sisaster 災害時外国人対応の手引き
- My Evacuation Card マイ避難カード・緊急連絡先カード(多言語版)
Answers to Questions during the workshop

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC)
1-5-2-5F Wakinohamakaigan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0073 JAPAN
TEL+81-78-262-5540/ FAX+81-78-262-5546
Mail: bosai_kokutai2022(at mark)
1-5-2-5F Wakinohamakaigan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0073 JAPAN
TEL+81-78-262-5540/ FAX+81-78-262-5546
Mail: bosai_kokutai2022(at mark)