Good Practices 2008

The present report provides an overview of several natural disasters that occurred in the world in 2007. The Chuetsu Offshore Earthquake was a powerful M6.6 earthquake that occurred on the 16th of July in Japan. Eleven deaths and at least 1,000 injuries have been reported, and more than 300 buildings were completely destroyed. And there was an M8.0 earthquake that occurred on the 15th of August in the Pacific Ocean off Peru, and it claimed more than 500 lives. The huge tropical cyclone Sidr hit Bangladesh on the 15th of November and left in its wake approximately 3,200 deaths, 800 buildings lost, 35,000 injured and more than 7 million people affected. Such huge calamities tell us that we still have a lot to learn about reducing the impact of natural disasters.
In the meantime, we are looking into how the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2005?2015) is progressing, and it is widely agreed that education aimed at disaster reduction should become an integral part of the sustainable development of societies. The follow-up to the Hyogo Framework Priority for Action must bring us close to information-sharing and effective enhancement of education aimed at reducing the risk of disaster at the community level.
At the current state of progress of the HFA, the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) will not only continue to support the development of scientific capability against disasters, but will also pay attention to information-sharing and education aimed at disaster prevention. The ADRC has collaborative status with the United Nation Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA) Kobe and the International Recovery Platform (IRP), and it also works closely with many stakeholders in Asia. The ADRC and these partner organizations have formulated a holistic approach to disaster risk reduction known as Total Disaster Risk Management (TDRM).
“Total Disaster Risk Management: Good Practices” is a user-friendly handbook on the concept of TDRM and its good practices, and it was published for the UN World Conference on Disaster Reduction that was held on 18-22 January 2005 in Kobe, Japan. The enclosed “Good Practices 2008” contains good practices submitted by ADRC member countries to share knowledge among relevant stakeholders in order to contribute to global disaster risk reduction.
Furthermore, it would be our great pleasure to continue receiving a broad range of good practices from you. I hope this publication will further promote the TDRM approach and contribute to efforts to build a safer world.
- "Terra non Firma"--an Entertainment Tool for Raising Earthquake Awareness of Pre-and Primary-School Children in Armenia
- Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India - United Nations Development Programme Disaster Risk Management Programme (2002-2007)
- Landslide Hazard Mitigation in Indonesia - The Effectiveness of the Role of Communities in Hazard Mitigation Applied to Merapi Volcano
- The Role of the Quick Response Team During Volcanic Crises in Indonesia
- Disaster Planning by Residents Based on Awareness of their Own Situation: Disaster Drills in the Shakemachi Neighborhood of Harunasan-machi (Takasaki, Gunma)
- Disaster & Women Information Network in Japan - A Webpage Developed by an NPO in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan -
- Successful Flood Prevention Measures in Myanmar
- Application of SABO Technology to Control Debris Flow and Landslides
: Experience from Mugling-Narayanghat Highway Disaster
- Safety and Security System for Hazmat Transport Vehicles in Singapore
- Community Capacity Building for Minimising Adverse Tsunami Impacts in Sri Lanka: Experience of Disaster Management Centre, Sri Lanka 29
- Internalisation of Disaster Safety Message in a Community:A Case of Safety from Landslides
- Community-Based Landslide Watch Network in Thailand