[Proceeding] International Conference
Proceedings of the International Conference on Total Disaster Risk Management
2-4 December 2003
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3.Background paper
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-DAY 1-
Opening speech
5.Mr. Terje Skavdal, Regional Disaster Response Advisor, OCHA Kobe
(21kb, pdf)
6.Mr. Katushiko Hara, Director for Disaster Preparedness, Cabinet Office, Japan
(28kb, pdf)
7.Mr. Yutaka Kitabayashi, Director General, Disaster Management Bureau, Hyogo Prefecture
(17kb, pdf)
Keynote speech
8.Mr. Satoru Nishikawa, Executive Director, ADRC
"Total Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Development"
(892kb, pdf)
9 Mr. Thomas Brennan, Regional Disaster Reduction Advisor, UNDP Bangkok
"Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management, Some Possible Steps"
(44kb, pdf)
10.Dr. Haruo Hayashi, Professor, Kyoto University
"The needs of Holistic Approach ~Lessons from Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake"
(50kb, pdf)
Panel Discussion: Best Practices Towards Total Risk Management
11.Mr. Hongtao Wan, Research Center on Flood and Draught Disaster Reduction, China
"Policies and Measures on Flood Mitigation in China since 1998""
(108kb, pdf)
12.Mr. Noboru Yamazaki, NHK
"NHK’s Emergency News Reports"
(27kb, pdf)
13.Mr. Anil Sinha, Former Head, National Centre for Disaster Management, India
"Development of an Integrated Disaster Management System in India: Importance of Reliable Information"
(73kb, pdf)
14.Mr. Nguyen Hung Ha, Vietnam Red Cross
"Summary of Mangrove Disaster Preparedness Programme and Its Impact"
(46kb, pdf)
Announcement: "World Conference on Disaster Reduction"
15.Mr. Yuichi Ono, UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
(22kb, pdf)
-DAY 2-
Current initiative
16.Mr. Thomas Brennan, Regional Disaster Reduction Advisor, UNDP Bangkok
"The Socio-Economic Impact Methodology"
(27kb, pdf)
17.Mr. Akghtar Hossain, PEng, Local Coordinator, CFAB & Managing Director, Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Bangladesh
"Climate Forecast Applications In Bangladesh For Water Related Disaster Mitigation"
(208kb, pdf)
18.Dr. Holger Meinke, Agency for Food and Fibre Sciences, Department of Primary Industries, Australia
"Climate Risk Management and Agriculture in Australia and beyond: Linking Research to Practical Outcomes"Background Paper
(35kb, pdf)
19.Mr. Satoru Nishikawa, Executive Director, ADRC, Japan
"GLobal Unique Disaster IDEntifier Number (GLIDE): For Effective Disaster Information Sharing and Management"
(35kb, pdf)
20.Dr. Artro Pesigan, WHO WPRO
"Humanitarian Supply Management System in the Western Pacific Region"
(16kb, pdf)
21.Ms. Ardi Voets, FUNDE SUMA
"An Effective Humanitarian Supply Management System for Natural and Man-Made Disasters"
(32kb, pdf)
22.Mr. Loy Rego, Director of Knowledge Sharing and Partnerships and Co-Team Leader of Disaster Management System Team, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
"The Primer on Disaster Risk Management in Asia"
(34kb, pdf)
Africa’s experience
23. Ms. Feng Min Kan, Senior Regional Officer, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), Kenya (no digital data)
-DAY 3-
Risk Communication among Stakeholders
24.Mr. Yong Seok Kim, Deputy Chief, Social Division, Korean Broadcasting System (KBS), Korea
"Role of Media in Disseminating Information on Disaster Risk"
(39kb, pdf)
25.Mr. Sunil Jain, Contributing Editor, Business Standard, India
"The Media and Other Disasters"
(19kb, pdf)
26.Mr. Hiroyuki Saegusa, Director of Management Division, Broadcasting Station, AM Kobe, Japan
"From Destruction to Reconstruction"
(37kb, pdf)
27.Mr. Alberto Aldeba Lim, President, Corporate Network for Disaster the Response, Philippines
"The Role of the Business Sector in Disaster Preparedness and Response”
(37kb, pdf)
28.Mr. Pawan Devraj Kant, Executive Assistant to Chairman & Managing Director, Hindustan Construction Company Ltd, India & Regional Coordinator, Disaster Resources Network-India, An initiative of the World Economic Forum & Construction Federation of India
"Partnership with the Private Sector in Promotion of Total Disaster Risk Management (TDRM)"
(51kb, pdf)
29.Mr. Naoki Kokawa, Director, International Relief Japanese Red Cross Society, Japan
"Community Based Disaster Preparedness Red Cross/Red Crescent Approach and Cases"
(33kb, pdf)
30.Mr. Amod Dixit, Executive Director National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET), Nepal
"The Community Based Program of NSET for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation"
(69kb, pdf)
31.Mr. Dang Thanh Son, Team Leader, World Vision , Vietnam
"A Short Review of the Central Vietnam Disastermitigation Project in Quang tri Province "
(22kb, pdf)
32.Mr. Seiji Suwa, Environment and Disaster Mitigation Course, Maiko High School, Japan
"Disaster and School"
(102kb, pdf)
33.Mr. Alvaro Antonyan, Armenian National Survey for Seismic Protection, Armenia
"Lessons Learned From Spitak 1988 Earthquake"
(340kb, pdf)
34.Mr. Badaoui Rouhban, Chief, Section of Engineering Sciences and Technology, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris
“Education for Sustainable Development and Disaster Reduction"
(20kb, pdf)
Closing speech
35.Mr. Satoru Nishikawa, Executive Director, ADRC, Japan
(16kb, pdf)
36.Mr. Manu Gupta, The Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS), India
(12kb, pdf)
37.Mr. Yahaya Udin, Director of National Security Division, Prime Minister's Department, the Government of Malaysia
(12kb, pdf)
38.Mr. Terje Skavdal, Regional Disaster Response Advisor, OCHA Kobe
(18kb, pdf)
39.Summary of Sessions
(57kb, pdf)
40.Chairperson's summary
(40kb, pdf)
NGO meeting
41.Background paper
(21kb, pdf)
(16kb, pdf)
43.Mr. Manny de Guzman, Consultant, UN OCHA Kobe and ADRC
"Promoting and Strengthening NGO Cooperation Through The Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN)"
"Summary of Inputs and Views on ADRRN"
(19kb) (22kb)
44.Mr. Amod Dixit, Executive Director & General Secretary, NSET, Nepal
"Promoting and Strengthening NGO Cooperation through The Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network (ADRRN) Network Development"
(37kb, pdf)
45.Mr. Terje Skavdal, Regional Disaster Response Advisor, OCHA Kobe
"NGO Networking and Cooperation Towards Total Disaster Risk Management in Asia"
(28kb, pdf)
Session summary
46.Summary of Group Presentations
(27kb, pdf)
Caucasus meeting
47.Background & Agenda, Session summary
(89kb, pdf)
48. Dr. Kimiro Meguro (no digital data)