Asian Disaster Reduction Center(ADRC)
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[REPORT] Regional Workshop

Networking and Collaboration among Non-Governmental Organizations of Asian Countries in Disaster Reduction and Response
20-22 February, 2002
Kobe, Japan




Opening Speech of Mr. Satoru Nishikawa

Executive Director, Asian Disaster Reduction Center

Opening Speech of Mr. Ed Tsui

Director, UN-OCHA New York

Opening Speech of Mr. Kenichi Aoto

Chief, Emergency Management of Hyogo Prefecture Government

Opening Speech of Dr. Ruben C. Umaly

Executive Director, ASEAN Foundation

Opening Speech of Mr. Kiyoshi Natori

Senior Planner for Disaster Preparedness, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan

Profiling NGOs of Asian Countries: Commonalities and Rationale for Networking in Disaster Reduction and Response

Mr. Manny de Guzman, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, Alliance for Emergency Response and Training, the Philippines
Mr. Amod Mani Dixit, General Secretary, National Society for Earthquake Technology, Nepal

Best Practice of UN-OCHA and NGOs' Cooperation: - A Case Study of UN-OCHA Indonesia Office

Mr. Michael Elmquist, Deputy to the Humanitarian Coordinator and Chief,UN-OCHA Indonesia

The International Strategy for Disaster Reduction: A Requirement for Sustainable Development and a Tool for Regional and Non-governmental Organizations

Mr. Salvano Briceno, Director, UN ISDR Secretariat

Professionalism and Commitment: The Key to Cooperation?

Mr. Peter Walker, Head of Regional Delegation, IFRC, Bangkok

The Role of NGOs in Disaster Reduction and Response: A Singapore Example

Dr. Tan Chi Chu, Executive Director, The Singapore International Foundation

Best Practice in Networking and Collaboration in Case of YMCAs in Disaster-prone Countries

Mr. Yukio Miyazaki, C.E.O., Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation, Inc., Japan

Government - NGO Collaboration for Disaster Reduction and Response: - the Orissa (India) Experience

Mr. Aurobindo Behera, Managing Director, Orissa State Disaster Mitigation Authority,Government of India

The Total Disaster Risk Management Approach: An Introduction

Mr. Manny de Guzman, Philippines


Ms. Madeline Moulin-Acevado, Advocacy and External Relations Officer, UN-OCHA Geneva

The Statement of Understanding Endorsed by the Workshop Participants

Delivered by Dr. Jemilah Mahmood (MERCY Malaysia) and Mr. Manu Gupta (SEEDS) Representatives of the participants

Closing Speech of Mr. Ed Tsui

Director, UN-OCHA New York

Closing Speech of Mr. Satoru Nishikawa

Executive Director, Asian Disaster Reduction Cent

Closing Speech of Ms. Feng Min Kan

Regional Disaster Response Advisor for Asia, UN-OCHA Kobe

Programme Agenda

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