Asian Disaster Reduction Center(ADRC)

Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction 2007

Summary Report

Group photo
Group photo

(E): English, (R): Russian, (J): Japanese

Day 1

Opening Ceremony

Opening and welcome remarks

  • Welcome Speech: H.E. Mr. K.K. Masimov, The Prime Minister of Kazakhstan (E) (R)
  • Chair of ACDR2007: H.E. Mr. Victor Khrapunov, Minister for Emergency Situations, Government of Kazakhstan (E) (R)
  • Vice-Chair of ACDR2007: H.E. Mr. Katsuei Hirasawa, Senior Deputy-Minister for Disaster Management, Cabinet Office, Government (E) (R)
  • Mr. Michel Jarraud, Secretary General, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (E) (R)
  • Mr. Haolian Xu, UN Resident Coordinator & UNDP Resident Representative in Kazakhstan (E)
  • Prof. Shigeru Itoh, Chairman, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) (E) (R)

Keynote speeches

  • H.E. Mr. Victor Khrapunov, Minister for Emergency Situations, Government of Kazakhstan (E) (R)
  • Mr. Koji Suzuki, Executive Director, ADRC "Progress on Regional Cooperation in the Field of Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia" (E) (R)
  • Ms. Goulsara Pulatova, Senior Advisor, UN/ISDR Central Asia on behalf of Ms. Helena Molin Valdes, Deputy Director, UN Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) "Remaining challenges to reduce disaster risk: Implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA)" (E) (R)
  • Mr. Salvano Briceno, Director of the Secretariat of ISDR (E) (R)

Part 1: Governance of Disaster Risk Reduction at National Level

Introduction to the topic

  • Ms. Aynura Alymbekova, National Disaster Reduction Advisor, UNDP BCPR (UNDP Kyrgyzstan) and Mr. Anarkul Aitaliev, Director, Disaster Hazard Mitigation Project Implementation Unit, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyz Republic (E)
  • Ms. Charlotta Benedek, Associate Humanitarian Affairs Officer, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN/OCHA) "Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction through Preparedness" (E)
  • Dr. M.C. Wong, Assistant Director, Hong Kong Observatory (WMO) (E)
  • Mr. Aloysius J. Rego, Director and Team Leader, Disaster Management Systems Team, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (E)

Rapporteur: Mr. Matthias Anderegg, Disaster Reduction Programme Officer in Central Asia, SDC (based in Tajikistan)

Group discussions (4 groups)

Presentations on the following topics from ADRC member countries and other participating countries
- Establishment and strengthening of National Platforms
- Development of National DRR Strategies
- Status of implementation of HFA
- New initiatives and achievements on DRR

  • Group A
    Kazakhstan: Presentation (E) (R)
    Kyrgyz Republic: Presentation (E) (R) Country Report (E) (R)
    Uzbekistan: Presentation (E) (R) Country Report (E) (R)
  • Group B
    Indonesia: Presentation (E)
    Thailand: Presentation (E) Country Report (E)
    Lao PDR: Presentation (E)
    Malaysia: Presentation (E)
  • Group C
    Singapore: Presentation (E)
    SriLanka: Presentation (E)
    Republic of Korea: Presentation (E)
    Pakistan: Presentation (E)
    Bangladesh: Presentation (E) Country Report (E)
  • Group D
    India: Presentation (E)
    Nepal: Presentation (E) Country Report (E)
    Maldives: Presentation (E)
    Myanmar: Presentation (E)

Plenary: Reports from group discussions

  • Facilitator: Mr. Hajime Nakano, Senior Researcher, ADRC
  • Rapporteur: Mr. Emmanuel de Guzman, Senior Technical Advisor, ADRC

Closing remarks of day 1

  • Mr. Koji Suzuki, Executive Director, ADRC

Day 2

Opening Remarks

  • Ms. Aynura Alymbekova, National Disaster Reduction Advisor, UNDP/BCPR (UNDP Kyrgyzstan)

Recap of day 1

  • Mr. Emmanuel de Guzman, Senior Technical Advisor, ADRC (E)

Part 2: Education and Training for Disaster Risk Reduction

Introduction to the topic

  • Ms. Christel Rose, Regional Programme Officer, UN/ISDR (E)

Panel discussion 1

Moderator: Mr. Alexandre V. Zouev, UNICEF Representative in Kazakhstan
Rapporteur: Ms. Christel Rose, Regional Programme Officer, UN/ISDR

  • Prof. Mohsen Ghafori-Ashtiany, Distinguished Professor, IIEES (Iran) "Iran School Earthquake Safety Initiative" (E)
  • Mr. Ram Chandra Kandel, Director, School Earthquake Safety, NSET (Nepal) (E)
  • Mr. Alexander Kravchuk, LRM Project Manager, UNDP Kazakhstan, together with a representative of Ministry of Education or Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan "Local Risk Management in Earthquake Zones of Kazakhstan" (E)
  • Mr. Sheldon Shaeffer, Director, UNESCO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok (E)
  • Ms. Charlotta Benedek, Associate Humanitarian Affairs Officer, UN/OCHA (E)
  • Mr. Khusrav Sharifov, Programme Manager, UNDP Tajikistan and Mr. Mahmadtoir Zakirov, Chairman, Committee for Emergency Situations (E)

PART 3: Scientific Knowledge Applied in Disaster Risk Reduction

Introduction of "Sentinel Asia" : a disaster management support system making use of space observation

Coordinator: Dr. Takashi Moriyama, Director, Disaster Management Support System Office, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Rapporteur: Mr. Ryo Saito, Researcher, ADRC

  • Dr. Takashi Moriyama, JAXA English (E)
  • Dr. Kenpei Kojika, Senior Researcher, ADRC (E)

Panel discussion 2: Outreach Activities about Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Disaster Risk Reduction

Moderator: Dr. M.C. Wong, Assistant Director, Hong Kong Observatory (WMO) (E1) (E2)
Rapporteur: Ms. Tine Ramstad, Regional Officer, UN/ISDR

  • Mr. KIM Tae-Hyung, Economic Affairs Officer, Sustainable Development and Water Resources Section, UN/ESCAP (E)
  • Mr. Kai Hong Leong, Meteorologist, Typhoon Committee Secretariat (E)
  • Mr. Koji Suzuki, Executive Directore, ADRC on behalf of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) (E)
  • Ms. Yoko Hagiwara, Programme Officer, Platform for the Promotion of Early Warning (PPEW), UN/ISDR (E)

Panel discussion 3: Broader Application of Scientific Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction
Summary (E)

Moderator: Prof. Mohsen Ghafori-Ashtiany, Distinguished Professor, IIEES (Iran)
Rapporteur: Mr. Bishnu Pandey, Researcher, UNCRD

  • Mr. Olivier van Damme, Programme Officer, UNOSAT (UNITAR) (E)
  • Mr. David Stevens, Programme Coordinator, UNOOSA (E)
  • Prof. Hiroyuki Kameda, Visiting Researcher, NIED (Japan) (E)
  • Ms. Mandira Shrestha, Water Resource Specialist, ICIMOD (E)
  • Dr. Bakhtiar Nurtaev, Deputy Director, Institute of Geology and Geophysics (Uzbekistan) (E) (R)
  • Mr. Nikolai Breussov, Land, Metallurgy and Enrichment Science Center, Ministry of Education and Science, Kazakhstan (E) (R)
  • Prof. Sheishenaly Usupaev, Leading Researcher (Geodynamics and Geohazards), Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences, Kyrgyz Republic (E) (R)

Closing remarks of day 2

  • Mr. Koji Suzuki, Executive Director, ADRC

Baseline Status Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Asia and the Pacific

  • Mr. Aloysius J. Rego, Director and Team Leader, Disaster Management Systems Team, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and Mr. Hiroyuki Watabe, Senior Researcher, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) (E)

Day 3

Opening remarks

  • Mr. Alexander Kravchuk, LRM Project Manager, UNDP/Kazakhstan

Recap of day 2

  • Ms. Tine Ramstad, Regional Officer, UN/ISDR

Part 4. Cross-cutting topics

Panel discussion 4: Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

Moderator: Ms. Goulsara Pulatova, Senior Advisor, UN/ISDR Central Asia
Rapporteur: Mr. Khusrav Sharifov, Programme Manager, UNDP Tajikistan

  • Mr. Manu Gupta, Committee member, ADRRN and Executive Director, SEEDS (India) (E)
  • Ms. Aynura Alymbekova, National Disaster Reduction Advisor, UNDP/BCPR (UNDP Kyrgyzstan) (E)
  • Mr. Satoru Mimura, Team Director, Disaster Management Team, Group III (Water Resources and Disaster Management), Global Environment Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (E)
  • Ms. Line Urban, Policy Officer, Humanitarian Aid Department, DG ECHO, European Commission (E)
  • Ms. Umida M. Tulieva, Program Support Officer, Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness, Act Central Asia (Christian Aid in Tajikistan) (E)
  • Ms. Svetlana Tuleeva, Red Crescent Society volunteer (NGO "Man and Element"), Kazakhstan (E) (R)

Panel discussion 5: Public-Private Partnership for Disaster Risk Reduction
Summary (E)

Moderator: Mr. Anil K. Sinha, Programme Advisor, International Recovery Platform (IRP) / UNDP
Rapporteur: Mr. KIM Tae-Hyung, Economic Affairs Officer, Sustainable Development and Water Resources Section, UN/ESCAP

  • Mr. Satoru Nishikawa, Director, Disaster Preparedness, Public Relations and International Cooperation, Cabinet Office, Japan (E)
  • Dr. M.C. Wong, Assistant Director, Hong Kong Observatory/WMO (E)
  • Dr. Neil Britton, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Asian Development Bank (E)

Closing Session

Summary of Conference

  • Mr. Koji Suzuki, Executive Director, ADRC

Closing Remarks

  • H.E. Mr. Victor Khrapunov, Minister for Emergency Situations, Government of Kazakhstan (E) (R)

