Online Tsunami Seminar

In 2020, the lecture series is planned to present research findings by multidisciplinary experts.
The lecture series is intended for showing and sharing the latest research findings and expertise by Tsunami DRR experts to ADRC member countries and DRR organizations as well as academia and the general.Format and Schedule:
Considering the COVID-19 situation, the lectures are conducted three times online using Zoom webinar as follows.First Seminar

(1) 15:00-15:05 Introduction
Mr. NAKAGAWA Masaaki, Executive Director, ADRC
(2) 15:05-15:20 Special Speech "Experiences and Lessons of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami for Future DRR"(pdf, 1.5MB)
Prof. IMAMURA Fumihiko
Professor of Tsunami Engineering
Director of the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University
(3) 15:20-16:05 Lecture
"Knowledge from the 2011 Japan Tsunami and Tsunami Disaster Management Perspectives under COVID-19 Pandemic"(pdf, 8.2MB)
Dr. Anawat Suppasri
Associate Professor, Tsunami Engineering Research Field, Hazard and Risk Evaluation Research Division,
Earthquake Induced Tsunami Risk Evaluation (Tokio Marine), Endowed Research Division (Concurrent),
International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University
(4) 16:05-16:20 Q&A and Closing
Second Seminar

(1) 15:00-15:05 Introduction
Mr. NAKAGAWA Masaaki, Executive Director, ADRC
(2) 15:05-15:50 Lecture
"Tsunami Awareness in Indonesia"(pdf, 8.9MB)
Dr. Khaerunnisa
Head Master of Architecture Program, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY)
(3) 15:50-16:00 Q&A and Closing"Q&A"(pdf, 0.4MB)
Third Seminar

(1) 15:00-15:05 Introduction
Mr. NAKAGAWA Masaaki, Executive Director, ADRC
(2) 15:05-15:50 Lecture
"Community space design for Tsunami disaster risk reduction"(pdf, 2.1MB)
Dr. OHTSU Nobuhito
Senior Researcher, National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster, Fire and Disaster Management Agency,
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Government of Japan
Visiting Associate Professor, Kobe University
(3) 15:50-16:00 Q&A and Closing
Reference Materials on Tsunami DRR:
Tsunami Seminar Secretariat:
1-5-2-5F Wakinohamakaigan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0073 JAPAN
TEL+81-78-262-5540/ FAX+81-78-262-5546
Mail: tsunamiseminar(at mark)